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25 Clinical L. Rev. [i] (2018-2019)

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                CLINICAL LAW REVIEW


                                 Sponsored by

      Clinical Legal         New York University            Association of
 Education Association           School of Law         American Law Schools


                                Phyllis Goldfarb
                                  Randy Hertz
                                Michael Pinard

                                Board of Editors

            Muneer I. Ahmad                 Keith A. Findley
            Amna A. Akbar                   Martin Guggenheim
            Sameer M. Ashar                 Jennifer Lee Koh
            Wendy A. Bach                   Jeffrey Selbin
            Susan D. Bennett                Kimberly A. Thomas
            Warren Binford

                               Business Manager

                               Yvette M. Bison6

    The Clinical Law Review (ISSN 1079-1159) is a semi-annual peer-edited journal devoted to
issues of lawyering theory and clinical legal education. The Review is jointly sponsored by the
Association of American Law Schools (AALS), the Clinical Legal Education Association
(CLEA), and New York University School of Law. The views expressed in the Review are those
of the authors and should not be attributed to the sponsoring organizations, the institutions with
which the authors are affiliated, or others.
    The Review welcomes unsolicited articles (as well as essays, comments, and other types of
shorter pieces) on lawyering, clinical teaching, legal practice, or related subjects. Text and cita-
tions should conform to THE BLUEBOOK: A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF CITATION (20th ed.). Because
the Review employs a system of anonymous peer review of manuscripts as part of its process of
selecting articles for publication, manuscripts should not bear the author's name or identifying
information. Submissions of manuscripts and all other communications should be directed to
Randy Hertz at e-mail address randy.hertz@nyu.edu. Electronic submissions are preferred but
hard-copy submissions are acceptable and may be sent to Professor Randy Hertz, New York
University School of Law, 245 Sullivan Street, office 626, New York, N.Y. 10012-1301.
    Clinicians who wish to apply for positions on the Review's Board of Editors or as Readers
of manuscripts should contact Randy Hertz at e-mail address randy.hertznyu.edu or at tele-
phone number (212) 998-6434.
    The subscription rate is $24 per volume ($26 for foreign mailing). Single issues are $14 per
copy ($15 for foreign mailing). If a subscription is to be discontinued at expiration, notice to
that effect should be sent.
    Back issues of the Clinical Law Review may be ordered from William S. Hein & Co., Inc.,
2350 North Forest Road, Getzville, NY 14068; telephone: (800) 828-7571; FAX: (716) 883-8100;
e-mail address: order@wshein.com. Back issues of the Review can be found in electronic format
on HeinOnline, http://heinonline.org/.

© 2018 by Clinical Law Review, Inc.

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