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57 J.L. Pol'y & Globalization 103 (2017)
The Study of Legal Norms in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) That Is the Concretization of the Judge's Independence and Impartiality Principle

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Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization                                                    www iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online)                                                        I
Vol.57, 2017                                                                                      iISTE

    The Study of Legal Norms in Criminal Law Procedures Code

 (KUHAP) That is the Concretization of the Judge's Independence

                               and Impartiality Principle

            Ni Nengah Adiyaryanil*   I Nyoman Nurjaya2  Ismail Navianto3  Prija Djatmika3
            1. Doctoral Candidate of Criminal Law, Law Faculty of Brawijaya University, Malang
            2. Professor of Anthropology of Law, Law Faculty of Brawijaya University, Malang
            3. Associate Professor of Criminal Law, Law Faculty of Brawijaya University, Malang

The judge's independence and impartiality principle is one of the principle or the fundamental that adopted by
the criminal procedural law. This research tried to answer what is the meaning of the concretization of
independence principle and judge impartiality in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) norms of law; How
the existence of norms of law that accommodates the principle independency and the judge impartiality in
Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) currently and How the realization of the judge's independence and the
impartiality principle in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) norms of law to the future. It seen from the
kind of research, this is conducted as research normative law and analyzed qualitatively normative. The
research, in answer to the problems served, namely: the meaning of the concretization of the judge's
independence and impartiality principle in the norms of law of Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP), the
norms of law that accommodate the principle of independency and the judge impartiality are a guideline or
foundation for judge in thinking, being and acting i criminal justice by the realization of truth and justice values
over a criminal case. Then, the norms law existence that accommodate the judge's independence and
impartiality principle in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) currently, is there juridical problematic of
vague of norms and vacuum of norms. The last, regarding the concretization of the judge's independence and
impartiality principle in the norms of law of Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) for the future, is the need
for conducted the actions of the policy of the criminal law, by doing the revision toward the formulation of
KUHAP articles that accepted today to avoid the vague and vacuum norms again that accommodates it's judge's
independence and impartiality principle.
Keywords: Norm, Legal Norm, The Judge's independence Principle, The Judge's Impartiality Principle;
Criminal Procedures

The focus of the study is to review it deeply toward the independence and impartiality principle that is
concretized into the legal norm in Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 Year 1981 concerning
the Criminal Procedures that known as Criminal Law Procedures Code that must be applied by the judge of
criminal justice.
        Based on the Law Dictionary, Dictionary of Law Complete Edition, the definition of principle is A
vision that is formulated widely and underlying the existence of the legal norm.'
        The definition of principle based on the other law dictionaries, namely, principle, means: 1. The
fundamental law; 2. Fundamental (a foundation in thinking and arguing; 3. The basic association (community or
        According to Tolib Effendi, ....the principles or principle in any law is a strong basis in the
establishment of the articles in the law itself.3
        Furthermore, Muhammad Erwin, states that:
        legal principle of basically formed the general principles, so it has not directly launched. For the
          concretized to society, the fundamental law (the process) should be manifested into a norm that
          known as the rule of law. From this, we can see that it becomes a foundation for the existence of the
          norm as a regulation. We can consider of this view that the concretization of the regulations basically
          start from the very beginning process through to the end can be returned to the fundamentals of the
        It can be understood that legal principle is a abstract principle, it is concretized into regulation (legal

1 M. Marwan & Jimmy P, Kamus Hukum. Dictionary of Law Complete Edition, (Surabaya: Reality Publisher, 2009), hlm.
2 Sudarsono, Kamus Hukum, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2009), hlm. 37.
3 Tolib Effendi, Dasar-Dasar Hukum Acara Pidana Perkembangan Dan Pembaharuannya Di Indonesia, (Malang: Setara
Press, 2014), hlm. 16.
4 Muhamad Erwin, Filsafat Hukum Refleksi Kritis Terhadap Hukum, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2011, hlm. 49.

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