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104-10180-10193 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (10/16/1960)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch75385 and id is 1 raw text is: 104-10180-10193 2022 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 199

                                                   Was              \
                 `       0 fllwing infonn~ition/securel by   (uri~uie th- r ast 30
                         . free his  coversationQ with (M~lle  meo, 0:. 0jedta, reus, ernanldo,
               el       ap; reclatlon of l.test happening. anril present 'situation in .scamhray.

                  !!~jy:Please  check  Trevious reports for  accuracy.  Ois. wa!q t'  first one
               to  Lake up arns in  ::scarnhray a ;ainst +astr Shortly after his takingc ever the
               co'.try.  AL time-went  on, otlher groups,took arm-s ara started to *rerate in
               dilfent   zones tro-ughiout the Eseambray.   :;omne of t#iese rru~ were 3fnecio,
               Benvive,  Duque, 'Alba, larnirp'z, etc. etc. as reported. Gullermo,* who is
               well knwon  and liked ,in'that-zone as the one responsible  for the II  Front or-
               'ccamtz-ay in the' C iºht against Batista' went to the zone from Favana, p.babli
               in the  first quarter. of 1960 to or!:anize hiq earn g:-oup an:: operate a clandes-
               tine ra fl. stat i~n,:- ',uill-e'-r !,a:.!_a radio station 1'idden anil left remt the
         '.'   previ *us fig~ht agaist Batista, as'well a3so~me  armn anal flags hi~i-len, in -the
               eerie.- -jz-illertorill net take up arms at the tire. Uis Proup las nett'rº or-
               rai z^>.¶Al4dIrking. une! cover '-,!r he and ot'ners were surprised sneti'ie
                 Jueiierbus                  At, that tire some of uJillermo's  -rupwe~e
               taker: *r isioner but lutl'lerno..;.t awray and carre to 'ravana were re rsrained
               hiddaten *Anumaa     1[1    is    aait(R* , a'i t ir.p contact i-on the 'e.'.rany.
               The  :psplaly. Ihad eviltentl: promise 3 hlr an'I his brotih-r 3efiflit - Qupro-t,
               probably at  Lire title Guil'lerno, 1 anche and others in the p/A maiIA public
               their stand  against-'communism zo.-rti.rne in 1959'.  Firnally  uc;-n~o contacted
               *Guillerno th'ere weer. instru.ctiri.were..given to get hi 9ut of '>idha. ire
               va3 Lhen trained by the Cop;any  as d specific plans of action .ar-I nrenises
               were, evi lently agree'i on. Gui'ler-.o w:as sent back so'netire in lattr part 'ef
               July or tIegining of August l9 Jt ::ithI the obvious instructions to orjar.ize
               action 1in Fravana an~l 'then troceed to .scarmrav to '-ooriinate and .non up
               a froit ther''z. Up to that time thre rroup3 in !Escamnrav were in conitact with
               earh other' but there was no co:unon oje;tives and cooperation.   `:ach grolap
               wa~i fiprttn  one his own an'l ac;, l:~ ter, s-ecially Sineclo .e~i   of 'is
               personial arrojancy, ,:antedJ to be the  '1t~    ea'lfer of the srahtrav .
               In :-; .sa.Guillerrn. left for ..ca:.'.ay :pith Jesus and flenrv. In La -za
               t hey jin d a Capt.  Me3a, ?  lctor  an I .teL}e r,!'&. w-e also to 3iecie's
               car, rin P'ico del :u-rte. :'e rxrLv 1,hft. La 1',za on Septemhbar Z, with a
               ,  rIaolTtr3 'telay Lec`aise 6. sl, i 'd Aer .111'1i not :'aloe contact in lerfuegos
               a~s 1:'anned with -Guillermo ain-I rett.rnre1 to Havana under Jesu's 'ns.Vance and
               fears. Onthe  way the, tarty, me. sorie mil~cianes frog a coorerative- near by
               an-I 3enny was taken prinierer. At midnight  Sept. 27-28 radio contact  wan
               mad- 'a.) scheduled wit', the 'ase ;out Jes'is did ':C: received the base in hia
               set. In ter belief  that theye rid not rake' contact at all :pith -.he hase,
               the erouri proceed to the last stop before  Sinecio's camp, whi ch is 1 Ihour
               walk, from sald camp in ?ice del Tuerte. Sinecie  was surrouni,  !1v troops
               :Ind t-.e r-rty could not proce'ed and awaitel there until a preach could be mx
               grade. ::hi1 e there tlhe, party heardl of the drop inRtAnabanilla.  1:t beinr able
               to prec-!l to .3ineio'3  ci,.ip, Gullermo,' the doctor and Jesus lieciledt to
               backtra~k. :Ile rest 'of tl e party remainedl th-ere and1 later on were able to
               cortiru4 andi reami Sinecieot3 camp. 'iillerrm :rth the loctor ;a'ii *Tssus
               retur ned to La ioza aster .:4rj !. their^ equipm'ent in the la-st ston !-efore
               ret t.^nin, (Frad-'  .{r:  ,  undler ai treCe benird the house. Th-^e was no
               one in La :zaand `l~liller:;   wit'. t.' ector  toot a cat- 1'0 hire 0Mtere)
               fro, la 1*oza to .'uniarayarua. Jesu; 'followed two or three ho's-s later, tapir)
               ano::mer car 'for hire a (coep r> of' mile.- idr;r. the read. ruil.l-rrno and th a loct~
               wer^ cal ;ht in Curr.aaya; ua *Trhile havinr, a drinkt in town. A miAiciane askel
               th-mn questions and arrested tt.:m when thev were -.ot a'.1e to fully identify
               L.eTselve3 or perhap9 they :.!re recog,-nized'. The '.octor has abont C'teo
               hiler. in his socks an.d %1ul-erne about3300 r'esos in rts rtock!a, anict'jre
               of :.11, wif'e ar l of t~r chirer a:l api-c  of' paper :o re:1in.! hin h:. to
               put the n'a;: to,;ether but ..th 11o rela' ion to it. -hi S 0171t was coverin,'
           .h.-m  *'ic'_-es, all i th! p7ictx ' of hi.a ~i~ter was a a.--.e t on the baclk I:rieti,
           or'  nl,t.--ra.1'a irie~,o', wh ;?t:! i.aT?^   to 1! the! r. d.^.e or t,,w p oto -`ahrthadt
              too-: th  picture in Fa` ivla. r'!i. 1` ° *.:aq fe':. t or. t!hem an,' t!' arrest h¶as
              a glt'.ple pick up. i-:i.,u  hea^ of t!- it^--t when arn.ivina7 to '-^ar^ararua ani
              pro''e t to a'a:~ ~r cs an'i to iav;Lna. e':. w:4 stop n-' it Lap 7r+r-s 1- .1
              I: l!i^.' for 'juenti on!:-.; ar.: al'ow.i to  ^o-!o :o i' n-eCt '..:.'n : -^ 'le
              ca-s i  ,e coul I identify !'-e'f .:. ! w'^. ie g;ave up hIs T. 0. -a-, alr+t!.d
                t!.v Ce~trar~y (not the or- ..om th~.''-'  .: - cultturs *A' ,:w
                tor   -a varJ Lilt tr. .>..  .,   t*.t d .-  an I  1   tripe..  -_:   ar
              i:.it }.e 9,a-; .fo..o :e?  hi  L:ne  C+ >. ..a~  ' u t ' r:.!'(:  -!n  d.^ t'.
                re  toe   va Y71hy L:..o ;r . ,A ''45 ['.; ti' '/, an ' .'~ h ?e .ost

                                                                                y/  '-IC (

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