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104-10162-10176 JFK Assassination Records Archives 1 (12/22/1959)

handle is hein.jfk/jfkarch00044 and id is 1 raw text is: 104-10162-10176

Released uinder the John F. Kennedy Assassination
          Records Collection Act of 1992
               (44 USC 2107 Note)
               NW  53295  6/15/17

To      s Chief, Security Support Division

Datesi 22 Decamber 1IM

A=~ I ftilip !I))ffs lU3

FRCK   i  interrozatian Research Div1isan


     subject at T.--z repdat is a singU twenty-a m-year-old Cuban
defector from Fidel C.Ms reolu1Itionary or;-aaLzatiou.   Saject's
trus nine is First Lleutmamt  ___________. SUi3ject was
oorn 29 Januax7 1.-32 in Mmm~, Cana,uey, Oaza. In 1ioveaber ]1)-9 Sub-
Ject became diszfected  wiii hCAS Ja3' a overrneit £xmi went into hiding
in Cuba.  Zventally  th      a clandestine (i.b. c,-ntrolle o:e-rator in

planned to publish a letter~ attacdng CA67?22 pub22.clj but th-e ataztion
persu&d8d Subject. to postp~one pt~blishing th d s iet,.er until he was ex-
filtrated to the United States.  Tbe plan waz to send Subject to
  Pfi-co where his lettw w~ilxi be pu!31ishod so tiat the United State
could niot be hell rwozs~le   for Lhe a'ction. I-, was planr.ei to use
Subj¶ect in Urds one F? eff ort vitlit axW other eaploynf-nt of~ Swoject.

     1.r T-Alip  n~ET  '14, contacted the exazimnc throu :h LD lial.on.
I conCc was a£r?.zped an 17 Decmber betwieen the exa-0-ner, ToXatfI,
Ghb'ef/Th-), Chief, Covert Operationsli'.D, andi a resentati-ve of S.&D/C6.
    D=-- ths- enlme it -. established that th~e polygraph iterview
of Su,3eoct  st ae acco=li!hod  by 13 Dcmer sla-ee   Subject *ras to
leave  far Peric-3 by- the 18th or at e late~t L~th of Dec-er.  S  u-
ject  had juxst c~m out of~ hidiFr. on tie 16th of Decrbr and speed
was  necessary -,a rreJeflt ccanectimi, the United States -.ith Swject's
case.  The Office of Sec~aity had no izirrratim  In its files on
Su::3ect and v;H had onlf sparse ILnforieatioz contained m!ostl. in cao1ea.
S1!o.5ect reporW.1t; spokce -only Spanish aad an interpreter was otained.
A   It developed, hoeer,  S-mject'la &-n-lish was --od enough for the
interview with  ani occasicnal refernce to the Interpreter.

      2.  The ex-miiner and th'e interpreter arranced pa~sa-e to MfLa-At
 vher, .Subject was located a.A arrived t~imre t evenin;g of 17 Decerber.
 ho c->euaet with Sw~ject iwas poasboe until this af tcxn*c of 13 Decemoer.
 Subject was Interra  ted ami pol . aphed on' 15 La-cemer fron2 1330 to
 2Ih)O at which tlne an lntcraisniaf was DUceBsarY for Sw~ject~ Lo in-
 quire a~out his Mexican visa. Interiewin.IL wgan resczaed at 1,-30 and
 ended at 1800 f 3r dimner. 7he Intorieii was rccomnced  at 2C030 andl
 va. conp1oted all 2230.

      3-  It, Was nWeeoazT to decarief Subject sinc. there was little
 or no I for at.&  a-iiaolg.

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