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20 Experience 1 (2010)

handle is hein.journals/experien20 and id is 1 raw text is: Prologue
n law and lore, President Franklin istrative and political skills of Chief
Roosevelt's 1937 court-packing plan    Jstice Hnghes. I shonld have hated
has always remained a subject of intense  to see a complete divorce between the
interest to the nation-especially to the   Conrt and the conntry. (p. 363-64)
country's legal community. That the
struggle between Court and country also
generated considerable interest abroad, in  The referenced gold decision, (Perry
retrospect, seems somewhat remarkable.  v. United States 294 U.S. 330 (1935)) was
Evidence of this international inter-  bnt one of a nnmber of decisions that
est (and passion) came to my atten-     aronsed deep passions in the conntry
tion recently in a chance rereading of  and, as we will see below, deep passions
the celebrated The Holmes-Einstein      in the Conrt as well. The particnlar issne
Letters. First published in 1964, this cor-  in this proceeding was whether, nnder
respondence, like the more celebrated   recently enacted New Deal legislation,
Holmes-Laski letters and the justice's  financial obligations conld be redeemed
correspondence with the English jurist,  in legal tender (paper money) instead of
Sir Frederick Pollock, ranged the uni-  with the contractnally stipnlated gold
verse of ideas-political, social, theologi-  bnllion. If the jnstices were to reject this
cal, and literary. All fascinating.     position, it was estimated that the pnblic
The correspondence had begun          debt wonld increase by $10 billion and
in 1903 when Lewis Einstein, then a     the total debt of the conntry by nearly $70
young American scholar and later a      billion; a resnlt of potential catastrophic
distinguished diplomat in Paris and     impact to the nation's depression-ravaged
London, was invited to dine with Justice  economy. Following oral argnment, the
Oliver Wendell Holmes at his home in    nation and the Roosevelt administration
Washington. After that initial meeting, a  held its breath awaiting the Conrt's deci-
friendship flourished and continued for  sion. The administration was not optimis-
some thirty-two years until Holmes' death  tic abont the projected resnlt, as the Conrt
on March 6, 1935, two days before his   had already strnck down a nnmber of like
ninety-fourth birthday. In the very last  progressive congressional enactments.
of the letters, written from London and   Anomalonsly, in this case, Chief
dated February 1935, Einstein wrote the  jnstice Charles Evans Hnghes wrote an
following to the justice:               opinion that was hailed as a master-
Toda I avehada ro  wih Hlen piece of jndicial legerdemain hardly
Today I have had a row with HelenCo
(Einstein's wife) who now refnsessicMahl'sononnMrby
to speak to me. It is all abont yonr  v  aio.     esitdhspeinl
Conrt's gold decision. . .. (Helen)
is a female connterpart of (Jnstice)hedgnrlpstopoigtiskd
McReynolds which is not nnflattering oflgsainadonavtof54th
to yonr late associate. I don't know if  cntttoaiyo h      ncmn      a
she also regards Roosevelt like Nero, trtobeahdasgofelfosy
bnt she is pretty close to it. I fear that ththedsneronheCrtldb
being withont her convictions I find JntcJaeMcyodswrlid
nothing theological abont the law,   wndb        osinn      nesaeet
and I think the conntry shonld beThscninteorromasHgs
gladto ave  ma wit th admn-oncldetie adinofia sils oiin Cif
deanemertusof te Suthen NeEnlandThotrt id e coftCry.  felt 363e64
Schol f Lw. e i chir f te EperencTmoe rorngly abontth decision.(er
EditoralvBord.nAter Hnghes finiSed3 (reading his
infrmtin r ay orio thref aynotbecoie ordiseinti for orf anmean or storeins tanetrncdtbsorerivlytmwthute
express writtentcosentaofetheNAmerianlBareAssociatio

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