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104-10173-10051 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (12/20/1960)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch42137 and id is 1 raw text is: 14 iO73-10051   .                                                                                '-

                             'lo         I:.,ef  W

                                         ActinX~ Chief' of ;Atitten,l                                          'J ..V
                                                                                    ^0 AA3kCfgUb.,r I-,N.
                           a,4t JlwC'z ~  /   I    ort or, !:nrvl~r,#A'TC9,  d ob9 Maay 19 4 .1

                         ACTIOI,         Por Irforrvitlon                              Marked  ior linxezins

                         kleforrences L0DC48769, 29 11ovember l19W  (para 4)

                                 1,  ~entertained Subjeot at dinner on 29!November 1960 at h13 nat
                         for the purposo  of asobaxeint and  ellcitation of  biogxitphio infrmtIon.     jji
                         evaluation seemed  to indicate  %list bubject is only of Migvrinal potential value
                         to  CIA  -The writer pin      to woet  %ubjoct through Iry'ot  a later datai to
                         amako a personial aesamiient, but iti.   o   o'ta     that -  botwl      rv
                         to be more interesting; than is alrealy  indicated.   An reviounly  menticonud,
                         ha      been instructed  to continue  to keep At  contact  &live but not to
                         information on oubJeotla  backLrounJ  ans a eupplemant to that already repi'rtod
             *in referene.              (,Please note that  there are some dates in  the follitr r3 wnioh
                        are  oontradictory to  those re ported in reference;  Thoaa ciel   belo* should
             *          be contsidorad to be accurate,) 2

                                   a.  6ubjoct  served irith the Marine Corps.as'arohhio on jet aircraft
                             in  both Forth Carolin.3 (proh~bly  Cherry pgoint liCA3) ani In the i~oot
                             Indies.   lie didn't care for service  life because of the  diaciplinc,
                             regiments. tion, etc.  After topine, diucharel in 1955 he remained  in the
                             United  zgtstes, doin,3 nothihg for ab ,out o~i var  lie attendud Farleigh
                             Dickinon   for one year  (1950-57)9 b4t  left after~ that time because hie
                             found  it lent, than aatisfac~ory or  atioulating-. IIn 1957 he came to
                             Europe and  toured around  the continent.   Airing the latter  pirt of 1957
                             and in  1958, he made  two 3-month trips on  visitorlo vinas to  the boviet
                             Union whore  he lived with  his uncle's family  in kainek.  hhle  there he
                             did attend  some classes  at the Uuniversity, but was not a xv~iotoroA~
                             stuglent,  He stated that  he has neverni cousins  there about hie age.
                             From 1956  until the present  hoe has beenv atudyinT at the :Slavic Institute
                    Z   ~    here, and  intends to take  his examimstion in  blavio Studiei in January
                             1961.  lie will tak6; his examination in XEadieli and Rlussian, beenuse
                             he has not  mastercd Dannish well onou, h to take it in Daenish Its norz.ally

                             required, he   has agreed  verbally with the Institute's  authorities
                             tonching position  in Russian  studies in L'e~nzk.
                                    I, Iubjeot stated that his  future plario are a bit uncertain, but
                             that he will probably  return  za the btates to teach  Russisin at the college
                             level,  lHe would, hoawever, not te oppoeed to goind  back to the :iavist
                             Union for furth~r  atudies t*.aire, -1 nothr ideag which cppo,-4ls to L.i.qct
                             would be to Co  to (hod) Chiia for  study,  Ile toldr,'.C that 1-. bvd een
                             to the American zzgbaesy to diocusa  the pozsibilities of  sueh a trip.
                             (A cheek with  the conoilar jitiction reyeala'd that snvural r,.ophv ).id
                             appront hled its. officers for advice en auc~i ,-at toe, latt it 0)21 nl a be

                             nr r:L ti . it & i- 1 .1 .,aaa tla.tu oo, C.. ti,.. .a fC Igo k.. 11-t ~.
                             traggii ak...h/ar  i-wgiia-i  6aoof  it  it  wa~eto~ , L  111W   nte. d taalL
                             apparcntly coritetdvr1,.et  to -i'lii tcr 4-t,4,iy becaunt. he lelt trot'
                             prrlnt,. ttwb c'peop in.'re 'L toz~ lal.t, %;r ario to thait v.,tovt,
                             j9Ubj.:ct inmilcatel toat:i a 1,aartti a lta'rr . tv v.)gId 2.j to rv..at t as-a~ in
                             CopW~nh!-a,.aj tor I twrthoar a4)  lut 1.2!t t-ta to&%$5 w-ld Lo ratacr w.za2 ihLg:,

                               OO  .eC !eu ! a ,, ,  It.  ,l  tI-t-, 1110 VCta L  v  r  rio   t'~%  . 1 a po  I  A -, I  ? .,
                               **I, t   r      -r  V JIY  ';IW   1 4         A*  -1   101  t1

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