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FPCD-78-58 1 (1978-07-10)

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06556 - fB19469621

The cederal Bureau of InvastilatioL Neids Eetrer Bepresectation
of womer and Minorities. FPCD-78-58; E-178929. July 10, 18.
Release(d July 12, 1978. 30 pp. + 6 ap;endices (14 pj.).

report to iep. Don Edwards, Chairman, house Committee on the
Judiciary: Civil and Constitutional fights Sutccoaittee; by
Elmer a. Staats, Ccptrcller General.

Issue Area: Personnel Management and Ccmpensation: Equal
     Employment OpportuLity (302); tcn-iscriminaticm and Equal
     upportunity Programs: Employment [iscrimination in tte
     Federal Sector (100%4).
 Contact: Federal Personnel and Compensation Div.
 Budqet Function: General Government: Central Personnel
     Manaqement (805) .
 O-qanization Concerned: Department oi Justice; Civil Service
     Commission; Federal Bureau of Investigaticn.
 Qonqressianal Relevance: House Committee cn the Judiciary: Civil
    and Constitutional Rights Subcommittee; House Ccamittee on
    Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Ccomittee on the
    Judiciary. Rep. Von Edwards.
 Authority: Equal Explcyment Opportunity Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-261
     ; 86 Stat. 103; 2 U.S.C. 2000e). Fair labcr Standards
     Amendments of 1974 (P.L. 93-259; 88 Stat. 55; 29 U.S.C.
     633a). Civil Rights Act of 1964, title VII. Age
     Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended. 28
     U.S.C. 53o. Executive Crder 11478. =5 C.F.R. 113. OMB
     Circular A-11. F.P.M. Letter 713-35. FE.N. iLtter 713-40.

         The Civil Service Commission (CSC; has the authority to
enforce equal emplcyment opportunity (FEC) and nondiscritinatiCn
in the Federal Government until a recrqani2aticn plan which will
transfer enforcement authority to the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission goes into effect. The Federal Bureau of
investiqation's (FBI's) EEO program is part of its overall
centralizod personnel management system and receives guidance
from its office of Equal Employment Cipcturity Affairs.
findinqs/Conclusions: In spite of efforts to equdlize the job
Jistrioutiun amonq the work force, ronminCrity Wdles ccvtinue to
dominate ney professional cccupdticns at the FKi. Mi-orities ana
womeu are disproportionately represented in occupaticas cther
than that of special aqent and at lcer grade levels.
improvements are needed in the selection piccess, prcgras
administration, develonment of EEC plans, and ccmplaint
couselnq. Recommenaitions: The Attcrney General should
require the Director ot the FBI to: mcnitcr the selccticE
process reiatiLq to waiver of qualificaticn requirements,
written examinations, and tackground investigations; locate the
aiscrimination complaint system outside of majcr cperatirg
divisions and offices; provide for scre permanent staffing of
the Z.LU officer position; periodically evaluate the EEO jrcgram

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