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57 Crime & Delinquency 3 (2011)

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A   Life-Course

Analysis of Offense

Specialization Across

Age: Introducing a

New Method for Studying

Individual Specialization

        Crime & Delinquency
               57(l) 3-28
     @ 2011 SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/0011128710376336

Over the Life Course

Paul   Nieuwbeerta', Arjan A.J. Blokland2,
Alex   R. Piquero3, and Gary Sweeten4

Much  of the knowledge base on offense specialization indicates that, although
there is some (short-term) specialization, it exists amidst much versatility in
offending. Yet this general conclusion is drawn on studies using very different
conceptualizations of specialization and emerges with data primarily through
the first two to three decades of life. Using data on a sample of Dutch offend-
ers through age 72 years, this article introduces and applies a new method
for studying individual offender specialization over the life course. The results
indicate that although, in general, individual offending patterns over the life
course are diverse, there is also evidence of an age-diversity curve. Linking
offense frequency trajectories to the estimated diversity index, the authors
also examine distinct specialization patterns across unique trajectory groups.
Implications for theory and research are outlined.

'Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
2Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, Amsterdam, Netherlands
3Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
4Arizona State University, Glendale, AZ, USA

Corresponding Author:
Alex R. Piquero, College of Criminology & Criminal justice, Florida State University,
634 W. Call Street, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1127, USA
Email: apiquero@fsu.edu

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