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104-10239-10028 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (03/01/1965)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch78118 and id is 1 raw text is: 1104-10239-10028  12022 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992
.          I March 1.63
w h/C 165-86
AL.   iiA2.I Af F,)R:   r /L` 4taff
SUJECT                   Cenral: AAMIW/I Lebrtefiug Report /1S8
-pctfic: Cable Traffic, C.ourters and
::ommnunicati4am to DGl (Cuban
-.     Izatellgence ; ervlco
1. Cable traffc leauif ig ,tI beadquarters for th field
goes to Widaliaa far d..p'atca. A~:i.Gidoes cot snow how cable
traffic is specifically a dresseJ, but prj~su:Iably to tic eiibass
abroad where the field atatioaa i3tuateJl. La any ca~e, :ll cable
traffic goes to the iCuban -absziy in the country far the field
station; Uf there is a ~A1rejpreenative at a canoetiae or other
office outside the gb:W.sy, etheg t the capital citj or at
another place, be receives any cable traffic from r-G1 headjuarters
through the field stall~ at thue emkoasey anti river direct. U~ualy
the consul or officer, wbatevar his position and locatian, muast go
to the emibassy-field statuva~ to pica up a cable message.
2. Couriers work !or The Vis~try of toreign Felaations
and receive their pay frorz :t, bti they act-oally bulooji to either
the IM; or t1km.LSE; thmey mnt be one or the other. As far as
aseignm~ent and carrying pQa&iCfle and senisitive raaterlais Is
concerned, no ditlt Lictloa ws L.ade. betmaevn mrembers of the
two services; a courier is assumied to have been checaied,
screened, and guaranteed retliablo tar carrlnd claasifled m~atter.
Actually, couriers receive pi.joueb inclusions already sealed
and rmar~ed* bo thbat they rae no ano*lidge ofn. tim c'Wents.
3. hlaterial for trccusta la i courier pouaches is sent to
tho Mitnistry of roreign i-eiou pouch re by irei..eugers
froun the iY'd or is pic~,.d 4p~ U the i-*pArti al a a Treaters
Sby the courier Wn persas. . ~I-.Uarly, bcoc-1n.C latchm
nmsterial may be brought direti4 to too Mt Lepartf--oa b3 a
co~wier. Lu at tow isWtaico.. au operations officer tr, ins to
&et n-oiaetiiq ort an a ps'mcn oclivery mniay hape to catca A
couier at the 1:1t; and bad a'it a paciet o/ m~aterial v~rsomally.
Courier viiF to fir offces are not on a fixed bcherdaie./

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