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14 McGill J. Sust. Dev. L. 1 (2018-2019)

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Judicial Education for Sustainability

Laurel  Besco*

Is  there a  need for  judicial education  on
sustainability? This paper argues that given the
increasing  relevance and  widespread  nature
of sustainability, it is important for judges to
be  educated on  these concepts. Further, there
is some evidence that both an  identified need
and  judicial acceptance for judicial education
programs  on  sustainability does exist, at least
in  some parts of the judiciary. This analysis
draws  on international statements, conferences,
symposia,  case law, and  comments   made  by
those  within  and  outside  the judiciary  to
demonstrate this need. While judicial education
on  sustainability is a global need, the specific

Ya-t-il un besoin pour l'ducation judiciaire
,4 la durabilit'? Cet essai propose que, compte
tenu de la pertinence croissante de la durabilite
et de sa nature re'pandue, il est important que
lesjuges soient iduquis 4 ces sujets. De plus, il
existe de la preuve soutenant qu'il existe tant
un  besoin reconnu qu'une volont judiciaire-
du  moins de la part d'unepartie du systime
judiciaire-pour  des programmes d'dducation
,4 la durabilitd Cette analyse sefonde, en guise
depreuve,  sur des diclarations internationales,
des confirences, des symposiums, de lajuris-
prudence  ainsi que des commentairesformulds
par des individus au sein et i l'extirieur des
systimesjudiciaires. Quoique l'ducation judi-
ciaire 4 la durabilie correspond i un besoin

content  of the education might  vary between
countries. This article provides several examples
of  what  judicial education  curricula might
focus on  in  different jurisdictions, including
a  discussion of the importance of context and
its role in shaping  country-specific programs.
The  paper concludes by demonstrating that the
judiciary is and will continue to be called upon
to adjudicate on matters ofsustainability as well
as  other related concepts, as they increasingly
become  part of jurisprudence, legislation, and
government  action. Therefore, judicial education
for sustainability is ofgrowing importance.

mondial,  le contenu spicifique de cette iduca-
tion peut difflrer d'unejuridiction 4 une autre.
Cet essaifournitplusieurs exemples de curricu-
lumsjudiciaires ajin de souligner leur contenu
dans drjfirentes juridictions, et il prsente une
discussion de l'importance du contexte et de son
rWle dans la conception de programmes propres
,4 chaque pays. Cet essai conclut en affirmant
que  lesjuges sontprisentement appels-et
qu'ils le seront encore- adjudiquer des dis-
putes sur la durabilie et sur d'autres concepts
lids, et que ces derniers intgrent de plus en plus
la jurisprudence, la loi et les mesures gouver-
nementales. Ainsi, I'importance de l'ducation
judiciaire i la durabilite est en croissance.

Laurel Besco (PhD) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and the Institute for
Management  &  Innovation at the University of Toronto. The author wishes to thank the journal's
anonymous  reviewers for their insightful comments. This research was made possible by funding from
the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

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