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24 NARF Legal Rev. 1 (1999)

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          Two Cabinet Officers Cited for Contempt
                               by Federal Judge
Calling this a trust fhnd is perhaps the most ironic use of the word trust in history. Time and time
again Indians have trusted in the federal government and at each and every stage they have been
betrayed. This is just a modern-day manifestation of the betrayal. Keith Hai-per, NARF Attorney

The court is deeply disappointed that any liti-
gant would fail to obey orders for production of
documents, and then conceal and cover-up that
disobedience with outright false statements that
the court then relied upon. But when that liti-
gant is the federal government, the misconduct
is even more troubling. The institutions of our
federal government cannot continue to exist if
they cannot be trusted. The court here conduct-
ed monthly status conferences where plaintiffs
complained that the government was not pro-
ducing the required documents. Because of the
court's great respect for the Justice Department,
the court repeatedly accepted the government's
false statements as true. and brushed aside the

plaintiffs' complaints. This
two-week contempt trial
has certainly proved that
the court's trust in the
Justice Department was
misplaced.    The federal
government here did not
just stub its toe. It abused
the rights of the plaintiffs
to obtain these trust docu-
ments, and it engaged in a
shocking pattern of decep-
tion of the court. I have
never seen more egregious
misconduct by the federal
government. In my own
experience, government
lawyers always strived to
set the example by follow-
  ing the highest ethical

VOLUME 24, NO. 1

standards that were then a model for the rest of
the legal profession, and the Justice Department
always took the position that its job was not to
win an individual case at all costs, but to see that
justice was done. Justice has not been done to
these Indian beneficiaries. Moreover, justice
delayed is justice denied. The court cannot tol-
erate more empty promises to these Indian plain-
tiffs. The time has come for action, and the court
will make full use of its powers to ensure that this
case gets back on track.

  So concluded United States District Judge
Royce C. Lamberth on February 22, 1999 as the
Court found by clear and convincing evidence

Two Cabinet Officers Cited
for Contempt by
Federal Judge .................... page  1
Preliminary Injunction is
Granted on Alaska's English
Only Initiative  .................. page 5
U.S. Supreme Court Rules
Against Arizona Tribes ...... page 7

NARF Attorney .................. page 8
NARF Resources and
Publications ...................... page  9

that    Bruce    Babbitt,
Secretary of the Interior;
Robert Rubin, Secretary of
the Treasury; and Kevin
Gover, Assistant Secretary,
Department of the Interior
were in civil contempt of
the United States District
Court for the District of
Columbia for their failure
to produce court-ordered
records in the largest law-
suit  ever   brought   by
American Indians against
the federal government.

  The   Native  American
Rights Fund (NARF) and
private counsel had filed
the class action lawsuit


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