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12 Copp's Land Owner 1 (1885-1886)

handle is hein.journals/coplndow15 and id is 1 raw text is: COPP'S LAND OWNER.
VOL. XII.             WASHINGTON, D. C., APRIL 1, 1885.        No. 1.

Entered at the Post Office at Washington, D. C., as
second-class matter.
THIS paper furnishes more valuable law Informa-
tion for less money, and is read by more land attor-
neys and real estate -dealers. by ikore homestead.
pre-emption, and other land claimants, and by more
mitne owners, engineers, and super'intendents, thalf
any other publication in the United States.
THIS NOTICE DMARKED with a blue or red
pencil indicates that your subscription expires with
this issue, and if you wish the paper continued with-
out interruption, you should remit your renewal
subscription at once.
Parties renewing their subscriptions will find it
advantageous to send $1.00 for their cardin the Land
Directory one year.
CONTENTS.                   PAOE
Index to Vols. 1 to 9-Valentine Scrip for Sale-
Soldiers' Additionals-1ed uced Prices for April
-A Binder Given Away-Hon. W. A.J. Sparks.        1
Motions at a Hearing Should: be In Writing-
Moneys Paid to Local Oflicers ....................  2
Soldiers' Additional Homestead Certificates -
W itt vs. Hickson ...................................  2
Solom on  Scott .....................................   2
Ransom Young-Blanchard vs. Bishop-Caulfleld
vs. Bosworth------- ..... -----------------      3
Martin vs. Vernam4Wlllardson vs. Dusterberg.. 4
Nall vs. Pulver-zPeck vs. Taylor.......... : ........  5
Northern Pacific Railroad Co. vs. Parker and
Hopkins-State of California vs. Central Pacific
It. I .  Co ........................................   6
Utah and Wyoming Railroad Co. vs. Oregon Short
Line  Railway  Co ...................................  7
Rees  vs. Churchill ...................................  7.
P. B. Jandon et al.-W. B. Herriott ...............  s
Kansas Pacific R. It. Co. vs. Lewis Dunimeyer.:..  9
Winona and St. Peter R. R. Co. vs. Ashbel H.
Barney, Jesse Iloyt, Alfred M. Hoyt, Samuel
N. Hloyt, W illiam G. Fargo, N. C. Barney, Angus
Smith, and Benjamin P. Cheney ................. 12
Land Laws .................................. 15
AMineral Patents Issued ....................... 15
Homestead Patents Issued ................... 15
Cash Patents Issued .......................... 16
Curtis & Burdett, Washington, D. C ..............  I
Capi.John Mullan, San Francisco & Washington.      I
D.H. Talbot, Sioux City, Iowa ....................  I
Ellery C. Ford, Washington, D. C .................  1
C. W. Holcomb, Washington D C ...............1
C. P. Lincoln. Washington, b). C     .............. 1
C. C. Clements, Vashmigton, D. C .................. I
Henry N. Copp Wa'shington D, C ................. I
Walter H. smith & Son, Washington, D. C ........ IV
H. J. Frost, Washington, D. C ...................... IV
Land Directory ................................ -1i
American Settler's Guide ...................... 71
Copp's Land Owner-Bound ...................... III
Copp's U. S. Mineral Lands ........................ III
Copp's American Mining Code .................... III
Preston, Rean & Co., Chicago, Ills ................. IV
John Cross, Li 'erpool, Florida .................... IV
General PriceList .............................. IV
Copp's Public Land Laws ....................... IV

This book is now ready for delivery.
It contains 203 pages, price $2.00. The
Table of Cases takes 52 pages; Acts of
Congress cited and construed, 10 pages;
Circular Instructions, 4 pages; Court De-
cisions, 3 pages; Homesteads, 7 pages;
Laws of Congress, 5 pages; Lodes, Mines,
and Placers, 7 pages; Patents, 4 pages;
Pre-emptions, 5 pages; Railroads, 4 pages;
Surveys, 6 pages; Timber Culture, 4
pages; Widow, Wife, and Woman, 2 pages.
by Wohl & Pollitz, Brokers, 403 Califor-
nia street, San Francisco, Cal.
Have you any for sale? address editor
of LAND OWNER. Do you desire to pur-
chase? address editor of LAND OWNER.
All kinds of scrip and warrants bought
and sold.
Until May 1, Copp's Public Land
Laws, 1882, full sheep edition, now selling
for $11.00, will be sold for $8.00. With
Land Owner, volumes 9, 10, and 11, the
price will be $15.00-a reduction of $4.00.
There is no reduction on the half'sheep
edition of Copp's Land Laws, as so few
copies remain on hand.
After April the price of this valuable
work of 1600 pages will be restored to
$11.00. Take advantage of this oppor-
tunity to complete your land law library.
The most valuable feature of our tem-
porary binder (Von Laer's patent) is its
strips of metal. Each strip or piece
of iron binds one number of the LAND
OWNER; so any one number can be
taken out and carried to court or else.
where, and replaced again without dis-
turbing the others. No pins or needles
being used, there is no mutilation of the
paper. See further description on third
page of cover. You can get this improved
binder FREE by sending two subscriptions
with your own ($9). A    few minutes'
canvassing among the lawyers of yopr
place will secureit.
As the LAND OWNER is issued every
two weeks, and claims to publish every
land department ruling and circular of
importance, no respectable land attorney
can possibly do justice to his clients
without it.

The newly-appointed Commissioner of
the General Land Office was born near
New Albany, Indiana, about fifty years
ago. of Virginia parents. They removed
to Illinois when he was seven years of age,
and died shortly therealter, leaving him in
destitute circnstances. Blessed with a
strong mind and excellent constitution, he -
worked by day and studied by night, until
at eighteen he was regarded by his neigh-
bors as something of a prodigy. By teach-
ing school he secured means to attend
MeKendree College, where he graduated
with honor. In 1850 he studied law under
Chief Justice Breese, and was admitted to
the bar in 1851. He was appointed Re-
ceiver at the Evansville Land Office when
only twenty years of age, and filled the
office creditably until it was closed, with
the other land offices in Illinois.
He was Presidential elector on the Dem-
ocratic State ticket in 1856, the last time
it was carried by the Democrats. He was
elected to the lower branch of the Legis.
lature, and, after serving with distinction
therein, was elected to the State Senate in
1863. He was delegate tothe Presidential
conventions of 1868 and 1884, and was
presiding officer of most of his State con-
ventions, and otherwise prominent during
the same period.
In 1814 he was elected to Congress as a
Democrat in a district regarded as Repub-
lican, and was re-elected in 1876, 1878 and
1880. In the recent apportion'ment, as the
only way of defeating him, the Republi-
cans tore his district asunder, and dis-
tributed it-among the four adjoining dis-
During all this political labor he prac-
ticed law successfully, and had a wide rep-
utation as a jury lawyer. He is noted as
a ready speaker, and ranks high as an
orator. Through his extensive law prac-
tice and well-chosen investments, he is in
possession of a liberal fortune.
In personal appearance, the Commis-
sioner has handsome features and a large,
well-shaped lead, is fully six feet high,
and weighs above two hundred pounds.
He impresses the visitor as a man of great
mental power and rare physical ehergy
and strength. He is very courteous and
polite, and gives a patient hearing to every
comer without distinction.
Like his name-sake, Andrew .ackson, he
is noted for his great firmness of charac-
ter, and-has the reputation of being stub-
bornly honest. The land service is to be
congratulated on his appointment.

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