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99 Harv. L. Rec. 1 (1994)

handle is hein.journals/hlrec99 and id is 1 raw text is: F                                                    America's Oldest
Law School
SHarvard..Law RECORD
Volume 99, No. 1                    Cambridlge 02138             Friday, September 16, 1994

Prof. Nesson
Stars in ITL's
Leap Ahead
By David Weiss
Brian Confoy is dead; long
live 0. J. Simpson and cyber-
The    Introduction   to
Lawyering program has under-
gone a transformation for the
coming year that includes an
entirely new subject matter, a
significant increase in the use
of computer technology and a
reorganization of the program
Unofficially       titled
Cyberlaw: A Course in Skills of
Mind and Practice, the reqyied.
ITL program will replace the
infamous Brian Confoy drunk
driving case with the O.J.
Simpson trial as its teaching
vehicle. Rather than getting
preselected issues and complet-
ed research packets, each ITL
workshop will be allowed to
select one or more issues
involved in the Simpson case
that most interest group mem-
Student teachers will pro-
vide some guidance in the selec-
tion process to ensure that the
subjects chosen~have sufficient
statutory or case law to support
in-depth legal research, accord-
ing to ITL Chairperson Rowan
Gaither '95.
Research is something we
wanted to stress this year, and
it looks like we're going to do
it, said Rupa Bhattacharyya
'95, vice-president of the Board
of Student Advisors, which
helps run the ITL program.
- Once an issue is selected,
students will produce a state-
ment of the issue, an analysis,
a research memorandum, a
brief, and an opinion, as well as
perform the traditional oral
please see O.J., page 15

Faculty Grows as
Three Profs Arrive
Howell Jackson Gets Tenure

RECORD Photo / Gone Rhough
Students check fall admit lists to see whether they have man-
aged to get into preferred classes. See page 3 for an inter-
view with Registrar Sue Robinson about problems students
face in registering for classes each year.
BSA Emphasizes Academic
Focus For Orientation

y, David  es
Besides its involvement in
revampingthe Introduction to
Lawyering program, the Board
of Studient Advisors has also
rethought its approach to its 1L
Orientation program.,s The
result has been not only a name
ch&nge from Orientation groupsu
(O-groups) to Advising groups
(A-groups), but also a new
focus for this function of the
We wanted to start empha-
sizing and carrying out our
roles as- academic advisors,
explained BSA President Greg
Duhl'95. Our primary concern
is with how good we are as aca-
demic leaders 4nd advisors and

not how good wve are as cheer-
BSA guidelines now advise
members to hold meetings
throughout the year with their
A-groups, such as -sessions on
-findingjobs, taking exams, and
selecting courses.'
'A lot of board membqfs
had already been doing thekt,
and we just cemented those and
formalized. that, said Rupa
Bbattacharrya    '95, V..ice
Predent rf BSA. 'e just set
up guidelinas, not require-
ments, but ,ye anticipate board
7i6.-ubers to meet guidelines, if
not pass them.
The change in emphasis
was not the reason for varia-
please see BSA, page 15

By Greg Stohr
First-year students are not
the only new faces at the Law
School this fall, as three women
have joined the HLS faculty.
But unlike their fellow new
arrivals, the three new profes-
sors won't have to spend much
time learning their way around
campus. All three graduated
from HLS within the last decade.
The three bring an array of
expertise and teaching potential
to the school. One, a visiting
professor last year, has com-
bined her law degree with a doc-
torate in international relations.
Another, a practicing tax attor-
ney, has written on a variety of
tax and currency issues. The
third, a law and economics schol-
ar who was offered positions at
several of the nation's top law
schools, expects to complete her
Ph.D work this fall.
The three new professors -
Prof.  of  Law   Anne-Marie
Slaughter '85 (formerly Anne-
Marie Burley) and Assistant
Profs. Diane Ring '90
and Christine Jolls
'93 - increase the
size  of the  HLS
teaching corps to an
all-time high of 68
full-time professors.
We're coming
into the year in a
good position, Dean
Clark '72 said.
The Law School      .
also granted tenure
to  Prof.   Howell Anne-Mar
Jackson '82 over the
summer. Jackson, an expert on
financial institutions and securi-
ties regulation, has been an
assistant professor at HLS since
1989. He is teaching Regulation
of Financial Institutions this fall.
Jackson says he hopes to
continue his efforts to use corn-

puter technology as a comple-
ment to the traditional class-
room.    In  his  Securities
Regulation class last spring,
many students regularly sent
him questions via electronic
I was interested in how
good the questions I got J]ec-
tronically were, he said. Not
only did I get the advantage of
hearing them, : :oul, 'ost thein.
on the bulletin boarci for other
people to see and think about,
Jackson has also been active
in trying to integrate.the upper-
level curriculum. He has served
on   the   Legal   Education
Committee, which in 1993 pub-
lished a guide to grouping cours-
es at the Law School.
The Law School has made an
additional offer of tenure to
Einer Elhauge, who taught two
corporate law classes as a visit-
ing professor here last year.
Currently a professor at the
University  of California  at
Berkeley Law School (Boalt
Hall), Elhauge has not told the
Law        School
2  whether he will
accept the ofier,
Clark said.
In   addition,
HLS formalized its
offer to Visiting
Prof. Lucie White
'81 this summer.
Clark  said  that
White, a poverty
law  specialist. is
still  considering
e Slaughter the offer.
Slaughter was
wooed away from a position at
the University of Chicago Law
School. Her popularity as a vis-
iting professor last year was one
of the factors that led the Law
School to extend the tenure offer,
please see PROFS page 6

Clark Defends
Tuition Increase

By Greg Stohr
As HLS    tuition  creeps
toward $20,000, Dean Clark '72
this week defended this year's
$1330 increase as necessary to
meet rising costs.
The increase from $17,750 to
$19,080 was the biggest actual
dollar jump in the school's histo-
ry, although in percentage terms
the 7.5 percent hike is slightly
lower than the average increase
over the past decade. Tuition at
HLS has more than doubled
since the 1984-85 school year,
when students paid $8800.
Clark said that in a field like
higher education, where salaries
may account for more than half
of costs and where improving
technology does not lead to
reduced costs, holding tuition
increases in higher education to

the rate of inflation is not real-
Our costs go up faster than
inflation, he said. Over time
you expect salaries to go up
faster than inflation as the econ-
omy gets more productive.
Clark said the Law School has
worked hard to contain costs
since he was appointed as dean
five years a6-. Until this year,
the rate of increase had steadily
declined during Clark's tenure
from an 8.9 percent increase in
1989-90 to last year's 6.1 percent
hike, the slowest rate of increase
in more than a decade.
I've been relentless about
not adding new [non-teaching]
staff, Clark said. Ve've been
at zero growth since I've taken
office as dean.
Clark pointed to other high-
please see TUITION, page 13

BLSA Opening Itself to
Members of All Races

By Greg Stohr
In the wake of questions
over compliance with the Law
School's non-discrimination pol-
icy, the Black Law Students
Organization is opening its
membership to all HLS stu-
dents, regardless of their race.
BLSA President Robert
James would not confirm the
change, saying only that the
University no longer has a prob-
lem with our membership poli-
cy. When asked whether non-
black students would be able to
join BLSA in the near future,
James responded, No com-
But sources within BLSA
said the organization-voted over-
whelmingly Monday night to

rescind the provision of its cpn-
stitution that had restricted
membership     to    African-
American students. One BLSA
member said the vote was 80-12
in favor of rescinding the exclu-
sionary provision.
Dean of Students Suzanne
Richardson said the school was
satisfied that BLSA was not cur-
rently in violation of the non-dis-
crimination policy but declined
to be more specific. She said she
was not aware of any organiza-
tion on campus that was in vio-
lation of the policy.
The Law School's policy
states that the school does not
discriminate on the basis of
race, color creed, national or eth-
nic origin, age, sex, sexual orien-
tation, marital or parental sta-
tus, handicap, source of income,

or status as a Vietnam-era oi
disabled veteran in admission
to, access to, treatment in, or
employment in its programs and
The issue over BLSA's mem-
bership policy surfaced last
spring when John Bates '9
expressed concern to Richardsor
that BLSA was receiving LaN
School funds while at the samE
time restricting its membership
Events sponsored by BLSA
including the upcoming fall jot
fair, have traditionally beer
open to all HLS students, bul
over fhe past few years, non
black students have not beer
permitted to join the organiza
tion or vote in its elections.
The decisien to allow non
please see BLSA, page Id

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