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33 Liberator 1 (1863)

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BOSTON, IFIIIDA -C9 J--P*.INT-vj-&lR-Y Q, is6s.



                    S L A VMT  ANO                   m
    U-4                                     lu urt

W.  U
CIPURON OF THb. GLAV                          6*0
I'M4 tk*Rg &A&.                   um4M       PW.   -
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OiRto      e-c4D , -j, .                                      W&K.

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  -,r,70L. XXXIII. >T0. I-

161& ?r4u.. -4to*41C., -^fVUA4n4la6L.Af-

                                                                                                                                                             . .                       I                                    .    I                       .                                                                              I
                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                                  .
                          it. .                                                                                                                                        :nKTMT1 TQ        sIAVEHOLDRU,                  Ione of the eavairs, for bill yonug-thi. Imac -flbU be., ling klhTo hinceir is madie to be the wvlat lawavartal
                                                                                                                                                          .                                                            f., its co b, but The hoes, of the ,pirit, mad the lpi r4lo inipportiefthe, dempertimen tbaterairlsWim, Trans the
                                                        kO--. end ma.I,,di4-t tile ,by                                                                    ,          I                  I                                                                                                               Ins beeluriii.r. Where bad it
 *kup          of     (Appro        olon.         111ZYIAIIIIOL l 11111 ml 11,11partc Frcilanti-ted. Rwili-iialm -#  t   I  f  r  f  i   0  U   0   -     .                             6-1-1 1. Jame  ex v                       Far this object of it. afflacliml: lust-,-  history or this war from I
                                                                                                                                                           I  IV   `ft. iterproasion, rawe                 ls t. oaor!                                                                        k.r-  exrwedtrvw.lsrm-tld1sl--mw*F
                                                       heiii; ... oti4t; ternplesl.rol In kho--                       .    . . . . . .                    -                                                            I        Illes.kabettair4o'limen.   bat woreashmemi C-flodM6 M
                                                                                             ,                                                                   particabirly alwasall, thsl .[Iaa Into cmrarip.timl tn- =      `
 .-                      L                                  ioL filide it ])As                      Am                                                                                                                                                                                                  .   5    '  '    As advise-
 -!  .     -        -- -    -,=                   -11      I               diej.i.ttd it., nxdan                                                                                                                      -itivrould  brtmk tivulamilik oftlic, wIlDlesysilem, Bat Wbcm   has An
   F,3MOT 1,1111COL11,13   PROCLAMATION.          tile ,,,go, of ,7u LecOnlina,,41 ?                                  M     , OLM      OM     a.                valph  1. Aliartouri .- I wi tnry ever Lt* vinech-ld-  ,                                                                      opportunity  acwtvaing   a
 F3                     -                                                            Me th. splendid                                                                                      .                              be-  i6a  so dark for the steam, it inarstalic, be dark t  bee    tiffC-LimparsurimpirramelT     Ourinhic].
 'J ,,1,.(,s.aI.nIa gi,.                     A    PILLIFIAIICilfurewcr    Abolition radaslia,  --       Them   is no Word .am frequently anti angrily      artliciOuiribuft, of the ,,r,)F ,Ia-  ,, i'tmt,-  for the conater-blatlit as tha-crad-aind thee hamfood. ..ilt haven -, the y'AdLat no An-  . lit' I wisdolm that emea marked the U'-IT--  tnt, ..,I that the enollest Was one partaking largely  I   boon the daring raid.m. the ircharityaltemovive,
                   -d anti le., andorotomel than the word Abiltifice-                                                                                            :.a aide: being mpresiontml entirely-by Blave-carisam of that blackinm  like its prototype, .at 1. tho.ehief  merati the cealielame W.tChi.gk tl* . ily antt-gy, the
 e 71                                              be prildlillitursticate-Boeari. (Calhd,'c) Piht.     inib.  Prosidem  Lincoln   and  Daniel  &  Dickitsmbn    ad tWr   .dherents,. -ad the other citirtly by -- 'in                                                        invention  and  preparation  of new  largin  of de
 ,,      - -    I      ,                                     -          --    -                                                                                                                                       .     !ant in the dirr explosive that   Iowa up  the
   ,m P,, 1-,,I .,, -1 t1ilt Oil dcm,,  legilly
 ,    I i, ,;.fll, .It .'art ,61, is . oJillor conaid-                                                   Gowerear  Johnson  nail Governor  Andrew.   nor]-      Slaahoidon,    Such  is not the  CALL i fired justice to       (Applaware.)  If them  be  no books  for the   Mmodon,   iLnd the prompt  Use of all prialbliva anamins
 '. I--              I  ked  11yon a, st nawance                                                          Wd   'mail Wlallili Phillips, Am  all ,.[led by tile  a largo  maxl     or ... best, b&,d-Workiag Ernst,,;-  rninion. or .                        -  n ... for the  And Rprilancts  a vmr?
                        .'                                          kBOLITIONMEL                                                                                                                                                   'tro  picnianis' there A        lit With    Wh,  e, ..,h is the spirit that sAwantes &be goatti,
 ,;,, ,.A ... , It ,-t Is- .', M                                 .                                                                                   Me  'Von                                                          miIiian or W, Ito picsolicullos .he ran  &be
 ,c - .I ilt M, i j, 11 Vo5c '  hi, it, in may                                 , it few days  since, in -nPubute, Ofeconetharobbot-opoi                        pritionist, in bliLtwnui, -be am Cos.~  Of slaves, re- ,he..   Itence  the ed-Wal ilptarounce.  -f the        Anil rebellion, what it it that anialmetes out war Far
  .t I,- - rti,, , a Mmrrs ta  le nicatrucii    The  EAlifiliq Posr ind.IV                           111liCh nit the, men agree, and that is a truly vigor- quires that it should be stated.                                               I The power of their lr  erm   its suppression ? Is the cratilon, under the Influential -
 i[,,5',. .o I IiI.L. it n.,L gain A ... 11-nme active I th  ,lcaoitg ditlns;on that L one Who il ra to get lid mn, provcation or tba war. But that is nh Abali-   Previous to the cleetion, And mince, we have ben    .bit  a  Elie South, a Ad
                 .    . I r, Now Eigland   Allic,  of t it, Aboliticalidim hire only to ,-cr rill of slavery. Lionksm, rtkiallincipAtiOUL as 4 malkhS Of war, ma                                                        After thiis war, 00,000 mail, -a-   soldier-, -ill m-  of it, own niigbty ski, Fretchmen ?   Am  all the #.r-
 , I ,        . '                                                                                                                                      t . be in confidential communivation   with A.-holderaii  mis to
       'Ii`l il .11r -'nL .It a'-ry ,oavc, ,Lrs lblorgi; ..dlh,-y mat Ir,,-c.. pli htb,-ipkrpw 1-If6ire 3ustifivill by .I or IbET; but that is net AWE   on-                                                           re to ex wi0i their towl     in their Chesil-, .ad   gaau;   , that coubint to Amen  the bMy      i     so
 ,,,,;!I UL-1                                                                                                                                                    .oil -  otlurx, in &It sections a the State, and be-   Am                                                                                               p otic,,
       I pllt ;, ,.lit it. Are fir Ili:,, peraliarly We- ri.`,liv-,.th-e  .built be  no Abolitirmiril.,                                                                                                                y, - Thaso SooLhimislo  dai   know   .tab.   Mary    strict rLbonfl-li-  to cliationevatirrincriplis sirlaich
  -,jo                                                                                                    i-.   Ilic. wq   Abollitiori   deignotc.  a party  in  in ,numquencle   the meant   of judging Or  t6ii mat   .
  I  ..... I sfli..' K -,.,. I a                                   ' rit(.4 Mitskea  Ivan,! Inim you i    the  ecrouirr; whose  position  And  intlEenou  h&Io   wittiments  upon  the  sobjk-L or emancipation.lirt` I .   . I  I ir .biectm and ?.I, am  '  '  1, is A a Lkholl Is C  , -  r_..,,,,,  igreirstril fillcoms,  gave us nntionni existence ?  Me Eimin Ili* the
  ,-!L- r -li ....... I.; .... I o.fy ,,.,..Ali,- and not non-  d Xl'.' 'itilt,  - of the truth?  Am % on in  o,,,r been   astimittul, lareel it, reeMbr!  ai-Iris.,  of our Latin, Lewmirserutc-to W etilrl ox-  It Cannot be denied that Am an element of politi-  wery fact that Liberty ill the nadoWerad ban been
  -                .. .... t                       fact en I             '       , that thl, .all -1; ,,Iit Of ba . Itc.. too i.iuirth hated to be Fairly' treated. iribit sermis singular thinr aam                    rall imeerically, the system makee riches.  It lost    ignorod,  and  a now  orgarism attempted,  under  the
''1111i.l.-LI. 1h'      leac ircb the Urii'a        , nnoce  .L A. to unagin,                         , il                                                                                                                                                            em
                                                                                                                           I                                                                   .I'm.                              Inveholillri, but poor white ma         ve   name   of Uni. Is union it anurce of life?
               .  '11, el    perpatuaLcrIA-ly     ,ad;,.  Ab.li t acute is file Cil  ev.1ed   from  tla,                                                                                  it;a     g others. the rent                                          -nirricitala -                                                  Can
                                                                                                      .   N      - Ila* taken the trouble  to know  ,;what they                                     odeclowmen  in tile
          I,                       - act .L-dily   IrInce at' evil spirit., b,- the .-teriec or ,i.,-,,y ,it lh-cm.,,0.  Lt  e                                    S          t It ques au. NoboJ3 that many or the mosi, It hoilds up a Platorracy-Ithe TV mere eombirsition ova dead fbrms vitality 7 Union
     --!  ,',, l.,                                                                                                     at 1, y proposed.   It I,- becit encloo.  I           I       %'   or free mail ar. Lamely it%-
 ,,, Ll L     jolt Thl'y- ran call                                                                                                                                                                                     =     11 I                                  .7 worst
 .. J,,tl,, lo.lil. , - J-g, as AlAiilrm rattirvir Arnorica in  th. .iticieenth  century,  and  that  it thaLThu), we   mid  19 be disunionists.  What  1c;rd  IL 1'.'Jea`lria .kl- property.  M.-Y   of (U..'sue.    fort. or saild-racy.  Prosperous  WeAlLb  is Eke the   is a product  of life, riot lit cause, Liberty mat
 ff, ', 1 ,,,.,.rt M ,11 ,, ill k,,,,t okence of sub,, never It, L lo its mppP.r,,,.,a among mail Aroma,                        .,. Ilia
             were. however, not '                                                                                                                                                          Iy favorable  to area  in    rich bahn'A aleigh here a vomerion and unimmuner the
 -11 I' 41111 T- 1 -,-,, ti., S.,,uth. TIc gril.t.    1% is undotibtecliv true that a treat many- peoplo I of d6urionias, or  Why  di.uuicniino, here net been                                                                  I of ....-the   pro,  man's  cutter  and       nine., ma inagnetisne g.thera shares limunii 5 corrim
 ,  .1     .'Lill.- 11. 1110 \                        , beE.- that 'i.;cy  is 11'.   I -a-  of ill, ax.fl-                                making, iterver           or at               M   tn  the m(*L  tatila 'to                                                      lild but  union  creates nothing, is no lift--germ,    I
    ' I'                                 '1111.1 to do                                                     aIw   I bought to be worth               ially by  tic     heart, but have                       no                                                                                                                ':
               i     wi.-in, .r ii, u-n.;   thev,                                                         I I    itivions who  rarv call their lat. casupoenicur,                               If it, the late c..v._  1AChway-brit   this kind a  Wealth ill like the .no-      .    .                                    can
 '[' L ,.I 1.           -ortnl Ill Ila rliL                                     -1, ,
 -  'Jio-  't, -  1.                              crub. of Northern  m1kn1ien. Ile-is it is that ru A       rli, -                                               ouistarA vrorkris in its Vcha                                                                            -  no riatirrintion. Ito War  ban bamn -ago.d a, st,
 lo-uli eot.r, ,,,   go in tile ithofitict., bdt mally, i.Cl;aIiaiFAI,.                                      rinial-, t-iolo. they inzim upon the Uirl   at   it is one or 1110 ting.IAT, and bw  ar. Ole~   calih- drift fliaLblonkip Up the need (a All but Lh      islue.  Are -a fighlisig r-   union?   Do.. betwe
           .                                                               'Ole'  am'  mlclL 'to lit' ewry   east i And Islio think nail call the oponbloody  ,,nalim  reaturel, or flat election, . tiouseverrid of the                                       I ALL It
 Lt.. .41 ilf) r. :'k '. lhir tart L-1, ..i ., an ii, l Ime. that jr6lacr). Uvro ant, romew                                                                                                                           raw.   One  rich man's  hand   in Georg                to prostitute union by gunm mad aremics ? Monomers,
         l-l,.-L;la1,i.I Jl,- 11.0 i alLipt.lcv- of ter on not Anil  tailh-unium of 'd' we Ike ea' dilutnionisto   of  IM  South ,k orrin, brothreu,'  lienvieit. sinveholding                                      ads ofoo. th..nd, ..., ,, :,,i..-,-'1-l,,r.1.!r  Instance. We am  met fghtingliflari simple Union ;
 'S's'.1             n, tilurefort, at fiNt rip-lkl,       I,   FAW, .nit until thi, error is enneeted,   Bat the  bitery or likes. turl, will have  to deal   ,,',, doe ded cru..u4p  tiaTi-majorium while  cona.  nand  its the. From, Slates.i, and thus I -trikca like a .11 -- fighting for Conquest.    , ... is to subdue.
                                                                                                          11Toady   with  tile Fact', the i.fleemel  .ild the   ._
                                               It fi6,1, :,, I-- r-.,lrii!  tix ,rapport. tlc ,ounlry will not bri saveil, RLivare minver                                               ,tuaflefl in .the State  have  than  the be                          t
               ,                                                                                     be.                                                           , .a  t lc .the, bond, Itairi.g. -melyi a  mlye in  hawm at the door or the CaPtol. armed with the         Wo  laxi-A an  no'     olears it be . unlar, of firm
                                                                                                                                          ti                                     ,-t     mA                    lives to -Light   of -We orwomigil blost-         This C power     The  't,   riatie moul. a-  ubeny   inall, 131a'ary.
  -Ilr lo'! G                                                                                     f      charactQrs which   nm  suranuarily Cleated as -1 Abol;- them,  have  th,  ad p     Avery  represents,         wouldlesterriblowithusli-ittillemw crem millers         Tire on       t1o Portit, a. fee .  it has .try fire ;
           ivrn ... i-1.1  BILL 111il li.-  will fil-  Itirt, this fierce spirit of radiemlisin, and it nit be- , i.a;o,  For, nalieriv, I. vdl. the in.. known &a the 1,giolst,-
                                   . ofl t ia tile tont';t-Wilrecrefierco. Itil'o-drull                                                                                                                                                                         attri- of hu.   the other rim Ilia Sebtli. But  the North  ra mooll is
   A, 1-i Lill' .111-1 11 ,y-,fi m, , ' 0a                                                  ' 'a       JaLbelIficilisla, .1 Iutndlf l. of fall., c#. hwencli.rit, And '                  bed is, that the result at armed  anno   human  Fraud=   and  the al                      . rx                               a
 S  'L!. - ,-,Lqr- fjil, 611, I .11-IlL ill - fi-riv  It tbrie,-,,; on ilia deruir-tia. of .11 thilt it olIa  .rknt.rlL, expliii., tiam .ad their -use a. nauth, m  t I'lle great tract 115tabIll
 ,L,-  t,,ir I-0   1'r Pon, ;n 'tio neighb-h.cal      It6nopuiviling;mthelserld. F-LithearlieIL S                                                                  lie election in not the product or a prejudice ofone .A.   'gaidAy. i *       Ilia.. This is tho dicustaine  bound.   It h.not  allowed  to  meet  it. ant   ist.
                                                                                                           ,1111cIV SmiLb-1 ,rocuring wconno ondothodisam   still ,I-                                                   =       wn of the
       ... I't..'al i, a,.Ier. it ,rill provo a aam bfmaint  p rinds tho epirit of thu Pharisee, iibidi pronounced 'Medurrifisto. or flume's di.,vitipfical of Cromerell and  I  rki  .g.imiit Another tire.-              I CuptV  Dr. My [ins adminiswred     It Cannot throw, its vitalizing ebergim into every
                                                                                                                                                                  11 is lobe result of a gewosa cet',riction, entarthirted   barle   ofecautimmiev,  and Dr. Webster  bma.x-    nerve and  suniew or the  Northern  malls, mad   burl
 1't-, ; thit Lt ... Fh, us A-, ,vll 6, .1. .let %vkh to  NI other men interior to him, has ,inimaled mom  n' Lt.,. bActicroderits; but .a more. Ft is Certainly .a,  10. oura or proper d intelligenee throughout Lht, hibillal [,in Lill ... to, but all in w.i.. Now Comet, the  on,  y with its 1`01 monwittleren on it. fees. The
        I.-                                                                                           '    vilry coloplitbarlory to tba Awetic..  pca  lo 'a      State, without  2   XICC   to Rho ehamator   of their     peon, War-ho with that surgical   iustruntunt. ilia inflowner, of the permeating met h mistrial   by the
        . h.1ii. flr.-i, a-t., iturd, -r-ept rill Ihn I- Latin. Th;i ii pirt ofthe pirit of A1.4tinai-,                                                   Any                                                         I A,.,
 Ill 1.! ifl 'ml-, -11 oll -JlLhj;,J i]n. 'JU not and another F-i is th. d.-4, w ,ompol other                                                   ,                                                                  ,Z].   Cuts opera the barly of the patient, and fall,  foLd alcers and      d'   ;vulgivaries that b ... a
                  hat a few bitter ran                                                                                                                                         Lot slavery in Missouri is a             I                                                              tied to  =          the  substantial forces 5
 -1  ,.  4!s.,  No   ,Ili    . ,t        --   I,[,. to submit  16 its viii-I of r!6hL anti iinong,   The   Iiiibaimi , mod a' Iew other fanatics Ak the  South,   ,;,o;,17. l-clumbem,.ribeg-..,I,.dy.,.I Worth- hi. notte. ill kidney .ad Ime'L, in J;vvr and bra;n:      pmpnn
 r.rl 'I, -.-J'fiaL                licd that   Antelerin  Uilion migh, li-,  oNl,,1v,1 in          ,         See             urged  th'y  'on'   or P-    leso ,,unit, fla, aboror cut     is ,ol Cut in,,  the
                          .'a. h  ' to            I ,, n,                                   a   till '  '      cami'ai', P,                                                           do.                                 YHAT'a   WIRAT'S   Tells AIATTFR              the lloppblki.  The .-mail date  coul-  has been .af-
 11 .. ,,J h.. It,,- -1-1. ltlln 'V'L ..'it arratt tifediv,  I of t;nsc if it tr-t.i-,I no rallioil. men; but ple into this teemendeces civil war. If  Live indi- tire ilia better for the true ittia-m   of ill. State.                Now cum him, ma. Iii.      TIP patient h.ial becur  --cited to the ifisessim;
 -   ,,,,.,, ,F h-iJa,-'.hjJi tic ,roill ,adopt Lownrit; -4hoid lilso-ey, Aal with                                                                                                                                                                                              fored  to extend its roots down  to the  very  heart-
                                                                               radical men, Cil,,, at tire ,ai..I. James 00s,  bad hali hi, long                                                                        I (Toornerdou,  appla.w.)
 ti,     1`7.d            I                                                      lit, it was cortsui At one he, e been lie P                                            ,I .1h  or ent-ripation,  although to acsn  FX-  up, and let bit. go 1 (Bar                         I   Wadrd 1. it. ran,   ulcerations, am the rill, Vian,
               ., ILI- it,.. it 1-2 tclrif)' Scallo North or ,-;out I, Utoc or JVc                                                            glue, would there  The  i num                                                                      ..*ad appla.mC.)   We  ,ha
. EIL ll dill l11L-',i1-l': 1111t it 1-.JLI or,,akeri ill,  till,. ar abolhor to plunge into flitocieum A.,tionaleim.  tilliolcition ?  If John  Harnpiden  laid  itut  aide , undoobtactly, by the pentilitir condition not aoj, lorrZer be told that these am Abolition ties                              in     is
                                                                                                           ri   tho ,hip trouivy, ..old  the Stuarts, tsed:ly, ba                                                                                                               weldod   to the stimulus of his cups.   TlwF business
 .,.;. .,f iJ, ,lktg,,a;-! - k, I I, ileuidin-its %v:iih  Irmot, wen Coolant to Ii-and let triLlimberalone,                                                      or public   sitcirs in our indst, w3., .at the Work of about sairtry.  There  is the ulcer !-we  have  seen   or stateffersen his bee. to administer orriallest end wout-
                                                                                                           ki-   of  E-Isall?    3nme5   Otii and  John. Hamp-    the bAyanct.  of popular  excitement, or northing  of I                     , we have  rl.an)  it.
                                                                         ire debou'ts,        'oul  d-%Cre bu7       on, who spoke  for flindamental anti    Ftampcuary  rintimbut. of th. soberwitanA  thought  , i11wethilIve. lumb'd it                             ,])-a,-  At length, death stares tat in tbq face. We
 11 - IA 1111-1- ,o- -ry , le-p .1 .. ..... till- ht;,vks ; all cog.rd. .11 difousi                                     I 'a                                                                                                        rt h and South have ,..,,  to one case],,-  plan  ourselves in the hand  of tb.  physiven,   Illve
 i I -,  , lhnt it -'.t.l ....... a-i-t fliv nlave- litive - qnir-l     If men  in  Par! SULILP 'm  `u-'1,,,,iAw  llirieipl-  Whit.  those ideas irem in play,  ill                                    Cd  as  ;1 bals Alan. viz,: that Sliccry ..it Liberty cannot exist to-
                                                               ,,                                                                                                                                  .Qu  I
    - - ,  li-airl;,14, h,,t ,rllL1;-IIl' 11-1. 11, tent to ,,,  and  let tho men  or other kj it- ala   title ... en were i-wilabie. IF nift, Abolitionists and  .                 Icuiis, -h-  the contirm    Lh     tier one mod the me Constitution. The     1. Toll 110 risk&  If he can 60rely AALTO the fifla of
  'I'l-ti 11J 1,;.1g%1'-1a[ L 11 Irie'lLt rillpfillf'-ir Ike had liffletbould bua ruip-gressionsanil aniStalecluntrels.                                           fora-IrOl'Id. 4orI                                                                                            griitado of the dimeaso spread bart.  He  miallims
                              A, many Elitecssicu, ,La bad been filing, think m ... y, .A, b,.tWs,. two panic. a                                                                                  professed Eass   *   - to  cr laying down   this premialt banam drawn the it, , he patient, lit is willing to let the disimmies mum., He
  ir, .I luol,                                      If, .hn  wishoo, or opinicn,, or ukem-mv   dilfror still ill ,, roLmoldil-tbeentialrouble, BilrLdo3milhimat,   jim.6, them  able,  .   . mom   quiet .ad  Orderly  felleace-Irscessirm.  NTc.toflA-cpti. the        -
  .; ljl[ ll- L i,1111-1 .1' t1'al lit fr1r. his -1-,o-ih.t  ,ollide, thi-  ,,,it,,l .,a both fidv* . vnilhigra- Anil if [,,,,,,,, had been buirg, them ..aid barebitur, an  ebti.n 1,10 in this Stistef, ,a, ,A. a which loyal   he,. am., Car, ,,,,,,,,-,,...,,,,,,,. Irmarl  dares  met withdraw   the opintrim, and  lat the Fall,
  6 : tort 4wilinii il-ld ,,kc ill, blLA rr,' , Ii!igsimt a dealer, 0*-icld for tho sake of hinemly, ionead or % firmatian? InvirluittenceinbilivulywasLualkC,                                                                                                                  strong  Current  or  witalitv ,-  p  frm   its  brain
                                            a  of - A ip;61. orotfirulto ileteralibiltion lo- ptil submi-                                                                                        I                                            Th.  Jud-   who   is trying the   through the nerves, rommorlog the whole  lfrarne to its
  '. .1111L'; I-LIA I.-I ALI 11-1.0 of fital 1.                                                                                                                   criti ... a hail a better opport-ity to rot- their met tic. and ap burs,)
  T111FI.I.-  if             .;, termer mat-             I  11 I -c   wrift'[pence. Norranp;        Fureater-    -efolbixt in being themouth of those. -atinvinats, nor on, Ruccateded a less exciting mod questies is t, Lie ...,it. Buit, 'Am . stride ban been  norritual Condition, and dret-ag Anvil  the line of
  1           '  ii,,La i't th,                   1         '                                     I'le i w he alieed  as  Ito d;d?   Unhiss you  vilAd have    I trinnonirwa -nvaart. It w-  tile delibiefat. iriordin I Letcon w1nt old  prjudiert, have   been quelled I   se pamLion bet...   health end  divicams. Was  tben
  ,  .        t l 1-1.11 1 r't ili-ganize it., rnIi- I !'Opa' `!Qn .'a, I'mLI'l 'vf c',',.blirA. -van men t on a by lanu, lb, isti.ct or poro,
     . e-11L -it     .                                                                                                               in, libcrly in Erqlaiil, in   of . pelo  who  Fail erdally weighed -11 the Ncts in JVht   An             of tile ilitalfigs-Li of lit. p-  tire          . . .                             .
     -  ,!,- i lho 8-1    '     '              a I ,,,let I- Wpb;y  wi iam                                   '                          ArtIrtex, in 17Myru     th, ,a,   'orhu mult. is a re-Intion  which  is in no ,,to 1 All I ,a  ' bets wool net  ave been  btrlierad                    Sal     or       - t mio years, an
  ., 'i                 1, L,.LI plkt . ,(rili. Lt.                      -aT  mad  pr .P, rily evill ret-a  , f                                I                                                                  .                                                                      h            7   F   afirremi
                                                                                                             )ill, .r Ila. ,;.n,,, C-line ;L,                                                                                                                                    the ruloor blM lella energies cor the online have been
                                                    to 'g
  v -,I I,,.,-,,.,, at'irh.1L!y a'.I aukur,, ruvI inirc-   a'.  .a      .lot.   catinprauri'o 'pli-it d our %rcriild Illivo struck but one sculdler or an onny in dualieT Of' 6ming backward.                  two yv.. . .. bwl thay prodictca thia. John Va.   W.i .g mad, dirwing nit that time, the bristles be
  .I.I  .1,1,1 t,.,., i.Ail, ,, .,ics. it o ..... L               - 11 made perim alert.  In %-,in I ,1,:tjmg 11,unialen or () *- Unless  y6a  couldkill    Wit  loci .grantor alixicly to he,. tha  real fee. Brice-, etc.  now, th'                         wa       boom      pilue-d
  to,, -.,,-i dii,: lie , ... t  It's- - a PJ.-I JTr rt b 'Z,;r,'Zcar'lo,' ' 1 .',' tanict, or 1xinec. Tp Ill, Lin-                                                                                                                         in . the   its   A either    '          amk           to its ..I .ad  consicienev, Thai
                                                                                                           Ilrol  tftlltifrrl, '.. might as well   pam   Luther.   as we have  stated Ocre, erwr lnetly anderstrod in the hat  tbc patient   Ay    cared, mild ilia th-mor  i                                      the ivar be.  bass.
  .4 f ,,- .  .It ,ho I-t, lkP noirit lnw fiipd I.   croln by . w-C   of  his hand  e-ld   'eureirb evely                                                                                          .   I                 I                                                  I    ecinneClime 6tween   liberty and
                                                   .                                                        And  UnI-    ,ml  call hang  Abolitionist., You  will  Northern  States. a, mccout  of the aondl.laal  vMr.. left in him;   uL Circe a, with mturning  health,
                                                                                                          I                                                                                                                                                      Q
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I mat a ILL
   ,, ,,                 ,                         I tilet-o I  A                        .                 il-,  A   l yl', n 111, in am,                                                                                   .   I i I his vlay of icing Lite IR I  th We h-,     'o'd,  go for at official action could severit; and
    Ar -4,, .... .. .. d.J-.,I -i,: ,I ill, vmm, N-a-L               '     Allica  to-idni-, lit, - ld not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           eb F:   o it ., ,i   '!  io, deror     lint has beem the rCsill t 7  A writer of colossal, Came-
                                           ,         ad., ..7, i r,mo.,,.,pemineit  ChArart.,  of  the              'per                                       which  constitutional and legrid Anancipaturin in is, ,isarm   it
                           out  ,C,                                                                    .    I             .   inm  the Abolitioniitm. wCM, in Out  sori  .'list taku place. If our c1ccOon  bid  been a  enonciolca                                                .
        , pi4),   rac',  ,,14-  aaa  a ....                                                            ,io    i       ,
  1:v . IV. -.6.. th't in    ,   k.w irime,  -n    Anteri-im  Unlim. ualew  to Could  r-aOVC  the. spirit Le ,_, a                               ibt it        triunipli over slaveliolders,                                                        .                           -&, fruitless victories, mid terrible, deftsts. Our
  .- -.'Ii ,kit Ihm, Ila, Linilk .1 ', IaT-h br h. pas. elf                                                    _         I  Wpersona wh. thou,           -,ry                                .1111 the .1arLbalding in. in peae.o    Lou  h ir ,Lid .  I n  .     Or   dwo:    I'll, X,   have been  withauL boarti, inspiration, or
                                                                                                   - apirit .Cema                                                                                 m  of the repugnance,   to the, ireth 6, that
                                                       -dical  Abolitionism  with it, and restore, the            I .   ,a;,                                                                                                                                                    I'll
  ,-k, i-a-1  -!Malil,   ,.art with lrisajv liam              -ir                                          am', uI.          that the  C.ostitatiou rAirose.l. it, terest purely, me are well awa                                  ,          %be  anti  31 t    I th is ept,             ith tbe 21tt band we  bar. .W-g   Istabitt.
                                             up  -i  of mutual        -   an,) 'Trupromire .a all Pont. or                                                                                                                                                                       ... r,,y
                                          e:                                                                                  )                                                          all ismulfl feel tommirl coll- ,hall bo  enturttainvil;  d go.       .t  i  rt  an,    llv-..P, with the 1.1 we have  held a shield over the
                  Io o   .t,-Il Ill-, bell 1. Ii     State Or sectional diffeno.-  , Thrla AM  truth, that  ,hitcm ., . well as im --lon, w $,In to C01111ill Ili- the peopla'af  the No
             ,,,.  A, jigairts, Ili. ,il 1-holdort, it nrdlrd men do net nitid,,sipti4. Bu I it i,  , J'Lrmm             brute it. blatikst them -as no   Ltribuning cat of the national fand far ilia c.,npa- law uptiold .pon thi, Canalboat.                   enomy. If . F.1,10ral Often the ,Ford lemedcan, be
         -:lt,, , -,                                                                                    .  bell, far either but in [be chma-2cr Of the Cill       motion nedur ownum   of -In,- to be act firce.. . Titurn
                                                                                                                          -tiWrition  althoitnicat, or which it                                           -   in 31J,   .A grlifir,,e                                                                  t          eitatice. the status
  ;, 'L-', 16' Itrl lill' i' 'Idi- Ifilh lln1se. Lill -.- truth ,a tile .,i.Tcrc,! 01 the wn, hself, that them is tioni and the -                                                                                           In  Bracher  conoluiled by reforring to tNP point.  is neveved  ; i be rails Q.
  li   rA.',, ,,,.'!. ..I ,                         .. f.t.ro bf peace  to, A.-ica   until the Ab.litilml-                                                              f caurse, a  not                                                                                                                     an  
                                                                                                                                                                                         mbor  or sla-lAde                                         this topmebe struggle of the  rate sWit4  bim,  R.1Ptacrotilbrow  have modis  our
                        --kiinly Ile ,-g.r:hLI Lord                                                         Ilia, the bond. Bat  they p'-apit   that the clumilge riarb. have bitt.,Iy appa-sed       i  !Tfilul rim,           'at])' pruveia in
  1l1!11lL-r1 h, (it, 11,,th, notil,.-irg-citthirivi,-, iak spirit is .ounibiltited. It will not cm- w oxist .hould be offect.,11 peae - ly nail lqilly, by com-  mon                               Clean,          11   'RraI;,.  via.      :                                    lers deepairetia; in thtnir d p . talent, they at-
      .                                                    51ftlielry JiMp[l(taev. Sla                                                                                 fi.,I mail RII the I;,---, bit th,,w - gencra!y
    ]  1-1,r-,v -1i *,-  oa,,, ,,ill -1.11gree .411 ban                           very  relight brave ex-                                                        the                                                      I   Till    is capable of equipping vissitalrinirst an de6seposvibilitie. Gen. IMMridedarestbatthis
             L                                               t                                              men  conlerit  .ad, to t  ,  nd, they endeavored   in  he found  to W  tainked with disloyalty, anti will not,
   j ' !:-Lj- at ,1;,. 'fi-i'-, As rqnd, Iho -groes itPd  in It. Sooth till do, bealdeen and Lim f-mt. ,aw                           Ll                                                                 '                                                                       mainly that[ rearch to Walumn.cf, if it goes its. traleb-
   T. Lt i''filll'It lo ionyi, , ,a, - Vdiug mo     witrais, tile final -imairciphe .I'll,. .art,], and w4h.     What. ther considi,                              therefore, ba likely to doilus much   hirreefit C,  m  the ireitant.                   .                      an. - hot be fil-ls to send (be  ponalcusta Imidges, in
   -  ,11, ,.1i'   I      -,    I                                                                          poont  Wn.g or the e.-tituni... This -rmA tbcir       c      n.l.    ,   ent Of emancipation. framed  , A, it  2.  That  it -A  wage  came        of    paralleled     ,          r,       I
              N id i 'n'.]. It ill' urging U. enit.- out itmeii- rebeffion or war, if ilia agggresaire Rpirit , .gilsrtjtal  They Opposed ,njule- of ac,   kiral.  will  , with .  ,; i enfLin-,arl  a law, or tion- magaiwde, both by mA and I MY  a-                 L; WMn Lba   -   im the ememy am indeed is.
                                  vrip.f              f Abolitionimto hail not modu  tile earliest.                                                                                                                         t5. That  it. penplie am capable  of taxation, And   i         bl  h ,  Is. Q,  the order  is imperative ;
        .1 i                           riliCin t. an                                                          her  were,  irxily OF them,  ron-resist.ritil.                                                      man,                                                           .'po              RT
   U,     .i.no. nal trelpf'.'s I                 in         '                                                                                           'nY    flacted.a.   f th,  I.-I  .1-th.1  er,  or Mi
   ' - lhI L  l, r1wr b,,i itidd .or prowoed.  1;                                                         did    t vote; far 1. ,me                  edge, what                                    I   g.ntl,,m.n, .oil cheerful stilaffassion to the sense in the toidat of war,  army  meet  a     ce, and on it mie rclmarm. under a
   ull,k . 11,- .it 'ilmve or of iat ,ordlaaticn.     Tho  simple fie,-t iti, flat the bad element, Lite ill- ;,                                                                                                                                                              111. rcj m O  r3ron.
                                                                                                                                       .asi to .,knew]              v,  ,   my a    fibeir.1, II1,0-rui.,il                                                                      blih                      LIP  ofthe  ad      t  f'u
   11 ,,.t                                           bmiv   01.1111L of Mr-Lecal And d'sm to -'[I' tbLy tho-ht a. wicked C.-tituilon. They did not                ,.,      I    A  alicipis    'a de rive such men  of    In the trials OF the war, this free Go vernments and I   d infatuati,  lead Ill  'Lt.
         I 4 11ii-ei l ILI- to the rmpilioa or their others to iribmit to ritir views sell .P;niroil is the  &  mcth.d, hot only the ,,.q-     or john I tbeir treat - y    this  a $ic     I without some people 11111m, at .very turn, proven tbCiT Peri0eity  leMent to ft rtai in defeat And .NX rMe.l. ,,-
    11'.:j                                                                                                 =      1                                                  ...   r.   W, old,     el  aily unjust. _ Alimanf   to eny  monarchy,   in all the requisites of grandeur        i;,O;d
    -1n, 1-1 livil,-, pri-oawto-n- roters, poslibly to lpirit of Anxrican lrtuli sfiw, and, whether ilia rad,       . mad theiv .ill to the ,w of  A - You  .be                    .                                                                                            The         cut  birtl   is the meet partied illastra,  -.'
          _ -Lri, wm, is. 1--;u   Anil, ,C they .1. cel is . Ncwbinrna,  bir a outhcrcmcv, Lho ortabert; he halic,@'in force Ilave no right to blame him for bel[,,           ,                                          slid power.                 .                          U..  of t4i. mithimid f4;;r   ., net a sool4repli'miteg .
                             .11111. Anil moral. clan,4 Attempt. t. be .J.1It NRn be be-.-  sdiralri-ill                                     i                        lixmi.                                                In the Tr   afrair, they clerit coemplered pt ido; -at;-  - - , -      - .    b., warni, hearty agpeal to
   K- o-1'k1,,';,.,.                                                                                       ,               an .hot   you Finite tat, fathers le
                      u0i, mcis . ,acre wtirr .net .                                                        ,ai.,  in the. Itclaillitticin. They behaved slorit im.                                                      Rod  thi.fe-   DribleclAcywhitball   Burepictismaght     Areas  Inuorlarre.tal. principles that vimbil touch
                                                        In 41 -     suit e ... Lri,,A Lt.- met, how, been it.. urig o,,,,, to                                                   -           -
   -1 1i.fl ,fl..' ;,. , th,  vo.16ev, the ,;LaphL I.iglL  ioeitem oFbr.wl,, troublestritioltificuls, Thytd-fa brodilt. emancipation iwas desil.ble, hot they Aimed M  RY   WARD BEE01119  ON  M  WAL    Would nealt at concession. bade pride go down, and      '     .g rim   the sympathies, of almlifford, but
   4,                        r.  ronoti, Lid itiossible knowo in old  Rome.    Tay   wom   deamurt ,                                                                                                                     Acknowledged   the act wrong.  W-Boachin-lban           lracill gtl,`.`n inderision, .ad a c-daint paltering be-
      ,  , (, ,, , , , -Ad 1'.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - 5L
   I.                                                                                                       to aibi-    it mohily by ifluenvi.g publit  .pWo.                                                                                                            p-
     L!-- -   11, I], j, ,,.,] ... thosea wl.cipriatirl (;-,,a. They  woris cope.-Wiv  well licianurt laiu.-                                                            Ft, Ovo below  the conchade        icat of HImly  trayed  Lbe Imildst-conarlimative action of the nation  t-ce- -    t ,  , lit and what   is expedient.  We
   t,! lis                                                                                                   hrough   that perfect  freedom  of discussion  Which     11                                                                                                      t           he t to
                                                                    - The%                                   I                                                 -    Ward   Bericher's Tharkilm.'ring     all, -        '  almilliairoume  at Waiiihisgion With the present alli.  Could wish  ILA ng  had  issued Lie IvA proclamation
       .., -6  rild-I  -.11 . ProolartaitiOn ,Ate 1`0 the Ilebreeta.       - were  pil',stilent fellovilm id.. ;  the C-Milillio. Pautirimed. Starm AlmoOg them                                                                                                                                t
   IL-r'..I'.1, 111'. 3'. -l to tircate A r7ible  and  .veryvshersx; n'Or is it to be doubted that 'hem  but .... 11--m   P CA more wheme  n 1, a Ad   et'ameo                                                        tudecifil-finUncolim. Ci6ouservaltistieliaddormitimbei.t. its this form i 11 Whereas, hill is then Inalienable
   .1 1,1% -;a r.i of M5 are NI, Lincoln   I  hi;  -to oome  to deciphur the Fgypti   writings, we %bail  atlelopi'M to Alit  the  14., Air in Boston, at the   0 The  polit;nd blieleange for which we Own  th-oka,  and  had derided red'  'I   New  we  were to see what   tight of all men, And justicle demicado that this right
   A1.61;-.i-i 11-iAJ, I.~ iat 1:o,4altitio take a Latip find that tWy were exetutcA for sediLion Anil con-                                                          ,in, ate  next in  order.  I' y'      theme' we  radicals could doto  'hZI-tbo notion,  Welumulclosed    should be   restored to the  enslaved and  oppi
   .' 'Lil ,I,I,,   ff,, t.t. I       -ba      ,p                                                       nlrrijq,,eapturv. But the PermasinnIsLiberLy  bills, to
   It,                              _irn   p                  in the ,b, . of the Cluera.1w.                  It       ,be Abolitionist, llplovived tic]              .,I lismiias From our minds, the prejudices that have conservative war .it6 mr-Lil 1.7 crado of m                                eforts 1, Abraham  Untsolet, do-
        -  th, 1kil-I of 01iLb laUlt It.,. been Ilia    i; ;t.y Fpirih rame, down through  milt ilia tealitical !,-' .a'. pacb,                         Raiinested  Ireland  the tbiLk coming   ow-chu of the  year, and                                      .    ,iglur pl.-;   or our Collitry. the,
   -1 , ,T .... . . rL I                                                                                                  .  it by J'.1jsI.IUM4 in -bivb toi Abs,-                           g         far                we  had domed  conlierrallva catairlipto . mad,  .ad   clare, I haL all slawres, in thus -her] States $1mall, on the
                                                                            nii1i.4..  It Was rft*lnt in   160nill .1. beeatilrn .. Alitalitilial ,.at(] owcar to                                                       dust, .ad nothing I  (Great  alK use.    Bad  co.n-'  firit d  ofilanuavy. be Cheinceforth And forever free;
             - 11-illuu. -.It, it, il,'fim and.neces- bislor,, Or -Fdrallea.                                                                                        lou'lley ,tn ar.me by the E ht or rat .                                                  ft
   I, l-i-lL'                                                                       -a rampant   for the                                                                -IN',          in, that Lbb taLion hall ponated me                          no ...L ,I,, krtt ,rwhiar, bal terrible vinvicub And state. It was A1wa3 Fi, l 3 Sud, 6a lien, bad Wanted W put . . r an the Factrit., .at.. 19. .belt *bell mean while rot.- to their Ole-
   '   ' ` 'i 111L' I                ,                                                                         JmtL the Constitution and  Lite LAwaof the United    brough  LbA  T, criod of the evolution of db.y A.,
                  'N.   'ar ,,h ... it is .'right to abolition .faorething nlvra -ftlwert on ,whatitealled let,                                                 I                                                   I  and say. 14 IAt not your  light ithine 1  but he had          in wbIcb  am   the rights aforclarld abarill .at
   L  %1l6`   roll'o,  'I'll-,L' Iae- net --pbd  riarbrin 1 .IwAys %sing lure .it f I to compoll aub-                                                         its ..lure.  Sls-y,   hem    has bail time to develop  An;,                                             .     t'.11.1                      - d add  inswasared d
                `  l %Zli whorn ilicy ,tcil,,a to luty,                                I   t     --c.1*         Abolifloviiiinjuitly uncimtood. Was thus a purely                              .                                - Enough   of tl isl` and now  men      -agail               , hot the .pliwerm.
   1 , 1,; ! ui,.,, I ; - -                                                   -  -   --                                                                         .                             wider field than  area over  ,he r  Who  Am   war.   (       -     I                                               .
                                                      miirLion. It  kindled th              It, ti,        rec-I  power.    It sought  .  moral  out) seltely by  itself opera a better and                                                                       an  reels.    remain  as  heretofore I   This   bmird  decu.tion
                             ,                        in the late, elrahiM                      L              Cirri, mean,                                A   dli-                                                                                   M   13  ?.  . n   '        would  have been  but a fair exhibit of thin
   11.1 .114. 14 I -- , -. ,.-n-,.,o . i1oh they .61                      It bar.,,] the KniThis  of the  to                                                     before  .pan  to it in  the world.   In the ruilist of the l   y are  limed  law*    Jc-    am, an  , in also                                             oppm
   kii... .111, i,.         'top fir abort of inectrait- .                                                                   It Was  fierce. 'ituperaliC' A    a-  cbriminnity,  tivilizatiors, liberty, mad under a Etc- language  of Christ,  we       to the damort  in L6        ciplast An Whit It the War bee 1491merto =n
              ,,-,,I lw. not                          T(mpla   iiii. the talre in Frmacc uwlvr Philip, It re' all         but an Ilia eicl. part)' heart' )is A    publican  system, it ban had perfect ,,T   defended,                             a,
   'i'lli-ii Hills Lne ..all             . , didea, for                                                                                                                                                                                                   He   loved the  South   16,
                          , or lintly itfule,         ' -,d in St Brln1A.br-*o day, It emi      to   Ew,-
   ' -  -   ii-blih 1, ,Il fir                            L to ,  .1)                                        ors deliberately resigned  at %be  , rim  or Inuldly   ,.a  by mR:uI1jioas that owe  it all the entity bitted South  11 Come  lost of him I                          .... an honest Confession or mr  paii    ,
     l 14-1 Ili, i ir ..... m  lthr, r a.. ,inaurs; in - ,, C.`,i  -or -'as the they. of file Satan kiritts, hall munbiti-, and asetpled comtu!.. Y. be tied un    -    -                     a         .  As be icruld his whole ocreanLry. Error meet not ob-   Away with the bantam that (site, the Distm.  i
                     , -ieurcs the sin of grinading ig. re. ained (bvim with the Norman   tire. It .-   ,in-                                                        it nmdcd   to repair the waste it& own wcwttlngp niad  literate Our Iowa fbr  flarb of our fifth and beat, of Away  with the mubtarliage, and lying  new that
                                                                                                            , a ,,,A
     A-,, alt' Ilkipl- ill-mrols, whoLit they cavatot                                          ,, in. it. di lZinn t    I! the great patel'. on. the colo.try-M-      14 the beginninghidavery  Bmcd   to ba but an ar,  ,In, base. . bat ini tbi* love Its - it&  forareed to                            .
   i'll- ,                    .       .                'enallmoil.i.g in its dentmealA, pon.ralatirig    1              O I. Democrat Mostly  cwhowed the name                                       -latian to moral mod  ,be  hour' -when  Abe  Boatfi,              And  d     thiiwArisnoLwAP11111=      8tshormill   I'mittlammial
   ., -       - 1111,, ,                    I   r     pai      covilarItt)                                                                             -; far at.  cidart,  And  its operation in It                                                                        i       Tonishe ..at i let t        a face to face is the
       ,                                                                                                     or  ,.,p,,.., or Abolillerrii..  And  jost],                                                                                                b7   itera
                                                                        I. its anicia. It dmc   iha Pull.
    ,,,   '             .     -      ,   bi  if      too I                                                                       P.                               3:.ritical plaverrialent Lort roorn for disnpion ,,.d for ..thealled, restored and clot   in its rightinuid,  dand   struggle, and wit .hall than some Iwaa M   ar-
                    ' '   'a 5L' L . . h .weryl bt. That uncertainty estate no bealitir, SQM ,halt sh, as 11. fboan ofJostati and. with I sale co,
     - i .   1, 101 1-i'Llia-li'ifirin-2 A is  . I t'.',  to, Frican England. Yet when they departed, it At- 11,,burfau, were in  litim, alliance wij  ml
          ,   L-al.1 1,, '   I ' in    -   e  I   e      ill,) them, slid triumphed  over them  when  they  Anil the  Republicans  4iflered  fundament0y.   frown                                                                                                    us,         ty .it litiikis. We knew  .1tere, i4m, wild stratil ., 
        ri f..'riw, 11. .,.It, ,,:,IT, I nvtn.` '. [ou'aften, latirlLd .. ca-h.res, it a. believe that it is good-bitit Lhay am W (a, ?;be . d E ' . W will pot the patintolrbermyearoadmiscurcoofillb.on
                                                                               'or  'he  'a doubt  that the  the Attelievortit- in their isiteirpietation of the Co., =   men  who  do net think  at all, Or who, in their .ill, one  lity, various, No   I       .c
          -   ,,I li-ien  ,In  ,Wum     the plaillt   noble ipirit that led the  Purituait in New England                                                                                                     .                    voice, be thankful for          c Our         their  y.mlofthenbet$ion, .d.rUelr;ait irTA&
    ; ,rhl rild il.'e, I, 'ba thil                                                                                   '  T1 ii.L,1m;FboId1 it to be a, bond or s-   heart., be0crin i       my.  Tlle Limult is before us,
                            b,, I                                                                             ,i!.;'Ouil. 2        liberty.  The   A                              ' re   I contradicted. Th.  es    '  or an a Me, far the    '6 a,.           Llab bl . mi   Ribleatmthlow.   Butbass.holdvalmomnat    Can litimi lay
                                Lowt rtokuntel cibli-  for 11 fireedom, 1. weirallip Gad as we phinsit -   -                   ,                        holitioni.t.
            -Y-h ltwi,4 ti-fi                                                   ,deal to worship   Gad  sm, Lill   t t c or,, I                                                                                    ( n                                                          bold of her  .*sports            'Imm elatholit test Wart
                                X-mb, 19G 2.   I     coaro Nrearl,,d  jet. -Flea                                              I                                    and  mililts cap..   b:                               ',A' -thlei Ily it  I        L-sum   .   I.                                  7  1. .*.t
                                                                                         &l.pr or the country was in escall-                                                                                                I  f           .   .        -on  me           of List And  weak  to fI the Titallistipi; con-amilti
                                        -----          We  ple-,  And rrevaloon I. make ever3                                                                        canit ties coded by giving us clear knowledge     its em, a                                     out                                                 41hooM  it be,
                                                                                             -L.dv else --    ing from  the     biLaLuLi    11    Be'  bl' a  I-    nalicre.                                                om ra
                                                                                                                                      ion.                                                                                 depth.
                                                       ship G.d   .a we  pit--.                                                                                                                                                    of might                                       gin son to A      ?  7b gh oar          ant      re.
                                                                                               , 7            lieved that the  .1-cry  ipleaticrA                      The  effict of ril-itry .Pon  the $It  may                                                      mfited.   manit. with the calarimet and many ca=tzia , wt7 m at
           THE   MBJTJAL      ooNgRESS.                                           It drove liageii Willialat                                  , cou'a  a   meIed                                                   be a     Mr. Itatiaber's mllusims. to thin lanoridaimay
                       -                               out or Restan,   It burned  witches at tCa stake, had
      hI h'. ,-,., Corlgni-                                                                                   pe.,vifully far liberty, without cheap  of `A`o Con-   matter of speculation, or even of mentimantil IML its         lead nit 0  criiiis, trotwiflislaneding all ler, preaturd, .a ftr there Lt no bope ofealAhna: Aur the
                                     tutic..                                                                                                                         offices upon the matter  is beyond   all Controversy.                                                          Literary; hat J.L le FREMorr be placed at 96 hand Of
    `   ll -6-,        b;lm-16 he sere, we 'mean (lie  ill   billecrus ,pectwits or devout Quakers  who  be.  aii                                                                                                          of Ene
                      ,  as, h Radicalism as 1h.re -- . came .brc.irawl to it.                                                                                                                       -  ,                                                  tions, vs. a poweaffull -ee
    I It, Fill.1, .V, cahlIr of I ,                                                                           The)- rem   right.                                                                       he African  may   iOnamor prolessioars, avid exhowita
                 ,                      ,         the     X., Ila, ganthave., we                                                    For  it was  the chase PtCer   The,   it is!                                                                                                military m1fialritjead with, anothear-blastaftbe Missouri
    Illtue Atiia, I                                                                 I not  blve does   With  LiOn oftho 1I.VeinnewirtthatiLuvoild  berometiltd-                   Its ' crr-  Z   ,o way  ,bat I he     a  iscide of him sermon, acid, like many -  passing'
                 I', whiA that di'Mlicad Senate  ir                                                                                                                             I am  vo   parp.                      first  .7                                  ab
    i.%;,ii, ,,I.'                                   radical Abeftin whack we invo done it a -        I  too  of lsbi h  Me,  U.raln's   election .a.  the                                                         e9cited. a ... ilLimallablo applause.                  betitle, the duall or life would once immors roddrah thin
                 Tile Arlbb,'discrue, of -1 .i=a, on   ry.   SAIL&D finds at.  , plarut4- of t-k gar hi                                                              1,111.1.1i or       'Fit ralinea brought to the land
    it,, hriri'l ,111;,.t, .-.j, nambse, or th.! .,,. ',;,.            I                    ,  o     virnest-tilmit drove that internal to arms to destroy  ..A not, at t re Zftelncemmmm, benefited by rumiect  In tonithation, he allarad, Am appropriate, the 104th  1`4`401i'd deck, the fiblue Of 1,111iffilly   9008  Mons  111111
           n1`11' 6- tAktri Mastic grip a , li 7  ,  ,.Ill.   Who.   realic   Abolhioniin   has no  longer  ,b.  C.Alutitiltio., 1Woraolibi-111r, ilia diffleretwo  it I                                                       -                                               !mar It.-I., .ad Fromadomenis sohfimmmg Alt. J6mW strike
    h  I                 a                      tb     slavery  to ..,k  .1, it Will try the ,.=     -Ir-.-                                                          .  I alL.  ilia Ieve civilicaTieut with which it Mone, in hymn:  1. My oleamtry. vs of shot,                 an voin,-Ammeicam.   Bapaid.
                     , ,                                                                                    - between  them Rap.blie..   .ad  thli Abolitlooliato -an                                                 The
      `f '  let ki-I -   Thv   bf,,roarn dolirions, on- rharri-imm, or oneraligicia-laim, orabsoluto aay                                                        cortatat. But  thAt beia fit is Only Airt deralti.            1   13-4  ].ad at liblortr,
    ', it., ;arfi.-ii....                                                                                    one  of political method,  rot  of mere[  Convict'                       to a   ut 'in ill. star.. the matter
                  .   And  tile' ill-rolorod logi,: that It wall attack the State divisions,  it is now doing, But, 1. hum..  aff                                 moment   it began                     .                                  ix Llow I tins 1                    TEM    FM    IDEM      PROPOMM AMM           UM     -
    ,   I-  it I, the b-ll'. (be have far the disasters a ... 1 Milo Marowlionetts,                                              sin,  . dialimunto of  -tb.d   is  forbaide, it to grow. Via Lattar germinstem  the  in -           , 1.4  vatess my f-Lia-mr, dl-4 i                                                ,
    14 u,                    -                                                  will d etht   9al  New   redic.l.  Th.Ft8Tubticamtbmr.*, .iLb ,d ,ri d                                                                                                                                            . -                             .
         -mli.-  11 ,,It .I,,. tho'e-1 ... line of Ci-  York  ,abarlit, .at to equality of relim.clitakiri., but                                                     grix, but will not lot him pot forth into lear. He in              IA.d of the Wgirel  piddar
    -,:2.  -al   ','-c;.,   qua.   r',up.blice. A*lidt- to micialkil Fabjectical. I'Lle the isilir;t of Ab.1it' the Constitution tier the Union. But they datillored be, sim      Ar, the .a.-.                         .               Fewer .easy .... Late later                  This  aL.c &wn     ..hick  by mom   i* theinglit Act
    A,,                                                                                                  'an- The false interpretation of the one, And the protatila,       C   .'Umbei the  .ffact of slavery    a  the
           -    11-1-1, We  Ila-  indeed a disjointed  im, is never  . opii rwr -     -   wa a, or a-..                                                                we,                                                                   T.t fillwitairi.s.                    .       marach, is me, to tratiansiollitild4o
                                                                                                          re. tic,, Of the other.  They   lieli-ad that the                                                                                                                               ...                        bd-PF=
    R'I'All,'! nlaiallrlm is the on-.   .ad th. 'ansic                     .espirit 7douni-erinp er'        w ... lit yet v                               PPla    .*star.   Patriotism comatill not. adhers, p-M  spirit             ---                                        rAt little ith.it is Wif'sulbstalatima
                                                                                                          .               som  both.  Cortuituentiv, they *am,  Air  omtka  not  exist, .he.   .livery  brosialues. It wa,
          ru  olI'linO, An,] ,,,, librial alml-an uns -A-mmpeno wirt, and drinands . ILL; O,, did riot names of finsedom, Rod, immilawisid - is is tanwortbir or
    Ll k to li,- t.b ,.a                               I                                           -6  all- of  the.,   Lanoweritinx Urlicinia,  *71,                                                                           THE KOR K        A     THE 80IFTH.              a places In the main          . tar  of 41m  ur&ltamd
    kit,      I%    .  mrs l..'ar in .  I...,    ,     mignon.                                                                                                       thought that  the chimirie  South, full of lordly Firm.
       ...,               .                                                                                                      f lit., were not xmcce;dul at the   Lt   Would  be  more pintriolic than the told, !,A fu'                                                      States.  I* moso great        Z  ;;; -1 damd    ..
                                            ,,, -,,, ,z-, b 4bLI ;, i.l., , itare Icamod 4111 W hia                                                            will       I                            . I .      t .t.m     Measure  the assimparmallive strength a( Abe, tn*    Vb,   the anstracipation a( do.To and  itba ratiammill of
    r           to We am  in the very centro Of Cell.     Them  ,is no C..T  rAtion in the pitterm we  have
                       out one.                                                             it or the modern                                                          lating NortilL, but at the first, tn& ILA r            .
    16                                                                                 . it(                   to such  threats. Far  thay  hall rahb, in a pripul   we pped  Iflon a pipo-otem, exim ii  in A of  Iticall- AM  elleaktiandinig In Arms for the docninion of. =   strawarFluals of any 0486F, aid'r win' or ALL 41MY fams'
          is to reall,], I       The   constituents, of LbrA_     We  a..  . lew It Lat p. -                                                               amm.                                                    re
              in-ill         O,                                                                                                                    I              .   Li        A                  'ra   g   .mummoser-ad   States, and judge what  will be the probable Favors of 6.wL   Th.  pm-mm.m -         is       m  to ;tire to
     ,are n`l-li rai'l il  ... Iq the                   Areverieses Abolitiahlid, perfectly Iiiiinted by the (ad Prenuptial. to right even that worst wrongs.    ad
                       llit   o, a-rlirl  ll.1irilmy                                                                                                         A                                                                                                                                    .       bich '                .
                                  ;VzOwi ,      .ol: I Grk   pacts, by the  I.tia maticurta-licor purf irtly                                                                  a &be mountains  or      To
     !a ty -ulfif, ir th'i, ati, Aml   if the Country  by  the mar-1  vri-hic. !                              their fm;Lh is j notified.                             let her nome. tiot be forgurtLen t and a- ., two other the conte't. 13Ctimmitim Froodams end ffilewrial in this sual, sidamit or =47 be- :%:mraomillemadamse  far
     ika      1  Ar lit It wo.. .11 Chat Radicaliares has  This in fart is tho grand ilifficultv in the Way or                                LT, my or  .. h  .      glesical .it,,, they want   down   like raties trees  abstract, titers can be, no question an Width aide Ems damir  mAdp       81-oreari to faillkstidthillis, AlsomW amA4
     h 1, h, .,,I i - he -                                                                                       Them   is no iment iourestin    b   I   of clor Vila-
       ` tar 'C' most I, schureirised, Abolitionism in dermarseratic institaticam, And we are - now tryi.lt'ibc tory be. I at it Own  -  Abe  itiolusuis, w ic is All I struck by the hairnexor. We go forth i. the mornr  the-greaterposusti.   Fifecdomillth.daddisuarm, i.stadmies the . at *116 Ifte   63  alismirs       owe
     t*f, on;I in all ;,                                      -                                     .          c -   e in the Irrem movement   or  liverly or   th,                                                                          F be   'I  ,   heart.  slairterythe  low  intention tommillimmisHisranamarral, Tblmagmtmad
                                                                                                         ibil- C           To  call it lanativivirs. anti c ., t M                                                                                    1 dol    t  eal                    if casWi.empaid  am
                       h. .1f.md,   most it. iataptiged  experiment, the, critielessimilion real of t                                                           b     ing all., . .tormalad weadircir
     ir tho hu'd. b'-fam the I                 .        ,                                                     evisatincut.                                                                          litt. fAi[wkmn,`bQ.aLaJ &*1 ' Abbeciessiall 'he bod-M tmog la,         a                                                    boldt.
                            mod  can be  .bat  Lt -,a    sty of                                       if    -                                                         of The fvmmrt ilia llimpeat overt                                                                 .     Z    =     I[;;       =   !t!tift   army t4 the share
     ,   IkL wil  that ,,,                                    much  inatit.6coo. being peo-wrounent,  welkai                                                                                                                         Ila, ti tlultn to lit clutrapiomal of-= ml         V     -A                $map  I   Jews  inmti -
                             be the emome ? Al.  I the   c.lisba had succeeded in cw-Tyin  the matio    ith iL 1 6.41        It,   tory toepissiatics., it am Iridierces  clotler .ad ,no will see, the M, All irsdifficas Ali th6r pielies.
     ir'bar better cire in4l,,                                                                               ..to  d  110   As i   on     I uArabelortAtIll I heart; for twenty Irani IF         had  been werrild  at  lines alla.Ttil   ;   Zj  hiesamilf MOMi.r  amid emmr , loacksta if ym P%14 said'if yen do am  we twill pay
     r`441                                                                                              rar-                                                         the trentim,    the  firVL A   of t6  Filing laws                         res., forty wsx' 4 a             Yale W   the daves;  and  %had  if yea  arm  We
     .1i, or Ili, North .. z itart. TheAblatitiortradii- this fail in the cl-tians, the    .  of %be     ntry  .  .      . -                 I                      I                           -                    bled   mail  (or forty dzya, y his ,,,at. ,, ,,wWa,-wWmJnJ1
                               greet for the South  to   and the doom  of till de-  netic he   brawl    ...    .1 a                  . 711M
         It And LIC, re                                                                                                    -       --      -    --                                  ill            .                                            er                           H is  Ared  of  Incir beivikh, d   Wish  to  have Ass'ery
         Lie  % , b - anbt.t -bell;- of the South. .,at Would have bat. doe . It won ,I here the halio.obe baseball, mid still lett , i .
                          ,                          ly, beat. deterialimeft that the ithelaramsee a bum, p,     TMIIATMWIIT   01  FIVELTRAL   PRIENOWICALA,  (wes.    11IL4 affect Oflaa    opiOntleanaider ils saitin In its because Bellbefficto 11 a TIS.VW mad,- car Gerona-    .        .           am   summary, mad smit you-r-
          I , it easy be, .... d will ..,, ,,we                                                                                                                      ,mill.    egishoor    =
                                                =    a   aicst, and prid. vs. so deep semeted sa to fairbid -  Rameitwamm ban  Addressed  it letter to C-    Bris  .                     27;       soothal i  i-Le,11ist   camirs, hem .vass I The inflation, of the rebellion, is =    .an;rWu1lA XlJo.tokilmsed ,V.W.    ,   mose .11
     sartAboiitionise f;am Abe ranarlita c untry                                                               can.                                            se M   the_  line trumpets, 19L ,Or Fir wis, lit, = iDdimpsam- arbolly anilmated by loss purimamat oweirfmanscha., * an Jmnamicallicus.
     to Q.,                         i              (At   agreeing  m  salf-glummmemet-   Now  the p         is     pitaiiiiag thAt I M -bel, *Able .,.vfttx immum                                                 .     -                                                          firrepti 6 tiest fees shodid. plait         '   Now,
     N,    Lb- Southern SL&tft them4th.Ttim, in   rult  better.  Them   is Is  yet.                     .                  Hall.itilke; star, that the cartel ILIA  W   carrapts  religint, and parmersti efillaraittion. Ili- .art; and go., earthward to its stood warmice, almays  11 bat mum Abe saw* at 06  I. *  fort  Is
          C,                              .                                             Rot  the hope  A  a   Z=v=           'in returning priountaim her Flag a friars stract tile glaml,, Lt, IAl as relent to comstitellin.m. pari d you ty .,-a enillogwill. N6so 1Midfi1MmKI0OFMkE& it riot damilt i1b. =M' holid
     IN                                        rutiples. this majeriencel     have tacight ta k    to America                                                                             .    _ glams'lid.m. L                       ..                                    -                     7  camay lid       _     .         _
     %'ILL bat nerealted to us free, f                                                                                        i       of t  Viak.bu  i mad  Aikem);   MI  of falogair that mad be  M;   do  bruble -1  bet: ,ed  tab, -   nitionshadateal eteak,.% an millit)-iiad to $84 avow sitaIr me  Ryden   $  The  damiamp. to do
                                                                                                             i  to this Facriz. .t.       C,        lit               blaC idea ,.r*, last shill, too =
                                  ,biug   ?--deperato    which  will prevent noticalisna in any part orthe land to th                                                                                     line
     &. ImiWb` kas rmlW        to us  from u .iWr   an   From  again ablabling, the saircladeacy fair & J I bewail Labdi             we   thistress, ant              .                             t       .I -rA  tootee I lism, Lid *W trrny   of the war firalavory ; difFer, this allismaitabom do vital .  .ft of their Wmalmli
            ftli-tbetitteracitionerthamapi_      Well   v@&MNm        y*rL.  onnal  .f           .                                                                 I                             C           love, but 96  alince of        iqlarimitimmit with 464b ; The taivil. .,-T% Ptowbat's  F        !is .I&. tiew to      time
                                                         .                                                                                                                                       I I                              I .                              ii  r   :       ,,- I ,  . -   L ; - - , -.,' , , - T . - , lr - .
                                                                                        C  ttmmsarwe            their X       in stay thing,       .                  ised'yessimitill* Timako-imb  ,       ,  -                                                                                       impeand ,  ,  ,     -  .
                                                                                                                       .                                                                           I                          I~                                                                          .             .       .    i   ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .  I
                                                                                                               ...                                                                                                                                                                 ;           -                        I
                                                                                                                                                                  -                                    I   .                 : .  - ,     .                           I . -      , ,. ,                           ;  -            r I
                                                                                                                                These   images  were   taken from  http://fair-use.org/the-liberator/      -                 .                 I   .     I    I                 1- . ,  -.: . : ,  .     .  I  ,  --  . -Zir.hrl,


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