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4 J. Priv. & Com. L. 1 (2020)

handle is hein.journals/jpcl4 and id is 1 raw text is: 

JPCL   4(1) (2019)   1-13


                             JOUNA OFPRV.1E ND    OM    ERIAL LAWV     P;ia;

   The Role of the Gorontalo District National

   Land Agency Service in the Implementation

 of   the Systematic Complete Land Registration

                                Program (PTSL)

                                  Widya   Fuspa  Ningrum Rauf
                       1Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

                    Received April 8 2019, Accepted July 1 2019, Published May 30 2020

                                    DOI  10.15294/jpcl.v4il.24246


The purpose of Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) is to accelerate the provision of legal certainty and legal protec-
tion of community land rights in a certain, simple, fast, smooth, safe, fair, equitable and open manner and accountable, so as
to improve the welfare and prosperity of the community and the country's economy in Gorontalo district. The formulation of
the issues raised by this problem are (1). How is the role of the National Land Agency Kab. Gorontalo in the Implementation of
the Systematic Complete Land Registration Program (PTSL) (2). What are the obstacles faced by the Gorontalo District Land
Office in implementing the Systematic Complete Land Registration program (PTSL) in Gorontalo District and the Solution to
overcome these obstacles. This study uses a research approach that is empirical juridical to analyze various laws and regulations
related to the role of Gorontalo District Land Office in an effort to improve land rights. And to analyze the law which is seen
as a behavior of people who are patterned in the lives of people who always interact and relate in social aspects. The results of
this study conclude that in the implementation of this complete systematic land registration carried out by the Gorontalo Dis-
trict National Land Agency, it has been implemented well in accordance with the targets that have been targeted by the central
government, although there are some obstacles found in the field in the framework of accelerating the implementation of the
Systematic Land Registration Program Complete (PTSL).

Keyword: PTSL, Legal Certainty & Legal Protection, Role of Land Agency


      Land is the surface of the earth which is a place where humans live and develop and find sources of
living up to as a place to dwell when passing away to grace. G. Kartasaputra stated the importance of the
meaning  of land for human life because humans are absolutely inseparable from the land.1
      Thus the importance  of land for human life, so it is not surprising that every human being wants
to own or master it, which results in land problems, which often lead to disputes. In 2017 based on the
Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2017, a Comprehensive System for the Implementation of Sys-
tematic Land Registration (PTSL) was compiled, an activity organized by the government in the field of
land in general and in the field of land registration in particular. , in the form of land certification which
is carried out simultaneously simultaneously (in bulk) and the settlement of land disputes that are of a
strategic nature.2
1  G. Kartasaputra, Land Law Guarantees for the Success of Land Utilization, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta,
   1991, p. 9
2  Humas  ATR  / BPN together with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Communication Team

*E-mail : widyapuspa842@gmail.com                                     p-ISSN 2599-0314 e-ISSN 2599-0306
Address : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java
         Indonesia, 50229

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