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104-10224-10011 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (2/5/1965)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch46104 and id is 1 raw text is: t40224-1001


                                                                                             EMPLOYE1 SERIAL tNU E
                                             FITNESS   REPORT

                *Si CTION A                                     GENERAL
                I. NAME        (s(ire)                   (Mie       C. DAFE: OF Di0TW 3. S.X 4. O 0AM 5. 2D

                   SOrP c .osaI~tiorn o te                          7. orr/Divins OF As.'ION.,NY . CUontNT o                         .ATM

                 9.  r .4 al TYPI: OF AP-PoliNituET to, C6HECK tMI TVOe or nagrapy
                               _ 0.5 r, - _ _ -~~ o I NEI A t~ I T tIA L I I- sII1 1 i 1
                     IC Ar n. A(-VtIS.NA1. (5-c     3-11,_~oe ohe C) *   *tU5J                   OtSltMtTC~~srt
                                                                       tJBCCIAL (S-citj)j
                  TE   nrroRtD  Iot N 0.P.                . a. REPonf i           te o(From* to.)
                                          _31 JRJ1ITIMY 19g          . .tany Ly  1 v. -  31 Dece  her  1
                      T NO                           PERFORMANCE EAVMUATION
                 W    yj      Performance ranges from wholly inodequate to slightly los tan sarlsfactory. A raring in this coteoy requires
                              positive remedial oction. The nuture of the action could range from counseling, to further training, to plodin on
                              probaeion, to reassignment or to soparation. Describe action taken at proposed in Sction C.     -
                 tSU A   - Ad t,  i Perrorrnoance meas all requirements. It is entirely satisfactory and is charactorlaed neither by deficiency nor
                              exc ellenace.
                P *   ficient Performance is mote than suisfactory. Desired results are being produced in a proficient manner.
                S. Strong     Performance is characterised by onceptionol proficiency.
                O.   Prtding  Performance Is so oxceptionnl in relation to requirements of the work und in comparison to the performance of
                             others doing similar work as to warrant special recognition.
                                                           SPECIFIC DUTIES
               List up to -s of the most important specific duties per4ormod driing the tging period. Insert rating letter which best deseribes the
               mnannor In which employeo performs EACH specific duty. Consider ONLY oefoctiveness in performance of that duty. All empleisas
               with supervisory responsibilities MUST be rtted on ieir ability to superviso (inrniae number of rpy*r* * euose-ie).
                 SP---C--COUT-N--.------------*-----                                        ------
                    51tc~ OT? NO.
                 Guiding    and   directing     personnel engaged        in  writing    studios, book
                 dispatches, utc., concerning            Soviet    intelligence      operations
                 __and   _rganlIza tlon.     -       -A    Uj'
              SpI.tP~c DUTY NO.1 a                                                                          I '- T,:F.z
                Planning     and   originating      studies    concerning     Soviet    intelligence
                activities and Soviet intelligence organization which will stimu-I
                late   and   assist    field   operations      against    the  Soviets.             ,, i     A
              5PE .CIPIC 6U1Y NO. 3                                                                          PA r140
                Editing     into  finished     version    for   publication      studies    concorning
                Soviet intelligence         services     and   Soviet   intelligence      methods.            S

                Lecturing     to  classes    in  OTR   courses on      Soviet   intelligence                 LETTEN
                organization; briefing members of liaison services who are ,
                brought    to  Hondquarters       for  training.                                              P
              SPECIFIC DUT I NO. 5                                                                           r--
                Supervising research work done following the assassination of
                President Kennedy in support of the Warren Commission investi-
                gation   of   the  assassination.

                                         OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION
             Tuke into account everything about the employee which influences his effectiveness in his current position such as Pot  LETT
             formance of specific duties, productivity, conduct On job, cooperativeness, pertinent personal Traits or habits, and
             particular limitati s or tolopts. Based on your knowledge of employee's overall performance during the rating period1
             place the letter in  a aill' box corresponding to trh statement which most accurarely reflects his level of performance.
               t 0 FEB 19 -

             21` 45  oea.cE   PRaVouS EDtONos.              SECRET

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