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23 Unif. L. Rev. [i] (2018)

handle is hein.journals/droit2018 and id is 1 raw text is: ISSN 1124 - 3694 (Print)
ISS 2050 -9056 (Online)
Revue de droit uniforme
Voime 2.3 Number 1 2t18
Contributors / C onlribuleurs
SJg      s   wMichl Joachim Bonell u Giuditta Giardini
wfide Takaf -K(nfauk Pierre Meyer   Anachet Nzohabonayo
Rtudrig  Mlmerg/Stn Vocgenauer
International econmi  h% an d commercial contracts:
pr'omot~ling-' cross-boradrd by uniform law conventions
The w h%,, n  ing irnational commercial contracts and the
actual role of the I   Principles
The principles  iternational restitution of cultural property
in the 1954 Hague Convrmtion: the UNiDROiT contribution
La riforme de 1'alerte et 1'expertise de gestion dans le nouveau
droit OHADA des soci6cts commerciales
Le droit QHADA et le droit international priv6: les rigles
d'applicabilit6 du droit uniforme
Pr servation de la securit6 juridiquc el judiciaire des affaires a
travers les formations: cas de l'ERSUMA et des commissions
nationales OHADA
International Developments / Activihds internationales
The Principles of Lati American Conract Law: text,
translation, and introduction
https://academic.oup.com/ulr       UNIDR(OIT

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