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5 Envtl. L. Rep. 10000 (1975)

handle is hein.journals/elrna5 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                   Environmental Law Reporter

                         A  Project of the Environmental  Law  Institute

                   SUMMARY & COMMENTS

Volume  Year V, January-December  1975                                               5 ELR  10000

                                   Table of Contents

Toward an Energy Policy: Recent Studies Offer Guidance in Assessing
  the Adm inistration's  Forthcom ing  Proposals...................................................... 10003
1974 Developments Underscore Need for Altered Standard of Proof
  in Public H ealth  C ases  .........................................................................10007
Tall Stacks Versus Scrubbers: $3.5 Million Publicity Campaign
  Fails to Discredit Emission  Reduction  Technology.................................................10009
Freon Endangers Ozone Layer, Increases Risk of
  Skin C ancer, N R D C  C harges.................................................................... 10011
Agency Procedures for Public Notice of Proposed Federal
  Actions: The Requirements of CEQ's NEPA
  G uidelines R em ain  U nfilled  .................................................................... 10012
New  ELI Project Assesses Impact of Tax Code Provisions
  on Use of Depletable Resources  and  Recycling....................................................10014
Environmental Legislation Passed by the 93rd Congress:
  A  Review .................................................................... 10020
The Rush for Offshore Oil and Gas: Where Things
  Stand on the O uter  Continental Shelf  ............................................................ 10026
The Second Circuit Reaffirms Greene County and
  Upholds Programmatic Impact Statement for Route 7 Corridor .................................... 10030
  ELI Undertakes Research on Enforcement of the Federal
  W ater Pollution  Control Act Amendments of 1972  ................................................10033
Corporate Disclosure of Environmental Information:
  The SEC  Announces a Public Proceeding......................................................... 10039
  OSHA Standards for Vinyl Chloride  Plants  Upheld  ..................................................10042
  Not Saving the Whales: President Ford Refuses to Ban
  Fish Imports from Nations Which Have Violated
  International Whaling Quotas ..................................................... 10044
  Environmental Law Institute to Explore and Recommend
  Energy Conservation M easures..................................................................10047
  D.C. Circuit Voids EPA Plan to Lower Lead Content of Gasoline ................................... 10052
  Where There's a Will: Must EPA Consider the Technologic and Economic Feasibility
  of State A ir  Im plem entation  Plans?..............................................................10056
  EPA Denies Request for Emergency Use of DDT in Louisiana ...................................... 10065
  Federal Facilities Held Subject to State NPDES Permit Programs .................................... 10067
  Sierra Club Seeks to Require NEPA Impact Statement on Annual Appropriations Proposals ............ 10071
  Congress Under Pressure to Amend NEPA to Allow State Participation in Impact Statement Preparation . . 10081
  Electric Utility Rate Design: The Move Toward Peak-Load Pricing ............................. 10084
  International Application of NEPA: Environmentalists Challenge Pesticide Aid Program ............... 10086
  The Vapreee Court Limits Attorneys' Fee Awards ......... .........10095
  Comprehgiti  Wetlands Protection: One Step Closer to Full Implementation of §404 of the FWPCA..... 10099
  NEPA's Power to Amend Other Federal Laws: EDF Seeks to Compel
  the FDA  to Consider Environmental Criteria...........................................10104
  ELI Engages in International Environmental Law Programs   .................................. 10108
  Comprehensive Planning Under NEPA: D.C. Circuit Widens Applicability of Program Impact Statement .. 10118

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