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104-10054-10101 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (10/21/1964)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch07842 and id is 1 raw text is: 14-10054-10101



Washington .

WVi t hbel cVjitonte iap~


nissal of such* persons liquid .
m public office, at oth- form. The
times even having 'within   sec
m ' 'eliminated' physt- autopsy wC
y.                    its use. .'
Such   activities are - poisons hal
wn  to be undertaken  ed which d
inst other  types of  fect until
sons in the West,' not- .after being
y defectors from the- thus allowi.
.S.R. and from other  to be far f:
ntries of the Soviet...when his v
      e.  - '.A. k n o
One recently reported source has
issijiation technique Is  pneumatica.
electrocute an Individ- poison Ice
by luring him     to  which leav,
a  telephone, connect- pr other ev
to a high-volt3ge wire, .cause oi de
ing a thunderstorm.     Congressi
Another involves the  gators, whc
  of a  pistol which  that the n
jects a poison gas in committee

B By ROBERT   S. ALLE     cals who actively oppose on has yet to  be used  dis
   And  PAUL   SCOTT     *Soviet policies.         against any high West-  fro
                            Titled Soviet Strategic ern official, hundreds of  er
   WASHINGTON,   Oct. 20. Executive  Action, the  KGB  agents covertly op. the
-The   C e n t-r a 1 Intelli- suppressed  C I A  docu- erating outside of Russia  call
gence  Agency   withheld  nment went into the shock-. have been supplied with 
vital . intelligence infor- Ing details of how agents this p o c k e t-size, gun, kno
ination from the Warren   of KGB, the Soviet secret a wa it in g only orders aga
-Commission during its in- police, are trained to do from Moscow to use it. per
vestigation of the assas- away with Western lead-   The  Murder Weapons    abl
sination. of Presi  dent  ers, including officials in HIGHLIGHTS  of the   U.S
Kennedy.  ,               the U. S., and to make   suppressed I n t elligence cou
  Despite  t h e commis-  their deaths appear due  estimate, which is locked bloi
  sion's written request for  to  natural causes,  In a security area within 
  all documents that might  One of the KGB's new-  the tightly-guarded CIA, ass
  shed light on the assas. ly devised assassination are as follows:        to
sination, CIA authorities wapins -is -a pnumati-    It has been reported ual
failed. to turn over a na- cally operated poison Ice. that the KGB endeavors use
tional  intelligence esti- 'atomizer,'- which leaves . to remove-the-threat to  ed
mate  warning  that it is no wound,  or other exi- Soviet interests posed? by  dur
Kremlin policy to remove  dence of the e a as e of- certain-members of West- . 
from  public office by as- death.    .    ;.-  -  ern governments,. so ln e- use
. sassination Western offi- . . While.this deadly weap. times-. arranging forrthe  pro

                                         u.&officiab. to Se
                                                ~D~MCC          oi=ack
                                        PVm*, *ry d ,_Ahine
                           datence -ine..stres rt                   offi
                                                        sos iigeaker  lcor-
                                                  h be    .a   edicated anti
                           his:.                         mrnist, that he ison
                                                     he list of Westen       -
                                              Sup- als   feared by- the Krem-
                                              State e. hno CIA authort
                           b         ado ' n avail     sshn   the.No. 2 man .
                              ab Or stod7 -*.          goverm,     th    I
                            ,Thy ,        ut comat   ePort  vlisting these le-
                          the  s t a t Deartmet    acret tSovlet   s   p
                          GuPpressed ftvid~ie link.:: -method&.
                          ofg Oiald'wth on  of a   .p tenstdad DecoTmac
                            aremp n ehae        Osarned bout the report
                          cording to secr-ity. fies, only recently fro T eon-..
                          presented   strong. pro-  gressional probers who
                          Soviet views  on .,every      .are tryino ton-deterne
                          qtzestion that caine -up  why  the'documient -ba
                          -Inf the DeLp-artment's   'been Suppressed..   .-
                          U.S.S.x cory   -comit. .Tihe investigators   aso
                          te-e V21ie le  was3 ',   are .trytmg to deternme  .
                          member.A:w~Th                      I   l its pro
                          This   State Deartment   -asssnto  8  eott
                          ofial'S name  -2190 ap.  the State Depatment  on
                          p eared In the  address   Osad's  ti   to Mexico
                          book Of a suspected -So- Ctgave detail   only Of
                          Viet ageut who  arrived .thedefedois  visit 'to the
                          In the U.S. In 1943, -c eusa mbassy and not.
                          cording to - .goverument the 'Cuban embassy. The
                          files. CIA -did not report the
                          Congr11essIlona1 .lnvesti. latter visit until after
                          gatorSralso have been Kennedy's. assazsinatioll.'
                          sbocked to 4iacwer that  in Dallas.        ... --.j


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        *            L.C,



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