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13 Goal IX 1 (2007)

handle is hein.journals/goal13 and id is 1 raw text is: Globlization of

Bringing Diversity
Alive in your Organization

Stepping Outside
the Norm

Why my
mom's career
didn't ruin
my lifeW
By Rachel H odg e
J.D. Candidate, 2008 Boston University School of Law
V, o I wa five  k  d, m.y inother retuiined to
liJ-tme wokl aoad empl,,' menlt
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11110 ~h ofic 11o1' 1 o01 1 h10-0 fo1i) :1 weeks a 1  101m,
),ost of 111  od and    d  cece I bdi,: od that miy
111 Worked too m uch a  li lh t'e I  Ue ip I  uld
be.s dntingo bu af awyeor, Oi: lay howeve r, I camel to
When I was a young child, I spent most of my time at
my babysitter's house. When my parents found Joyce,
shortly after my brother was born, they found more than
just a woman who ran a day care facility out of her home.
Joyce cared for around six or seven children at a time but
also belonged to a circle of other babysitters in her neigh-
borhood. This network provided an opportunity for large
scale play dates as well as resources for emergency child
care coverage. After I was old enough for school, I would
spend each afternoon there until my dad picked me up after
dinner on his way home from work. From what I hear from
my parents and my older brother, I was not happy with the
fact that my mom worked all the time. I do remember that
there were times when she would leave for work before I
woke up and not come home until after I was asleep. I also
continued on page 7

American Bar
Pro Bono                   l        s
By    Manuel        L.   Crespo,        Jr.
Manuel L Crespo, RA.
We recently learned that the Cuban American Bar
Association (CA BA) in Florida is in tile process of hiring
(if it has not already done so by tile time wye go to press)
staff counsel to head its pro bono, legal services program. In
sharing that good news, the Commission also thought that
other minority bar associations might benefit from learning
how CABA built its pro bono program and reached a stage
where it could hire full-time staff counsel with an eye
toward emulating that success.
r   n     Cuth  American hA- Asso iation (CABA)
,,:,the 1. i~ ini1~t\ bar as1-::Non il Ole
Sl~ao of ['or~d  Oe ofC: iAssted missions
s to ge bac. to tli     I   lmonitx, p1 roviding legal
assis~a::c to te h i pisanic./(Cban Ai cric'an
5or  1 uniti  f In f 1(h5e of thIt 1 in:son, C A bA
eot fab 11(e1 the CA \A fro \  no P1 roject (the Project)
in 1981 to  i 0 indigont1, in  i  1i)ade ounty
(those    tic, 12, (f I Federa] . 'ertv (Gaidelines)
For a period of time prior to September of 2006, the
Project had been housed and administered by FIAC
(Florida Immigration Advocacy Council) and mostly
dealt with immigration issues. CABA's Board of
Directors hoped to marshal the resources of its mem-
continued on page 4


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