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104-10522-10089 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (7/21/1964)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch48959 and id is 1 raw text is: 
~per5h~wneeess*~ m ndcnt research.






     Holmos Alexander

                  Double   Clsek

                        it O iljiiTON (i.,-,. In

                    iw r ,  tt I q*  a   tii 'f w arn
           . se w:  rt -.  t hl'- tw o f the. War
       .           *1 I tin( geu,..an
         Msr         ie as t i r,,.: the bord. head.
                  ..,I hie Chf u I-,r Wa r r nit. to
                      entre ~~ denwth-l I sforma.
               r  t'riu n l'endnt  K.ruilctl as.
               *  s.inatun  -or te epowl's a
                  news- manager   llnthin  that
                  lite C('inaai-on onilts. Aynes.
   a iirth ill pubuishi.
      Nothin: as more  silutary in public Affairs
   than for ithe lress to know more than a Con.
   gress. a Court or a   munisasion wants it to
   know . The Warren  group  has been taking a
   mnultipliaity of testimony. but has been releas.
   ing only what it decides to release. Even if Its
   motis   r.a pure. the methods are suspect. The
   Chief Justiee has a reputaion  for rendering
   decesions that fit his .peconierjtamRus.
     Ayresworth  writes Ine that he has been con*
  ducting a-parallel inestagation of testimony, at.
  fdavits and ballistic reports. There is eireum.
  stantat esidence which strongly. suggests that
  the reporter has a news source Inside or near
  the Commission.  le Is positioned to. wield. a'   n. -
  whip hand  over the m6A  portentous investiga.`l
  tmi in American history.
     AY.NESWiUt.fIJ -reqeaitly startled the Coin.
  iisaioln witha story that'wl.rS hatyl*f olhd!ht
  -;cr4u- pubLicLzed jounaL kept--byTe, Irfar ey]
  Oswid. the alleged presidenflat a1salsin.' whle.
  in Russia. Orwald's own wo-ds show him in his
  v-'Iatibtsug loyalty, Twwanging to the Communists.
  and than swntn back to Ml native country.
  When  he         tussian, le took radney from
  the soviet seet   olice. When  he  was  pr.
  American, e was alre to raise money for horme.
  ward passage atthe Aineres.u Embassy.
  I-SeWause Aynesworth's articles are copyright.
  ed by his paper, the wire 1rs-en*k have ussed
  them charnli1.- Some of bit1evelappos have not
  reached other parts of the cuItry.'btrftft has T
  sent them to me In full form. One of his dis.
  patches rites a souirce close to the Warren
  Cominassaun saying that Uhe Fill knew Oswald
  to be a potential axsaxstn. An Itil agent is =uot.
  ed as telling the Dallas police on November
    We  knew he  was capable of assassinating
 the Presitient. but we didn't dream he would
 do it.
 -  SIN('E the FBI is almost sacrosanct In Wash.
 ington officialdom and in the capital press. any
 criticism of its sc, urity methods is unusual, and
 yet of prume importance in reconstructing the
 tragedy and the. mind of the alleged killer. In
 an exclusive interviei with Mrs. Alarina Oswald.
 the alleged killer's widow. Aynesworth tells of
 Oswald brandishing a pistol tfore his wife and
   'I ant gbing to see Richard Nixon.
   Ayneswesdh  gives the story significance by
noting the incident took pince only a few days
after Oswald had ihot from ambush at General
Wlker.  whom  oq)wald -termed a Fascist and
compared  aith Hitle'r. The reporter highlights
the threat to Nixon by notang that shortly be
fore it was made,  the Dallas .Morning News-
printed tlid headinnes on a story. 0
-   NIXON  CAl I S Pon i-I'esl*   To iatInCI
   Cuha's  C as t r o was Oswald& Communist
hero.  As an avid newspaper  reader, Oswald
may  have stien the headline 1le may have seen
a similar story on the- same day in which Cas'
tre ws.a blasted by Governor Connally. who wasi
wounded  by the sanme gun that slew President
   The  mind of  the alleged killer connes into
focus in these detailed stories It looks like the
same  picture of a hatedriven. politically-radiCel
Leftist which  is energing  from   th wsal
    amout o nes pull out by the Warren Cor4n-
amount  Uf  te  ul  report follows the expect
ed  tine. Oswald wait be shown s a homicidal
aisnamc. a notoriety hound, Communist-orient-
ed but not COmmuslts-hred  for the cruet deed
it Ia belwsed he performed


21  July 1064

SAO,       r    V~


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