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36 Judges J. 2 (1997)

handle is hein.journals/judgej36 and id is 1 raw text is: J UDGES'
Winter 1997, Vol. 36, No. I
Articles on Judicial Independence
4 The Variousness,Virulence, and Variety of
Threats to Judicial Independence
Provides an overarching discussion of the judicial independence debate, from the
general to the specific
By Francis J. Larkin
B     Court Bashing and Reality:A Comparative
Examination of Criminal Dispositions at the
NewYork Court of Appeals and
Neighboring High Courts
Debunks the myth promulgated by local politicians that the New
York Court of Appeals's criminal decisions differ greatly from the
rest of the country
ByVincent Martin Bonventre and
Judi A. DeMarco
14 Remarks of the Chief Justice of the United
States on the Evolution and Independence of the
Federal Courts
Discusses briefly the beginnings and maturation of the U.S. federal court system
ByWilliam H. Rehnquist
 Judicial Independence and the Line Item Veto
Examines the legislative history of the newly enacted Line Item Veto Act and its
potential impact upon the judiciary
By Louis Fisher
The Judges'Journal (ISSN 0047-2972) is published quarterly by the ABA Press for the Judicial Division, American Bar Association, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60611.
Phone: 312/988-6077. Copyright © 1997, American Bar Association. All rights reserved. Subscription for Division members ($12.50) is included in their dues. Institutions and
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class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and additional other mailing offices. Manuscript submissions are encouraged and should be sent with disk and printed copy to The Judges'
Journal, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60611, 312/988-6077. Contact the Judicial Division at: ABA, 541 N. Fairbanks Ct., Chicago, IL 60611, 31 2/988-5687.The material
contained herein shall not be construed as the position of the ABA or JD, unless it has been adopted by the ABA House of Delegates or the JD Council. Articles represent the
opinions of the authors alone. Advertising Sales: Director, Michael Loquercio, 312/988-6114. Advertising Sales Manager: Mark Klappauf, 312/988-6113. Manager, Rita Novak,
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