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29 J. Legal Stud. Educ. v (2012)

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Editor's Corner: On Rigor and Brevity

Many  lament  the writing skills of business students and businesspeople.' What
sorts of written assignments  will cultivate better writing skills? Richard Arum
andJosipa   Roksa  address this question in Academically Adrift: Limited Learning
on  College Campuses,2 an influential new book  reviewed  by Professors Joshua
Perry  and Jamie  Prenkert in this issue of the Journal of Legal Studies Education
      The  authors  of Academically Adrift advocate rigorous academic  endeav-
ors3 and  in measuring  rigor adopt  a benchmark   of more  than  twenty pages
of writing in a semester-long course.4 Such writing might  take the form of one
or more  lengthy, traditional term papers. Students whose  written efforts are

'See, e.g., Dave Carpenter, Business, B-Schools Fight Bad Writing, WASH. POST, Dec. 5, 2006, http://
(Like a dark and stormy night, bad writing has long shadowed the business world-from
bureaucratese to mangled memos to the cliche-thick murk of corporatespeak.); Schumpeter,
Business Has Much to Learn from the Arts, ECONOMIST, Feb. 19, 2011, at 76 (observing that bosses'
prose is larded with cliches and garbled with gobbledegook); David Silverman, My Is Business
Writing So Bad?, HARV. BUS. REV. BLOG (Feb. 10, 2009, 5:10 p.m.), http://blogs.hbr.org/
silverman/2009/02/why-is-business-writing-so-bad.htmI (noting students' use of prose that is
full of expensive-sounding words: nonfunctional, cadre, tantamount, individual, utilize. Before they
are legal to drink, my students are already using those words rather than these: broken, group,
this means, person, use.).

CAMPUSES  (2011). Arum and Roksa measured student learning by scores on the Collegiate
Learning Assessment (CLA), which is designed to assess core outcomes espoused by all of
higher education-critical thinking, analytical reasoning, problem solving and writing. Id. at
21. Test-takers respond to a writing prompt simulating a real-world task, with reference to a
set of background documents. Id. at 21-23. The CLA's scoring rubric measures whether the
presentation is clear and concise, the structure of the argument is well-developed and effective,
the work is persuasive, the written mechanics are proper and correct, and reader interest is
maintained. Id. at 22.

31d. at 129.

41d. at 70-71.

©  2012 The Author
journal of Legal Studies Education © 2011 Academy of Legal Studies in Business

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