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7 Asian J. Criminology 1 (2012)

handle is hein.journals/asjrcrm7 and id is 1 raw text is: Asian Criminology (2012) 7:1-22
DOI 10.1007/s11417-010-9085-4
Unveiling the Intricacies of Bullying: Students'
Perspectives in a Polytechnic in Singapore
Henry Khiat
Received: 25 October 2009 /Accepted: 26 April 2010 /
Published online: 17 June 2010
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010
Abstract This study attempts to understand bullying as a process in a polytechnic in
Singapore. Bullying begins in the presence of the various contexts for it to take place. These
contexts serve as the basis for the reasons and actions behind the bullying process. These
contexts may be related to race, nationality, gender, academic ability, age, physical appearance
and mannerism. With these contexts in place, the aims of the bullying process are articulated.
The aims of bullying include manipulation, entertainment, reprisal and exclusion. Anchoring
on the aims of bullying, a typology of bullies is suggested (Manipulating, Entertaining,
Reprising and Excluding). The difference in the intentions of the bullying dictates the types of
bullying tactics used by the bullies on their victims. These bullying tactics include
discriminatory body language; mimicking; discriminatory joking; mocking; intentional
isolation; and rumour mongering. Typologies of tutor bystanders (Apathetic, Focussed and
Intervening) and student bystanders (Reassured, Guilty, Collaborating and Hindering) are
formed in this study. Eventually the consequences of the bullying would determine the type of
responses elicited from the victims. In turn, the types of responses by the victims would create
a typology of victims in a bullying episode (Indifferent, Resigned and Proactive). Overall, a
process of bullying in the context of the case polytechnic is described in this paper and it has
implications for the development of theory, practice and future research in the area of bullying
in the context of tertiary level education.
Keywords Bullying - Grounded theory - Bullies - Bystanders - Victims - Typology
Schools play a significant role in the academic and emotional growth of individuals in their
developmental years. They set out to nurture, and integrate students as useful citizens in society
in the future. However, schools can also become a setting where individuals are stigmatised and
H. Khiat (E)
Department of Mathematics and Science, Singapore Polytechnic, 500 Dover Road, Singapore 139651,
e-mail: henrykhiat@sp.edu.sg

4) Springer

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