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10 EPA J. 1 (1984)

handle is hein.journals/epajrnl10 and id is 1 raw text is: United States
Environmental Protection

Office of
Public Affairs (A-107)
Washington, DC 20460

Volume 10
Number 1
January-February 1984

William D. Ruckelshaus, Administrator
Josephine S. Cooper, Assistant Administrator for External Affairs
Jean Statler, Director, Office of Public Affairs
Charles D. Pierce, Editor
John M. Heritage, Managing Editor
Susan Tejada, Contributing Editor

EPA is charged by Congress to pro-
tect the Nation's land, air and water
systems. Under a mandate of nation-
al environmental laws, the Agency
strives to formulate and implement
actions which lead to a compatible
balance between human activities
and the ability of natural systems to
support and nurture life.
The EPA Journal is published by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agen-
cy. The Administrator of EPA has de-
termined that the publication of this
periodical is necessary in the transac-
tion of the public business required
by law of this Agency. Use of funds
for printing this periodical has been
approved by the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget
through 4/1/84. Views expressed by
authors do not necessarily reflect
EPA policy. Contributions and in-
quiries should be addressed to the
Editor (A-107), Waterside Mall, 401 M
St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460.
No permission necessary to repro-
duce contents except copyrighted
photos and other materials.

EPA Forges New
Relationship with States 2
Helping the States Carry a
Bigger Load 4
State Officials Explain
What They Can Do 6
The Chesapeake Bay:
Saving It Together 10
Measuring Water Quality:
An Inventory by
the States 12

Front Cover: Dome of State Capi-
tol Building in Hartford, Conn.
The Connecticut Capitol has been
registered with the Department of
the Interior as a national historic
landmark because of outstanding
expression of the eclecticism of
its high Victorian Gothic style.
The allegorical figures sur-
rounding the gold-leafed dome
represent agriculture, commerce,
education and other influences
that shaped the state. Photo by
Everett C. Johnson of Photri.

Dealing with EDB, a
Dangerous Pesticide 16
EPA Moves to Curb Dioxin
Threat 18
Invisible Threat, Invisible
Resource: Underground
Tanks Contaminate
Groundwater 20
87 EPA Employees
Honored 23
Four Major Enforcement
Actions Taken 24

More Appointments at
EPA 25
Developments at EPA 26
Soviets Grappling with
Pollution 28
Who's Who in EPA and
Their Phone Numbers 30
Under a Winter Moon 32

Photo Credits: Steve Delaney;  Design Credits: Robert Flanagan,
Earl R. Baker, U. S. Department of  Ron Farrah
Agriculture; Dr. Richard Schoett-
ger, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser-
vice; Department of the Army;
Owens Coming Fiberglas; E. J.
White Co.; Photri, and Mike
Flaherty of EPA's Office of
Emergency and Remedial Re-

The annual rate for subscribers in the
U.S. for the EPA Journal is $20.00
for 10 issues.
I he charge to subscribers in foreign
countries is $25.00 a year. The price of
a single copy of the Journal is $2.00
in this country and $2.50 if sent to a
foreign country. Prices include mailing
costs. Subscriptions to EPA Journal
as well as to other Federal Gov
ernment magazines are handled only
by the U.S. Government Printing
Office. Anyone wishing to subscribe
to the Journal should fill in the form
at right and enclose a check or
money order payable to the Superin-
tendent of Documents. The request
should be mailed to: Superintendent
of Documents, GPO, Washington,
D.C. 20402

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