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59 J.L. Pol'y & Globalization 72 (2017)
The Interpretation of Inhibiting and Obstructing in the Act 18 of the Law Number 40 of 1999 on the Press

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ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online)                                                         I
Vol.59, 2017                                                                                       iISTE

The Interpretation of Inhibiting and Obstructing in the Act 18 of

                    the Law Number 40 of 1999 on the Press

                Zainal Arifin1  I Nyoman Nu Jaya2    Prija Djatmika3   Nurini Aprilianda3
             I.Doctoral Candidat of Criminal Law, Law Faculty of Brawijaya University, Malang
             2 Professor of Antropology of Law, Law Faculty of Brawijaya University , Malang
             3. Associate Professor of Criminal Law, Law Faculty of Brawijaya University , Malang

This study on the interpretation of inhibiting and obstructing in the Press Law appears as the result of, till today,
many law executors have not yet applied the Law of Press to give decision any conducts that block and obstacle
done by individual or institution toward the journalist who in duty of his journalist profession. For that reason,
the writer takes the problem statement on: The interpretation of inhibiting and obstructing in the Act 18 verse 1
of the Law Number 40 of 1999 on Press. The study purposes to find out and analyze the real meaning of the words
inhibiting and obstructing in the same Act. The research uses method of normative legal study. Having conducted
the study, some conclusions were found: the meaning of inhibiting and obstructing in the Act 18 verse (1) of the
Law Number 40 of 1999 on Press till today has not been formulated precisely and correctly, therefore it is still
uncertain or vague.
Keywords: The interpretation of inhibiting and and obstructing, the Press Law

A. Introduction
The Act 28 E verse (3) of The Indonesian Fundamental Constitution of 1945 has guarantee everyone freedom to
follow organization, and give opinion. The press including printed media, electronic media and online, becomes
one of intruments to give opinion for the Indonesian people. The function of giving opinion maximumly via
medias and freedom of press are needed because the press freedom refers to one of people integrity forms and
necessary element in democratic society, country and state life. In the democratic life, responsibility to the
people can be guaranteed, when the system of conducting the country is transparent and justice and truth reveal.
        The press having freedom to find and give information is necessary to create Human Right in Indonesia
guaranted using the Decision of People's Consultative Assemby of Indonesian Republic Number:
XVII/MPR/1998 on the Human Right, stating that: Everyone has right to communicate and obtain information.
The guarantee is in line with the United Nations Charter on the Human Rights Act 19 stating: Everyone has
right on freedom to have and give opinion; including freedom to have opinion without any bother, and to find,
accept, and give the information and idea via any kind of medias and not limitated by areas borders.'
        The press freedom becomes one of people democratic forms and ecessial element to create democratic
society, country and state life. The democratic society, country and state life, freedom to give idea and opinion
based on the deepest heart and the right to obtain information, belong to the truth of human right, needed to keep
the justice and the truth, develop the general welfare, and educate the national life. The national press as the
place of mass communication, informational spreader, and opinion crator must be able to do its fundamental,
function, right, responsibility, and role in better way based on the professional press freedom, thus it needs
guarantee and legal protection, as well as freedom from any influences and forces.
        According to Act 18 verse (1) of the Law Number 40 of 1999 on the Press, it states that:
        Everyone who legally againts the law by conducting action that result in inhibiting and obstructing the
        implementation of Act 4 verses (2) and (3) is condemned with in prison sentence maximum 2 (two)
        years and fine maximum Rp. 500,000,000.00 (Five hundreds millions rupiah).'2
        The Act 4 verses (2) and (3) of the Law Number 40 of 1999 on Press states: (2) Toward the national press,
it does not applied censoring, bans or restriction broadcasting. (3) To guarantee the press independence, the
national press has rights to search, obtain, and broadcast ideas and information.3 In the Law Number 40 of 1999
on Press, it does not explain in detail and certain on the meaning of inhibiting and obstructing, thus the understanding
on the Act 18 verse (1) is still vague.

B. Problem Statement
Based on the above explanantion, it formulates the problem statement: What the meaning of inhibiting and
obstructing being stated in the Act 18 verse 1 of the Law Number 40 of 1999 on Press?

1 Act 19, The Universal Declaration of Human Right (DUHAM) of 1948
2Act 18 verse (1) The Law Number 40 of 1999 on Press
3bid Act 4 verses (2) and (3)

Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization


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