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6 Util. Sec. Newsl.: Periodic Rep. Members Sec. Pub. Util. L. A.B.A. 1 (1965-1966)

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A Periodic Report to the Members of the Section of Public Utility Law of the American Bar Association
Page 1
No. 1                            October 1, 1965
The Chairman's Statement
med the office of Chairman of your Section of Public Utility Law at the
ing of the Section held in Miami Beach on August 11, 1965, it now be-
ivilege to share these thoughts with you.
Chairman, W. James Macintosh, brought an experience and states-
is leadership of the Section which will be difficult to follow. We are
for his sound counsel and guidance during an active and interesting
atly appreciate the opportunity to work with you in the area of public
uring the 1965-66 year and solicit your support and advice. In my
ection is fortunate to have Gregory S. Prince of Washington, D. C.,
hairman-Elect, and I look forward to working closely with him on all
diving the Section.
Newsletter (see page 3) you will find a list of the new chairmen of the
special committees. These committees form a focal point for the
s of interest within the Public Utility Section and I hope that you will
contract their chairmen in connection with any matters relating to the
ch the committees are particularly interested. In addition to provid-
r of the Utility Section Newsletter with the material which makes up the
the chairmen of the committees act as your spokesmen and report to
on current developments in the law and bring to its attention matters
ation by the Council and the Section.
st year, for instance, the matters brought to the Council for considera-
on included a resolution proposed by the Atomic Energy Committee (a)
dherence by the United States to the Nuclear Ship Convention adopted
in 1962, which fixes liability for nuclear damage resulting from the
such ships and limits the amount of such liability, while, at the same
ging that it is unwise for the United States to fix, by treaty or by inter-
vention, the rights of American nationals with respect to damage
clear incidents arising from land-base reactors or other nuclear
thin the United States.
The Special Committee to Study Jurisdictional Conflicts
in Regulation submitted a report which resulted in the
adoption of an important resolution discussed later in
this Newsletter (see page 6), which is designed to pro-
tect the utility from being caught between the Scylla of
federal legislation and the Charybdis of state legisla-
ti on.
With the large number of important decisions in the
field of regulatory law that have come down during re-
cent years, I hope that the Newsletter and the Annual
Report, which includes the Survey of Recent Develop-
ments in Public Utility Law, will continue to be a valu-
able and useful service to the bar. The Section welcomes
into its membership lawyers who are interested in any
. Brophy    phase of public utility law, and I believe that the Section

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