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2022 BTLJ Comment. 101 (2022)

handle is hein.journals/btljc2022 and id is 1 raw text is: QUANTUM COMPUTING AND INTELLECTUAL
Maurit  Kop t
What types of intellectual property (IP) rights can be vested in the components of a
scalable quantum computer? Are there sufficient market-set innovation incentives for the
development and dissemination of quantum software and hardware structures? Or is there a
need for open-source ecosystems, enrichment of the public domain, and even democratization
of quantum technology? This Article explores possible answers to these tantalizing questions.
This Article demonstrates that strategically using a mixture of IP rights to maximize the
value of a quantum computer owner's IP portfolio potentially leads to IP protection in
perpetuity. Overlapping IP protection regimes can result in an unlimited duration of global
exclusive exploitation rights for first movers, who are very often a handful of universities and
large corporations. The ensuing IP overprotection in the field of quantum computing leads to
an unwanted concentration of market power. Overprotection of information causes market
barriers and hinders both healthy competition and industry-specific innovation. In this case, it
slows down progress in an important application area of quantum technology, namely
quantum computing.
In general, our current IP framework is not written with quantum technology in mind. IP
should be an exception-limited in time and scope-to the rule that information goods can
be used for the common good without restraint. IP law cannot incentivize creation, prevent
market failure, fix winner-takes-all effects, eliminate free riding, and prohibit predatory market
behavior at the same time. To encourage fair competition and correct market skewness,
antitrust law is the instrument of choice.
This Article proposes a solution tailored to the exponential pace of innovation in the
Quantum Age, by introducing shorter IP protection durations of 3 to 10 years for quantum-
and AI-infused creations and inventions. These shorter terms could be made applicable to
both software and hardware. Clarity about the recommended limited durations of exclusive
rights-in combination with compulsory licenses or fixed prized statutory licenses-
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15779/Z38R785Q1G
C 2021 Mauritz Kop.
t Mauritz Kop is Stanford Law School TTLF Fellow at Stanford University and is
Managing   Partner  at AIRecht, Amsterdam, The      Netherlands. Correspondence:
advies@airecht.nl. The author is grateful to Mark Lemley (Stanford Law School), Maran van
Heesch (TNO, The Hague, Netherlands, CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum
Technologies), Juha Vesala (Stanford Law School) and Suzan Slijpen (Slijpen Legal) for
valuable comments. The author owes gratitude to the ECP  Platform for the Information
Society, TU Delft and TNO for organizing the 2019 Quantum Computing & Quantum
Internet meeting at QuTech Delft and to the AI4EU 2020 webinar 'The future of Al'
presented by Wouter Denayer (CTO IBM Belgium). The author is thankful to the BTLJ team
for excellent editorial support. An earlier version of this Article has been published in the
Stanford Law School Newsletter on Transatlantic Antitrust and IPR Developments, Issue No.
2/2020, https://www-cdn.law.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/2020-2.pdf.

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