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104-10055-10120 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (10/21/1964)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch36125 and id is 1 raw text is: 104-10055.10120


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  CIA Withheld Vital ontefllgence                                                      om Wq                   en Cmmission

  By ROBERT   S. ALLEN    cialg who actively oppose on has yet p  be  tased dismissal of such perso liqu I 4  or  compressed  for security reasons re.
  And   PAUL   SCOTT      Soviet poles.            against py  high  West-  from public ofice at oil frm.  The  gas  is fatal port  that CIA  Director
                            Titled Soviet Strategic ern o(ficipl, lundt'eds of  er times even having *,'within seconds and an John McCone   made  no
  WASHINGTON, Oct.   20.  Executive Action,  the  JNGB agerjts covrtly 6p   hem . 'eliminated' physl titopsy would not reveal. mention of this explosive
-The   C e n t-r a I Intelli- suppressed  C I A  docu- erating 9ttside of Iu'sia  cqlly. .           Its ee.  Non-traice a b le document in his -secret
gence  Agency   withheld  ment went into the shock- have bee supplied wilh    S u c h activities are poisons have been report, testimony b e f o r e the
vital intelligence infor- ing details.of how agepts this p o c k    , gun,  known  to be undertaken  e4d which do not take ef. Warren Commission.
nation  from the Warren   of KGB, the Soviet secret a wait ng       orders  against o t I e r types of fect until several hours While McCone  furnish.
Conmmission during its in- police, are trained to do. from Mosco    se it,  persons In the West, not after being administered,d       c
vestigation of the assas- away with Western lead-  'The  Murd        pens.  ably defectors from the  thus allowing an aed the commission with
sination of Presi  dent   ers, including officials in HIGHLIGI        the   U.S.S.R. and from other  to be far from the sce   the CIA's secret surveil-
Kennedy.                  the U. S., and to make   suppressed       igence  countries of the Soviet  when  his victim dies.   lance  reports  on  Lee
  Despite  th e commis.   their deaths appear due  estimate, wh      ocked  bloc.                      A k n o w I e d g e able Itarvey Oswald's eight
sion's written request for to natural causes.      in a security      ithin. . One recently reported source has described    days in Mexico  City be-
all documents that might    One of the KGB's npw-. the ti htly-g      CIA,. assassination technique Is pneumatically opera ted fore the assassination, in.
shed  light on the assas- ly devised assassination are as folo           to   electrocute an Individ- poison ice 'ato in I z e cluding details of Os.
sination, CIA authorities wapons -is a  pnumati-    It has be      orted  ual by  luring  him  to  which  leaves no wounl   'ald's contact with the
failed to turn over a na- cally, operated poisoni ice  that, the KG  avors  use a telephone, connect- or other evidence of tp head KGB   agent in the
tional  intelligence esti- 'atomizer,'.. which Lleaves to reih&Vkt   at to  ed to a high-voltage wire, cause of death.       Soviet  embassy   there,
mate  warning  that it is no wound  or* other,:4. ' Sdviet intere      by   during a thunderstorm.  .  Congressional  investj the  CIA  chief gave- no
Kremlin policy to remove  dende of the cause   c4ertain   memb         est-  - Another involves the gators, who have  asked  hint of the Kremlin's as-
from  public office by as- death.,   .          - ern goverhnte      Sin e use  of a  pistol which  that the name  o! thir sassination policy.
sassination Western offi-   While.this deadly 'wva  times arrangi      the  projects a poison gas in  committee be withhed      (CONTINVED ON 8-3).

         Documents      '     oWt  bY*       tratilu 1
                            'officilils to   r. -John ~~
        O~hE U..     ttqIU  McCormac~          next -l
  Ience  experts, Very du.  I  tie  to s ,res
  bious of Russla's co-ox-  dent Johnso
  ustence line, :stress that  W.h1 I1le       fjoIaln r
  the - Wa rr ea Commis-    warned  Spe        oC
  slon's findings migh't .manadk, a de a
A:;..have been different dl Commnist          as
  this CIA  'estimate and   the list eof       1i-
      ed documents   sup.     als feared by the Krem
  /pressed by the 'State -Do-' Nin' no CI& authority
     m      ad 'been avail- !has shown the No. mn
 able for study.                      h'o
    hey    olnt *g         da  government  the CIA
      dn          t        TPort   listing Ithese -
  The .S t at a '.Depaz'tmett                   10.rt$v~tass r
  -supresseI d  nc  Vgq   .Anth  a        a
  Iig 'Oswald with otno *I' Indtad;ECee
  remployes,          ro *c lared                 (oe rpo
        corin t scuit, l1s, only recently fromn  on-
  presented strong. Pro-'., gressional probers who.,                        IA


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