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7 Am. B. News 1 (1962)

handle is hein.journals/ambrnw7 and id is 1 raw text is: American Bar News
a news bulletin of the American Bar AIssociation
Vol. 7, No. 1       5LP',, Q i, l Li :j ID i   January  15, 1962
C   r a   G      U p   JA N  3LAW     DAY USA STICKERS NOW_
Curtain Goes Up On            ur LA  A   SSIKR   O,,AD

Eventful Bar Year
T HE MIDYEAR meetings of the American Bar Associa-
tion in Chicago next month, culminating in the semi-
annual policy deliberations of the House of Delegates
Feb. 19-20, will lift the curtain on what promises to be
the biggest bar activities year in the profession's history.
These are almost exclusively business sessions spanning
six days, but the schedule of events includes speaking
appearances by two members of
the President's cabinet. Defense
Secretary Robert S. McNamara
will address the annual banquet
of the Fellows of the American
Bar Foundation on the evening of
Saturday. Feb. 17. The following
day Postmaster General J. Edward
Day will speak at a joint luncheon
McNamara        of the Fellows and the National
Conference of Bar Presidents.
About 800 Expected e Starting Feb. 15-16 with meet-
ings of the Board of Governors, the ensuing three days
will see a crowded round of events
at the Edgewater Beach hotel.
Thirteen ABA    committees will
meet, as will the executive coun-
cils of eight Sections. Seven affili-
ated national organizations, among
them the national conferences of
bar presidents and   secretaries.
will have business programs. Al-
together, about 800 bar leaders         Day
from every state will be on hand.
The delegates will act on many issues. Reports of com-
mittees and sections containing recommendations for
House consideration were scheduled to be mailed out to
delegates in late January. One early report, prepared by
the Committee on Peace and Law Through the United
Nations, will recommend that the ABA request and accept
(Continued on Page 3)
The release of unsolicited news items about a lawyer's
professional activities constitutes unethical conduct, the
American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Pro-
fessional Ethics has ruled in an informal decision. The
decision. No. C-479, cites Canon 27 of the Canons of
Professional Ethics which condemns indirect as well as
direct forms of advertising and soliciting.
The question prompting the new decision, the com-
mittee concluded: Assumes that the newspaper does
not solicit the proposed news releases, but that the lawyer
solicits the newspaper to accept for publication the pro-
posed news material directly portraying the activities of
the lawyer, designed to accomplish the ulterior purpose
of extolling his good name and virtues to the general
public. Such conduct of necessity would constitute a form
of public self-laudation designed indirectly to further the
professional interests of the lawyer.

Any lawyer, law firm, bar association or business firm
can again participate in the annual Law Day USA ob-
servance by using the
special sticker illus-
trated here on station-
LAW     DAY     U. S. A.   ery or first class mail
Aemanating from their
offices between  now
and May 1.
The stickers are in four colors-red, white, blue and
gold. They are inexpensive-rolls of 500 stickers are avail-
able at $1.00 per roll, and rolls of 1,000 at $1.50. Orders
accompanied by checks made out to the American Bar
Association should be addressed to: American Bar Asso-
ciation, Law Day USA Observance, 1155 East 60th Street,
Chicago 37, 111.
ABA Sets Up New Fund
For Public Education
P RESIDENT SATTERFIELD has announced creation by the
Association of a separate fund to be known as the
American Bar Association Fund for Public Education.
The Internal Revenue Service has tentatively determined
that contributions to the Fund will qualify for income tax
exemption under the federal revenue code.
The Fund for Public Education will. for example,
receive and administer the recent grant of S348,000 from
the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to further the program of
the Joint Committee for the Effective Administration of
Justice, whose basic aims are to improve the procedures
and operations of the state trial courts.
$25,000 Richardson Grant * Another grant. in the
amount of S25.000. has been made to the Fund by the
Richardson Foundation of New York to assist the Special
Committee on Communist Tactics. Strategy and Objec-
tives to carry out a projected series of seminars to inform
the bar and the public as to the nature of communism and
and its techniques.
The first of these seminars was held Dec. 8 in
Cincinnati. The second is scheduled for Jan. 26 in St.
Louis under the joint sponsorship of the Missouri Bar
and the ABA committee.
All contributions to the Fund for Public Education will
be kept separate from the general funds of the Associa-
tion. and used exclusively for educational purposes.
Officers of the Association w'ill be officers of the Fund.
The American Bar Association's Convention Commit-
tee on Cultural Events and Exhibits is seeking judge and
lawyer artists who wish to exhibit their work during the
Aug. 6-10 annual meeting in San Francisco. John K.
Hagopian of San Francisco. committee chairman, points
out that the first all-American art exhibit by lawyers and
judges was held during the 1952 annual meeting in the
Bay city. The committee hopes to have one of the local
museums put on the exhibit. Hagopian said.

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