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42 Canadian J. Criminology 449 (2000)
Effective Correctional Treatment and Violent Reoffending: A Meta-Analysis

handle is hein.journals/cjccj42 and id is 457 raw text is: Effective correctional treatment and
violent reoffending: A meta-analysis
Craig DowdenM
D.A. Andrews
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario
On trouve dans beaucoup de mta-analyses des donn~es qui confirment
l'avantage d'utiliser les principes du travail social, du risque, des be-
soins et de la r~ceptivit6. Toutefois, malgr6 cette acceptation si r~pan-
due, aucune mta-analyse & ce jour n'a  tudi6 l'application appropri~e
de ces principes au sein des programmes de traitement correctionnels et
leurs effets de rduction sur la r~cidive violente. Dans ce texte, les auteurs
pr~sentent une vue d'ensemble sur le r6le quejoue chacun de ces princi-
pes sur la rccidive de violence. L'utilisation de chacun de ces principes
a produit un effet certain, mais dans le cas du risque l'effet n'6tait pas
statistiquement significatif. De plus, les auteurs affirment que l'effet
combin4 des quatre principes donne la meilleure r6duction de la r~cidive
violente. Ils concluent leur texte en indiquant que ces principes du trai-
tement correctionnel efficace devraient etre int~gr~s dans les interven-
tions correctionnelles pour r6duire la r~cidive violente.
The clinically relevant and psychologically informed principles of human
service, risk, need, and responsivity have received strong support within
several meta-analytic reviews. Despite their widespread acceptance,
however, no meta-analysis to date has examined whether the appropriate
application of these principles within correctional treatment programs is
associated with reduced levels of violent re-offending. This article
provides an overview of the role that each of these principles played in
reducing violent recidivism. Adherence to each of the four principles,
received empirical support, although not to a statistically significant
degree in the case of risk. In addition, a composite measure, reflecting
adherence to the four principles revealed the greatest mean reduction in
violent recidivism. The principles of effective correctional treatment are
discussed as key elements that should be considered in developing
effective correctional interventions for reducing violent recidivism.
Canadian Journal of Criminology  449 to 467
Revue canadienne de criminologie  October/octobre 2000

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