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2015 Law Rev. Kyiv U.L. [i] (2015)

handle is hein.journals/lrkyivu2015 and id is 1 raw text is: 

Ukrainian scientific and theoretical periodical

in October, 2001


4 times per year

          Kyiv University of Law of the NAS of Ukraine
V.M.Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine

Yuryi Shemshuchenko
Editor-in-Chief deputy
Yuryi Boshytskyi
Editorial team
Olga Andriiko,
Oleksandr Batanov,
Volodymyr Horbatenko,
Oleksandr Kostenko,
Pavlo Kulinich,
Volodymyr Lutc',
Mykola Onishchuk,
Natalia Parkhomenko,
Kostiantyn Savchuk,
Igor Usenko,
Tetiana Khodakivska (editor),
Olena Chernetska

Editorial team foreign
Rainer Arnold (Germany),
Bohuslav Banashek (Poland),
William E. Butler (the USA),
Arnold Warenwald (Germany),
Vanda Lamm (Hungary),
Adam Makharadze (Georgia),
Herbert Schambeck (Austria)

Recommended for publishing
by Kyiv University of Law
of the NAS of Ukraine
Academic Council
(protocol No 5, 27.02.2015)
and by V.M.Koretskyi Institute
of State and Law
of the NAS of Ukraine
Academic Council
(protocol No 3, 31.03.2015)

Subscription index

ISSN 2219-5521

  Boshytskyi Y, Chernetska 0. Improving modern legal research: the demand of time
and a means of optimizing legal education at Kyiv University of Law of NANU ................... 4
  Usenko L Academician V. M. Koretcky as a historian of law
(to the  125  year  from  the  day  of birth  of scientist)  ....................................................................  8

State and law theory and history. Philosophy of law

  Bedriy M. Legal custos of Ancient : some aspects of regulation of social relations ............... 15
  Desiatnyk V Critical legal thinking: the boundaries of scientific knowledge ...................... 19
  Dudar S. Quality of the law criteria: problem the aspect of legal integration
o f  U k rain e  an d   E U   .......................................................................................................................  2 3
  Dudehenko 0. The Law regulation of national commissariats' formation
and activity in the Ukrainian SSR in the first half of the 1920s ............................................. 26
  Kakhnych V Department of natural law, nations and institutions
at the  Law  Faculty  of the  University  of Lviv  in  1784  .............................................................  30
  Makarenko L. Legal culture and legal outlook as the key factors
of national  identity  preservation  ...............................................................................................  34
  Mikhnevich L. International Institute of Sociology and Law:
untapped project for  research  institution  ...................................................................................  38
  Serediuk V Responsibility of the state as element of the law-governed state concept ........ 42
  Terela G. Labor Chambers as supervisors over the observance of labor legislation:
analysis of legislative activity  in  the Ukrainian  State (1918) ..................................................  46
  Gonchar D. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the right to a legal assistance .. 50
  Melnychuk N. Prerequisites land reform in the Austrian monarchy by Maria Theresa
and Joseph II  and  their  distribution  in  G alicia  .......................................................................... 53
  Prystupliuk V Role of the government in the mechanism of protection
of consum er  rights  in  U kraine  .................................................................................................  59
  Svyrydenko G. Legal behavior: study and review in the new reality ................................... 62
  Tolkachova A. Guarantees for protection of child's rights and freedoms:
concept, legal nature  and  classification  ....................................................................................  65
  ]sys S. The doctrinal lawmaking basics  problems of scientific comprehension .............. 69
  Chubata M. Studies by historians of law of legislative framework of organization
and activities the of central and local authorities in ZUNR .................................................... 73
  Iukhta 0. Protecting the rights of children from family violence ....................................... 78

Constitutional law and process in Ukraine

  Batanov 0. The concept of the constitutional model of local self-government in Ukraine ... 82
  Antonov V Constitutional and legal aspects of the political component of the national
security of the Ukrainian state in terms of challenges and threats ......................................... 86
  Streltsova 0. Constitualization as a reflection of the trend of juridization
of public  relations  (theoretical aspect)  .....................................................................................  90

© Kyiv University of Law of the NAS of Ukraine, 2015
© V.M.Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine, 2015

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