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8 EPA J. 1 (1982)

handle is hein.journals/epajrnl8 and id is 1 raw text is: United States
Environmental Protection

Office of
Public Affairs (A-107)
Washington DC 20460

Volume 8
Number 1
Jan.-Feb. 1982

Anne McGill Gorsuch, Administrator
Byron Nelson Ill, Director, Office of Public Affairs
Charles D. Pierce, Editor
Truman Temple, Associate Editor

EPA is charged by Congress to protect
the Nation's land, air and water systems.
Under a mandate of national eriviron-
mental laws, the Agency strives to for-
mulate and implement actions which lead
to a compatible balance between huran
activities and the ability of natural
systems to support arid nhtrtLIre life
The EPA Journal is published bi-inonthly
by the U.S. Envitonmental Protection
Agency Use of funds for printing this
periodical has been approved by the
Director of the Office of Management
and Budget. Views expressed by authors
do not necessarily reflect EPA policy,
Contributions and inquiries should be ad-
dressed to the Editor IA-107). Waterside
Mall, 401 M St.. S.W.. Washington, D.C
20460. No permission necessary to
reproduce contents except copyrighted
photos and other materials.

New Clean Air Bill Wins
Administration Support 2
Administrator Gorsuch backs
bipartisan legislation
The 1980's-A Decade of
Challenge  5
EPA Administrator discusses
goals for the future
Reagan Commitment to
Environment Fulfilled in
EPA s '81 Success  io
A review of management and
operation improvements
Achieving Better
Management   12
An interview with Assistant
Administrator Horton

Grants Program Refocused
on Environment      16
President signs legislation
authorizing grants for
treatment plants
EPA Acts to Protect
Atlantic City Water 19
Agency allocates $500.000
to help stem contamination
EPA Paves Way for
PCB Burning 20
Agency monitors incineration
on the ship Vulcanus
New Criminal Enforcement
Unit Established at EPA 24
Agency Enforcement Office
reorganized and strengthened

Key Appointments
Move   Forward  26
Two new Assistant
Administrators, Science
Advisory Board chairman
Private Cleanup
Sought   29
Private parties warned must
Waste-to-Steam Plant
Slated for New York 30
Modern refuse burning
facility to be built in Brooklyn
Paperwork Cut for Car
Imports 32
Paperwork to be reduced for
foreign cars

Front Cover: A new day begins as the
sun rises behind the Washington Monu-
ment and the U.S. Capitol.

Photo Credits: Steve Delaney. Photri.
Rollins Environmental Services, Inc..
Frank Aleksandrowicz. Charles O'Rear.
PPG Industries. Gene Daniels, Rolls-

Design Credits: Robert Flanagan and
Ron Farrah.

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