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104-10232-10018 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (10/20/1961)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch17776 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                                        r n

                                                             X~ October 1961


           SUbJLk'la Potinfg  wth  Dr.  liro In how lark City on
                     October  16, 1%.,l

                 The roetim-' vJth Lir, tlro on October 16 wh   rontnvnetl fran MOO0
           unt'l Duch tbe   as his Pitdi,,nro tojzlinut'd wMt Carim1  Sa'olran.   mie
 *        arrived  ;;t r-y roor. rat 0>but JN;50), Hu. declared thxat the Cardinitl had
          warA wisin hw leaurned the detuild or  tfie otifring or  uhe cuhnna at the
          hitryls of Castro; eec1lared that te Archblittop of  lar.  un't   doing
          *not~h  for Lte Cufr~n re14ztaeaI th-t the U.S. wanimt Jolrvt eawu,-h fr
          then;  that Castro runt  bo overthr-jvn, I Iro tole t~o Cardinvil thsat in
          all  Latin Arrlm ther-,   vore  oi     to La or,:nrirod acts of uyp'ithy
          for  Moo Cultan :iufferaira. 1ho Cardinal said bw ioulki stay as ),:Ass or
          tjuw on October  1'?7. Heimvi I Ira to wce InJzA any tire

                Piro  aiutwored vy query as to the Looenia fMrs by 3tating that
          It waa very  succe~atfa1; 2,1!(O ooonle were insid e hn  uditnrlr  and
          another  1,000 ;*o  .e outaida; that Lcrta   had re   v;I  t muoh applauae,

                The  inte'r-Agerloan Press Assocliti-rn Af.tr.  also had given an
          opaortifty   to proaent the Cubun  tru~ey.   Hie auLIJ that I.e (1'iro) had
          tol-t how Fidel had  ot  31 people  In Septe,.ber alone, and otUter oettAlls;
          had described  how Ccunim~ vas   gaining  froum1 day  by day; Uvit In
          Cuaba they )%ave Inst-alled a powerful ratdiot station brc~rdcistt*g to Laitin
          Ararlcal that  ton countries have hro.ken wiith Cubeti, tLut Argentina has
6 not; that everybody is onfused.

                Be Informed  :e that as for the doctoonts  relating  to the Cuban
         plote  in Argontina,, the Arg~entine rililar  rer. cae to  talk to Varans,
         and  he gave them  sca' driiiants that have  no ino:-tane,   The  officers
         told  Vtrona textuailly 40de h.ve no ronfidence In the Arizentine Foreign
         Oftioe,   nev.'rtheieasit when they arrived there, they tuzrned aver the
         docutwents to the  lvoreirn Office. P~ut these docuxxints had no Itttortance,
         tbe   vere rerely  to '.a.onrwtnt thn# there )id  Iven an extradition  of
         dr~mimnta,  anth that they were ortinals.   The  It rortant tiocurente care
         held by  Verona in 10i.axl,

               Miro  said they also  visuavlized another ftct vnvolving Lacerda in
         ftatnii but Lhutt is at  iniatra Lie buigat r2 aly  dloes not -rovide for
         prop.:i-'nrda activitie: (such a3 the Cti:rert SLV &nd Lacorda affairs).  I
         countered  tha~t it was c.unaldered thAt film budbut %as sufficient for hiW
         to ccdact swe proa~antla activiticeo obviotisly niothizW on s:.major
         scale  - but  scrie thi~gs,

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