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50 Harv. L. Rec. 1 (1970)

handle is hein.journals/hlrec50 and id is 1 raw text is: HARVARD LAW RECORD

VOL. 50 NO. 1

JANUARY 29, 1970


Students Flock to Film Preview

By Bob Hernandez
One thousand Harvard Law
students and faculty spent Mon-
day night at the movies last week,
as guests of Paramount Pictures
for a preview of The Lawyer at
the Harvard Square Theater.
During a panel discussion fol-

lowing the showing, the director
of the film walked out, confounded
by the Harvard hiss and crit-
icism of the film by members of
the audience.
The Lawyer, based on the Sam
Shepard trial which brought F.
Lee Bailey to national prom-

IMovie Review: 'The Lawyer'
If You've Seen One Perry Mason

By Linda Standridge
If you've seen Perry Mason,
then you've seen The Law-
yer. Mildly entertaining, but
definitely neither profound nor
The plot revolves around a
Harvard-educated lawyer prac-
ticing in a small western town.
He screeches around in a beat-
up camper, breaks all traffic
laws, and ardently pursues a
career of defending drunks.
One day, however, a case comes
his way concerning a doctor

who is accused of killing his
wife. This creates the typically
small-town reaction: moral out-
rage which presumes guilt be-
fore trial (despite the state's
case being based purely on cir-
cumstantial evidence - which
is not even very strong).
Barry Newman, as the law-
yer, does an excellent acting
job with his style and his an-
tics. He is a somewhat arro-
gant man placed among hicks;
but an arrogant man with a
(Continued on Page 15)

inence, cast Barry Newman in the
title role. Like 95 per cent of the
cast, Newman makes his film
debut with this picture.
Newman received a masters de-
gree in anthropology from Bran-
deis. He has had roles in half a
dozen Broadway plays and was a
two-and-a-half year member of
The Edge of Night television
In The Lawyer he plays a Dus-
tin Hoffman-type anti-hero, re-
cently graduated from Harvard
Law and trying to make it
somewhere in the southwest.
Cocky, a compulsive speeder, he
is an aggressive lawyer with a
strong sense of justice and good
sense of humor. He is The Grad-
uote now grown up, facing the
real world of assault, sex crimes,
and murder.
Following the screening for
the world's toughest audience,
Newman joined F. Lee Bailey, di-
rector Sidney J. Furie, producer
Brad Dexter, and Boston Univer-
sity Professor Robert Steele to
Continued on Page 13)

Black Law Students Face Disciplinary Decision

The Law School has been asked
to discipline black law students in-
volved in December's demonstra-
tions against Harvard University
employment practices, according
to reliable sources.
The faculty has reached no de-
cision yet as to whether the Law
School should handle the matter
- rather than a special Univer-
sity-wide body - and, if it does,
whether normal or special pro-
cedures should be used, the same
sources said.

Professor James Vorenberg,
chairman of the Administrative
Board, which would normally han-
dle serious Law School discipli-
nary matters, told the REcoRD
that any discussion of the situa-
tion by him would be inappro-
priate because the matter is still
Black students who might be
subject to possible disciplinary
measures could not be reached for

comment. Those students have
reportedly received letters telling
them that the Law School will
handle any possible disciplinary
measures against them.
The controversy arose over
what the Organization for Black
Unity - OBU - called discrimi-
natory hiring practices by the
University. It culminated in an
early-morning takeover of the
Faculty Club by OBU members,
and a day-long occupation.

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