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1991 FDLI Update 1 (1991)

handle is hein.journals/fdliup1991 and id is 1 raw text is: The Food and Drug Law Institute
Promoting an understanding of the laws and regulations administered by FDA

Volume 9, No. 1

January/February 1991

Frank Duckworth Retires, John Villforth Elected FDLI President in December

The   34th  Annual Educational
Conference was opened     with the
announcement of Frank Duckworth's
retirement as President of FDLI. Mr.
Duckworth has spent five years expanding
the Institute by offering a more diverse scope
of seminars in greater number, by publishing
books and directories for FDLI members;
and by increasing membership. Mr.
Duckworth was also instrumental in
developing workshops on the international
level to teach FDLI member companies with
European subsidiaries how to comply with
S. food, drug and medical device
Under Frank Duckworth's presidency,
FDLI expanded to offer publications which
included relevant court decisions and
regulations; many of these decisions were
not published by any other organization.
Upon his retirement, Mr. Duckworth has
continued to fulfill the need of educating
industry by establishing his own company,
FD Inc. He developed the company to
provide data retrieval services for pertinent
cases, decisions and regulations using the
latest technology, a CD-ROM data base. FD
Inc. now employs five professionals in the
food and drug field and is located in
Washington, DC.
In This Issue
Enforcement Workshop         2
Food Update Information      3
New Members                  4
Expanded Membership Benefits 5
FDCL Journal                 5-7
1991 Tear-out Meeting Schedule 9
Recommended Books            13
People On The Move           14
Job Exchange                 15

Villforth Looks To
The Future
In the past, FDLI has
held its seminars primarily
on the East Coast. The
Institute began 1991 by
offering seminars on a
regional level due to a
growing awareness of the
recent constraints on travel.
The first meetings will be
held in Orange County,
California and will discuss
current issues relating to
Institutional  Review
Boards   and  Informed
Consent on February 26th
and How to Deal with
FDA's New Enforcement Initiatives on
February 27th. These seminars will focus
on both regional and national issues faced
by medical device and pharmaceutical
companies located on the West Coast.
March will take FDLI to Chicago to
teach industry within the region how to deal
with FDA's new enforcement initiatives.
The meeting will be held on March 25th.
Philadelphia has been selected to hold a
regional inspections workshop designed for

Commissioner Delivers
In an opening address to over 1,300
attendees at FDLI's 34th Annual Educational
Conference, Commissioner David A.
Kessler, M.D. called for a boldness of
thought with regard to opportunities that
the Agency faces. He has asked each of the
Agency's Center Directors to devise new
agendas containing bold and dynamic
approaches. Dr. Kessler stressed that FDA
must foster a sense of leadership at all levels.
It is only when Center Directors and their
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northeastern industry and will be held on
April 5th.
The Institute is also publishing Food
and Drug Law, a comprehensive sequel to
the Seventy-Fifth Commemorative Volume
of Food and Drug Law previously published
by FDLI. As a service to members,
publication of the ten new regulations will
also be offered in the spring, along with an
updated edition of the FDA Directory. A

First Address To FDLI
managers feel they have the authority to act
that they can fairly be held accountable, he
In his speech, the Commissioner defined
five priorities. The first was the restoration
of FDA's credibility following the generic
drug scandal. Until and unless we have
done everything possible to prevent
misconduct in the future the Agency cannot
restore its integrity.
Continued on page 2


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