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3 McGill J.L. & Health 1 (2009)

handle is hein.journals/mcghealp3 and id is 1 raw text is: EDITOR'S NOTE

Virginie Marier*
The MJLH continues to grow by leaps and bounds. After graduating from experimental Publica-
tion to full-fledged Journal last summer, we issued a first and, as the articles in this issue demon-
strate, highly successful open call for submissions. Fortuitously complementary pieces resulted in
this three-themed volume.
Drugs top the list. At the input level, Ron Bouchard and Monika Sawicka's dual contribution ex-
plains Canada's drug licensing regime from scientific and legal perspectives. At the output level,
Amir Attaran decries procedural lacunae in patient access to these drugs.
Viennent ensuite les accommodements raisonnables en milieu de travail. Judith Mosoff nous of-
fre notre premier commentaire d'arr&, dans lequel elle explore quelques d6veloppements r6cents
dans la jurisprudence canadienne. Pour leur part, Anne-Marie Laflamme and Sophie Fantoni-
Quinton apportent une critique comparative des syst~mes franqais et canadien afin de d6terminer
l'approche l6gale la plus susceptible d'avantager les travailleurs.
Finally, Denise Avard, Bartha Knoppers, and Gillian Nycum present a comprehensive, interna-
tional look at potential sources of legal obligations to communicate genetic risk within families. In
this, we welcome and celebrate the fruitful contribution of an MJLH founder to the academic health
law community beyond the walls of the Faculty.
The MJLH family is expanding. Enthusiastic, enterprising medical students joined our ranks last
fall and were instrumental in turning the idea of a Student Colloquium on Law and Health into a
successful reality. Five distinguished members of the McGill extended community also accepted an
invitation to join our advisory board: the Honourable Senator David W. Angus, Professor emeritus
Paul-Andr6 Cr6peau, Maitre Am6lie Dionne-Charest, the Honourable Justice Allan Hilton, and Pro-
fessor Robert Kouri. Welcome!
For five years, McGill students have invested their time and devoted their energies to the MJLH
as a work of love. This fall, thanks to the ardent support of Associate Dean David Lametti and to the
collaborative efforts of the editors-in-chief of the McGill Law Journal and the McGill International
Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy, the MJLH becomes a fully accredited endeav-
I would like to thank our departing Dean Nicholas Kasirer, whose belief in the nobility of volun-
teer work and trust in the greatness of the Faculty inspired us, and whose unbending support bol-
stered and concretized not only this Journal but also McGill's blossoming health law specialty.
En terminant, je remercie notre conseill~re aguerrie, Mine Angela Campbell, ainsi que mon 6qui-
pe de r6dacteurs qui a su bien choisir et corriger les articles que vous lirez dans ce volume. Plus par-
ticuli~rement, j'exprime ma gratitude envers l'extraordinaire Dorian Needham, le minutieux Nari-
mane Nabahi, et le d6vou6 Mike Huynh, qui ont form6 un cercle ex6cutif imbattable pendant l'ann6e.
I am proud to pass the mantle on to Mike, who shouldered more than his fair share of work in getting
Volume III to press and whose innovative touch will no doubt lead the way to a remarkable fourth
Volume in 2010.
A votre sant6!

* Editor-in-Chief, McGill Journal of Law and Health, Vol. 3.

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