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52 J. Common Mkt. Stud. 1 (2014)

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JCMS 2014 Volume 52. Number 1. pp. 1-16

Eastern Enlargement Ten Years On: Transcending the

East-West Divide?*

1 Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. 2 Brigham  Young University

This introduction summarizes the findings of nine research articles that examine the consequences
of the European Union's eastern enlargement ten years on. The volume reaches three surprising
conclusions: since 2004, the EU's economic effects have been more far-reaching than its political
effects; all of the new Member States (NMS) have had problems  with democratic consolidation;
and, despite four years  of intense crisis in the eurozone, both the  EU's  enlargement  and
neighbourhood-shaping  efforts have continued. We set these economic, political and institutional
developments  in the context of the long-standing east-west divide in Europe, and ask whether EU
membership  for post-communist countries upends the continent's traditionally persistent divisions.
Notable achievements  of EU  enlargement notwithstanding, the volume points to the continuing
important differences between east and  west and highlights the issue areas in which the EU
transcends but also reinforces the centuries-old partition.


Since 2004,  the European  Union   (EU) has  admitted  13 new  Member   States, 11 of which
were  post-communist   countries that had  gained independence   from  Soviet hegemony or
Yugoslavia  between  1989 and  1991.1 The EU's post-communist enlargements were its most
ambitious  in terms of the territory incorporated, the number of citizens admitted and, most
importantly, for the sweeping  political and economic transformation  required of candidate
states. This special issue of JCMS  examines  the consequences   of eastern enlargement  ten
years on, assessing the new  possibilities for prosperity there, as well as the prospects for
democratic  governance.  The  special issue also addresses the effects of enlargement on the
EU's  power  to promote   liberalizing reforms in prospective  candidate or neighbourhood
countries, while also protecting democratic  governance   among  existing members.
   One   major  finding  here  is that since  enlargement,  the  EU  has  had  more   direct
and  far-reaching  effects on  east  central European (ECE) economies than on their

* We thank the European Union Center of Excellence at the University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Denver,
the Center for the Study of Europe and David M. Kennedy Center at Brigham Young University and JCMS for their support
of two workshops to vet the articles in this special issue. Special thanks to Tanja Btrzel, Scott Cooper, John Gould, Joshua
Gubler, Sam Handlin, Brandy Jolliff, Joe Jupille, Dan Nielson, Sabina Pavlovska-Hilaiel, Jessica Preece, Martin Rhodes,
Roger Schoenman, Kendall Stiles, Nicholas Wheeler and anonymous reviewers at JCMS for their feedback on earlier
versions of these articles.
' In 2004, eight post-communist countries joined the EU: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Slovakia and Slovenia. In 2007, Bulgaria and Romania joined, followed by Croatia in 2013. Malta and Cyprus also joined
in 2004, though they are not under consideration here.

© 2013 The Author(s) JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street,
Malden, MA 02148, USA

DOI: 10.1111/jcms.12089

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