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104-10192-10269 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (3/29/1962)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch44689 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                                              C ENiF~' 1 R LWA C       AG;.NCY

                     R  C~. .ft-a.Z  - '. llv4ry'  f..  ,%#-  -nt 1.A  7*.  'r.7 A,. 7?l ¶.hv'I.  l.K..,,7 * 7U

                 COUN71RY  Cuba                                             'tCNo.    CS -3/5C,,53

                 SUBJECT   3tatus Qf the Anti-CRastro ?XovereTnt     DATE (ASTIR.  29 March 1962
                           In Cuba, Decemrber 1961
                                                                     HO. PAGES    6

                                                                     REF(RFNCES     RD..w.2107

                DATE OF
                INFO.     20 Decembler 1961
                PLACE &   Argentina,  Buenos Ai-ns (18 January~ 1962)
                DATE ACQ.                                            FILD REPORT NO.
                        ISt Is UNEVALUATED 1141POEs.ATION $5Ut'SZ GRAII5? All DftUSi17WiVI A Aflit Of CONTINI IS IATIVI.

                SOURCE:   Ani
                          Appraisnal of Content:  3

                      1.  Anti-Castro activities  in Cuba incluzle tho  of tho  ration-w.iido organized
                          mwmr.ents arx! thaojo of iccal fronts where iI~ 'ridei  rdliaa are grouped
                          in salla tnitsi.  71hoenetration  of the Cuban armeWd forci  is insigni-ficant,

                     2.  11,e natienal movr-ne-nt3 wh~ich have be-n active* in Cuba areo the 11ov'iuinto do
                         Pecul-,racioin 1Pevoluiai (Mc:), ionto 11craa CrZIstano (2,1
                         Movimlunto  ?.evoluciomario .30 do Novie='.hrc, FaoivUnt Pvolucicnaria  (101
                         JWILI   (17T) ToC.IZO  ?volucicsn-rio, andl DLi-nctcrio ZoavolwiionArio
                                t~x~a~UPI~).Cthnr   growzpa with limited organizatloni aro  the UVidad
                         Rovolucionaria  andia   AA.o   (3o i  zlii  de Ai igoa'da kwtollano Sanchez
                         Arango).   Th.- strn4ngU'. o~f the grcruxps by prov-tnc  is -as-. folows:

                         a.  Southern  Crionte3 Pr'Ince  (Santiago do Out a

                              (1) K.a.   mI~, K-L, of 'Nino Diazo has mem-bers from 'the ranku of the
                                   26 of Ju .ly Move-rnt ar~i, aeiai frcr-.   the formetr roF70Lari Arv'.
                                   Ttsn civi-t-a orFiraization is poor, almost ron-exitent.  The non
                                   rtemain. inactive, w~ait.1r4e for a serious mi2.itary- action of a local
                                   or natioiai character,

                             (2)  149C. T)he 'C  h.13 an aicquate civilian orsyanization; frcm. the
                                  fo~m      of the novacnt    ntn~dt Cub4a has been one of its
                                  strriph')1ds.  11he-nilltary orga-Lization ii extremely poor. NLvq
                                  of its leadeors have F76one into exile or are tr-yi.. to do so,
                                  Vhey remain totally  inave in hore of an invasic which will resolve
                                  the situation, and3 only concern then-iolves about a future political
                                  life, at the tiria when the present governent  falls,

                             (3)  30 &do Naviembre . There are- few members of thec 30 do !Ncviciabre in
                                  'antiago do cuba, ardi they lack contazt with their national  leaders.
                                  They havo pra:tcally  no  ros~rzoes.

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