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4 Law Student 1 (1926-1927)

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OL. IV, No, 1        ne American L-aa 1oo Co.   BROOKLYN, NEW       YORK           24 pages             OCTOBER 1, 1926

Bar Applicants to Be Tested in Ability to Use
Law Books
At the next Ohio bar exam- vise clients with accuracy and
ination, held in Columbus the to prepare briefs on trial and
first Tuesday and Wednesday appeal, thus performing to the
in December, which will be full his duty to the courts of
the 7th and 8th of that month, which he is an officer and to
all applicants will be required the general public which he
to demonstrate their ability in serves.
legal research or the use of         New Mexico
law books by preparing briefs  In July the second research
on a special question to be bar examination was given in
submitted to them 'by the bar New  Mexico.  Judge R. R.
examiners. The details of giv- Wright of Santa FA, one of
ing this examination to the the examiners, reports that
large number of applicants in there were only two appli-
Ohio, the relative weight to cants for admission doe to the     A
be accorded answers to the fact that a number of men
research  question, and  the who had planned to take the
exact amount of time to be examination    went over   to
devoted thereto, have not at Texas to take the examina-
this writing been. determined tion there. judge Wright re-
by the Supreme Court and ports that both of the appli-        CHARACTERINVE
the Board of Bar Examiners. cants did well on the research
When   these matters have test.
been considered and deter-     The first research bar     Statement by Chief Justic
mined an announcement will animation in New Mexico was            Court as to Chara
be made in this Journal.     given in January,
The great state of Ohio,
which has always been a pio-                                                      The
neer in educational matters,
thus takes the lead among the Notable Work of Ohio Su-
larger states of the country in preie Court Recognized
introducing the research test
as supplemental to and as an                              which you make inquiry as to
improvement and betterment     The Committee on Judicial what action has been taken in
of existing bar examinations  Administration and Legal Re- Ohio looking to the eimina-
Adoption by Ohio of this test, form incorporated this state- tion Of the morally unfit from
which requires that each bar ment in   its report to the those admitted to the prac-
aplicant  demonstrate   his forty-seventh annual meeting ice of the law. Replying I
ability to use law hooks and of the Ohio State Bar Asso- have to state that for the
verify his independent conclt- ciation:                   past two years   have made
sion as to the law controlling  TIn accordance with the do- up a list of applicants ac
a state of facts, marks a co-tesonor omte'ou-            cording to their geographical
siderable advance in raising tisrveYtheorkinge 'o the location and have submitted-
posrts that bohin of the pi
the standards for adission j      lsuch lists to the local bar as-
to the -bar, and cannot fail to jdcasytmoth        sae'sociations with instructions
we desire to commend the Su- to look  carefully into the
be beneficaliinnits ffectaupo
the courts, the bar itself, the preme Court fr Is prompt-
general public, and especia  ness in disposiof           character qualifications of the
asapplicants and to report to
imrvmn  ands bettermentctoy on
ost                                                       the Court the result oftheir
atidition of the court's docket.
icT                             work of the                           each instance
A report of the method of Corthspeerb            eme where any doubt is expressed
giving this Ohio examination Cor.   a    ee    enmr       concerning -character qualifi-
to several hundred applicants satisfactory in all the history cations the bar association is
at once we hone to print        e state, and lawyers uni- instructed to conduct an in-
our next issue. The success- versally commend the court quest giving the applicant the
ful giving of the examination for. its pro mpt dispatch of benefit of opportunity to in-
in Ohio will conclusively thm- business, its Courtesy to the toduce testimony in his own
onstrate the Possibility of re-
quiring research work from   ioss so the judicial business bheh alf, a  reth commitee
tothenemakes anreportoinfdetail
the large numbers of appli- of te state.                to the Court of the testimony
canrts in the more populous   The Honorable Carrington   aen, with recommendations,
states.                     T. Marshall, Chief Justice, If the recommendations are
It is to be loped that other has shown unexceied execu- adverse and the student de-
large states will follow  the tive capacity and unusual le- mands it, the Court gives the
ad of Ohio in adopting this gal attainments and it is the student a hearing and the op-
test, which is indeed neces- hope of the bar that e may portunit to introduce evi-
sary if the bar examination is long be spared to serve the deuce in his behalf.  This
to be a fully adequate test of state with his high devotion to method  serves  the  double
each applicant's ability to ad- puhc duty.              purpose of permitting the o


e Marshall of Ohio Supreme
cter Investigation of
s and Necessity
cat bar associations to make
inquiry into the qualifications
of those who expect to prac-
tice in their respective con-
munities and it relieves the
Court of the labor of making
a preliminary inquiry. It is
found that the preliminary
inquiry generally disposes of
the entire matter. I need not
say that character qualifica-
tions are much more impor-
tant than academic attain-
I have for some time had
a notion, which has not yet
been passed upon by the
Court, that every student upon
registration should have the
character qualifications care-
fully examined and that any
moral obliquity which might
develop or he discovered
during the course of study
would be grounds for strik-
ing the applicant from regis-
tration.  Such a period of
probation would not only be
means of keeping closer tab
upon the student, but would
also be a source of stability
to the student himself.
This very briefly sets forth
my views upon the question
you ask.
Carrington T. Marshall,
Chief Justice, Supreme Court
of Ohio.

Whitman Heads American
Bar Association
Charles S. Whitman, former
governor of New York, was
elected President of the
American Bar Association,
July 16th, at its convention
held in Denver.
The election of the former
New   York   governor  was
made unanimous after the
name of George IV. Wicker-
sham, former attorney-gei-
eral of the United States, was
The name of Jefferson P.
Chandler, Los Angeles attor-
ney, was not presented for
consideration as had been ex-
Mr. Wickersham's name
was withdrawn following a
sharp skirmish in the General
Council, which reported out
only the former New York
governor's name. The with-
drawal was based on his con-
nection with the American
Law Institute, a separate
division of the Bar Associa-
tion, of which he is president.
Basing their argument on
the objection to one man as-
suming the double Presidency,
Mr. Whitman's    supporters
prevailed upon Mr. Wicker-
sham's friends to withdraw
his name.
Washington University School
of Law
St. Louis, Mo.
Because of ill health Dean
Richard L. Goode has retired
from the faculty. Professor
Tyrrell Williams is serving as
Acting Dean. Professor C. S.
Potts, formerly of the Uni-
versity of Texas Law School,
is a new member of the
St. John's College School
of Law
Brooklyn, N. Y.
St. Tohn's College announces
a women's law class for the
term beginning in October. to
be 'conducted under the au-
spices of St. John's Law
School. The.plan, somewhat
of an innovation in Brooklyn
educatio-al circles, is intended
to give Brooklyn women, pro-
fessional women and house-
wives, as well as law students,
a knowledge of the workable
fundamentals of common law.
(Continued page 5, col. 5)

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