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24 Alaska Just. F. 1 (2007-2008)

handle is hein.journals/aljufor24 and id is 1 raw text is: ALASKA JUSTICE FORUM
Spring 2007                           UNIVERSITY ofALASKAANCHORAGE                                   Vol. 24, No.
Stalking in Alaska
Andre B. Rosa)y, Greg Pestle,          links between stalking and intimate partner  researchers examined the total 267 case
Katherine TePas, andDarryl Wood         homicide among female victims. For ex-  with a stalking charge reported to Alask
ample, according to an analysis published  State Troopers from 1994 to 2005. (Alask
Although the available data are limited, a  in Homicide Studies in 1999, 76 percent of  stalking statutes went into effect in 1993.1
recent Justice Center examination of Alaska  female intimate partner homicide victims  The final sample for analysis comprised 2
State Trooper case files has revealed that  had been stalked by their intimate partner in  cases (Table 1) covering a total of 222 stalk
the crime of stalking is probably greatly  the past. Furthermore, 89 percent of female  ing charges, 211 suspects, and 216 victi
underreported by victims as well as under-  intimate partner homicide victims that were  Case outcome data were gathered direcly
recognized by law enforcement and hence  physically abused had also been stalked by  from the Alaska Department of Law for
not charged often enough in Alaska. A   their intimate partner in the past. Of all  sub-sample ofrthestalking cases-onlytho
charge of stalking can be applied in a wide  female intimate partner homicide victims,  reported from 1999 to 2004 (N = 92).
range of situations, and its parameters as a  54 percent had previously contacted police
crime can be somewhat ambiguous for both  to report they were being stalked.    Results
victims and law enforcement. The available  With funding from the National Institute
data show that a stalking charge is often  of Justice, the Justice Center is working with  For the first four years included in thf
made  in  conjunction  with  other  charges,  the Alaska  State  Troopers and  the AlaskaPla es eS lkn inA  s ap g
particularly when there has been a prior  Department of Law to learn more about the   eaes    SaininAsape;
relationship-which is often the case, with  characteristics of stalking in Alaska.
stranger stalking fairly rare.            In the first quantitative examination of  Table 1. Case Closure Codes in
Stalking, by its nature and its legal  the crime, data from all stalking incidents  Alaska Stalking Cases, 1994-2005
definition, induces fear. Statistics from the  reported to Alaska State Troopers from 1994  Column percentages
National Violence Against Women Survey  to 2005 were collected to gather descriptiveReports
showed that even after the stalking ended,  information. The research provides a firstReot
68 percent of victims thought their personal  overview of a specific crime whose char-  Closure code   N       %
safety had gotten worse, 42 percent were  acteristics are not widely known beyond      Closed by arrest 140  66.7 %
very concerned about their personal safety,  the justice community. The Alaska statutes  Closed, declined  6  2.9
30 percent were very concerned about being  defining the crime of stalking are presented  Closed by investigation  34  16.2
stalked, and 45 percent carried something  on page 5.                                  Closed, referred  22  10.5
to defend themselves. Psychological coun-                                            Closed, unfounded  8     3.8
seling was sought by 30 percent of female  Methodology                                         Total 210
victims and 20 percent of male victims.                                          Source of data: Alaska State Troopers data (1994-2005)
Moreover, other studies have shown      To conduct this study, Justice Center
Figure 1. Number of Stalking Reports in Alaska by Month and Year, 1994-2005
3-month moving average
¢)a  3.5
x_.    3 -
,.    2.5 -
= ~ ._ 1.5--
Jan 94  Jan 95  Jan 96  Jan 97  Jan 98  Jan 99  Jan 00  Jan 01  Jan 02  Jan 03  Jan 04  Jan 05

Source of data: Anchorage State Troooers data (1994-2005)

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