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1 The Hangman 1 (1845)

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             -V0R',THXRTEEN-Z       6
  CH1ARLES'SPEAR; E ditor and: PIopritr..

  J. M. SPE AR, Correspon      g Editor.                 7


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                                                                             H   A.AMorse, Ilolliston,.Ms.  :
                                                                             SFord, Northlibin'tO, Mass.                     -
                                                                             Edmund.Shaw, East                    
                                                                             Dr. 0... Martin, .ttleboro Vermont
                                                                             Rev. Wm. N. Barbkr, Dzhnrnerston;'-     :
                                                                             . Wi. D. Croeket Dover, N  .'
                                                                             Wm. Boynton, Nzw Ipswich,     
                                                                             Rev. Edwin Dayis, Marlboro'             -, ,'/
                                                                             Daniel 'Marsh, Nasha
                                                                             G, W. F. Emerson,'Pap.             rlzis Village, N. II
                                                                             N%1. . W righti,'14aihin:Ui6il N .H!.   ' .
                                                                             R6v. T. Barron, Winchester,      
                                                                             Rev. Josiah Marvin, Wesphorland; :N.'. '..-
                                                                             Edward Wbb;-Keene, N. 11.     -
                                                                             J C. Peck, Bridgeport, :Con.
                                                                        f.Luther -Boutell, Groton, Mass.
                                                                             William Adams, Pawtucket,  ,R. .
                                                                             J. Church, 4oringfield, Mass..,-
                                                                          :'D. S.' Grandin, Brunswick, Me.
                                                                             A. Souli Bath, Me.    ..
                                                                             Rihard C,; French,, Fall Biver, ,fass.
                                                                             .isaac Austin, Nantncket.
                                                                             W. S. Wilder, Fitchuntrg, Mass.                          .


    olumie I.                                          BOSTON,               WEDNE.SDAY, J ANUA.RY,                                                 1, 1845.:                                             N1nir1.

LtAlu ulIIIU X(UitJw 0

     WYe have concluded to assign a portion of'our papei
   to fhie advocates for the gallows. And we commene
   by an extract from Rev. Geo. B. Cheever, of, N York
   who certainly now should have the honor of beiu
   the great champioui of Capital punishment in this coun
   try.  Speaking of the Covenant giyen to Noah, li
   says -                                   -
   A '1'h h tnd that drew the rainbow ovir the sky, i
   sign. that storms prepare to part, wrote this statut
   il line kno inore to be effaced till time destruction of al
   things, than thic colors of the rainbow to be blotted
   from the sky, while lasts the coustitution of this phys
   ical universe. And as in every conflict of the elenicut
   that lrlight J ll lii ,,OUlS With tti'',i' niiuoil0is. du 1
 .uge, this bow of nuercy, this vision of delightt,-shonld
 span the clouds with the glittering arch, soiult every
 storim of' huiman upassiou, that rises toi lie violence of
 death, this stattte, Its It bow 'f pronisc,'is God's as-'
 surlnci to the Nworhl, against the aarchy of murder.
 There probably'fuecr was al instance of  iurder in
 the Christian world, in whichi mnu did not tiink oh'it
 nor ever Atijstaiico inl theaItluen world, in whic
 the voice of comscience did not cci, its assurance. As
 its stands ilu the Scriptures, it is one of the plaucts imu
 the irianilent of revealed Iruth ; to strike it out ftrom
 its place, aud flront us authority t'or the guidance oh
 lilimlin legislation, wnul'hl ft-lie striking'the comstel-
 .itioui tf thleaciades, or the bright North Star, fr'olmm
 heaven.    A great writer has said, winmlmost profurind
 wisdun, that it is only by celestial obsrva 'tnmis that
 terrcsriial chlarts can be accurately coustructed ; and
 5, it is only by divle light thai conics fromt hse di-
 vitle statutes, that huiuolian legislation can be perfected;
 it is (un huy comparison with these statutes, that the
 mIistakes of' luman prejudice tr igmorancc canl be de-
 tected audl uljusted.  Sure we are, thatoil n the ecai
 o1' nnui passioi, nicither states nor individuals cal be
 sahe, but by charts, mairked ill]idlalhped beueath tile
 light oftliesc en atinelltms.  Its liiht, like thuat of the
 p1htnots,htas travelled' unaltered nud unahated aeross the,
 storns aud chaiiges of thousandIsu iifyears ; and still ii
 shines, and still N\ill it shiie to the end of tIe worhl';
 for as sure ais ve are that a God C f mercy gave this
 compr01ensive element of law to Noah, so sure w   ar
 thutat lie w\ill never sumfli'r it tu he blotted fromi hum a
 statute booiksi by the hifesttulituo uus tamipering of a sin-
 gle geueration.
   W ,e 'lnote the l'olowiutg froin a sermon, emtitled
   C'apital Piuinishi  •t : atdiscourne oce:Lsiocid'by tihe
 inurler ouf the lato Warden if tIe  ats. State Prisuu,
 delivered in tile Meetling ll nise of time first IParish,
 Chiarlcstown,.by William I. l3Jujhlilmgti,l?astor o the
 Chu iu .              ..hi
     hut suppose now    that the hiagistrah ita 'Vcre no
 limuger' o, 'bearti he  swo'dl,' or bear  it  ' ilt Yhiii';'  i  l  ,
 lose lie. were t( baauit tlie eriinal's li/crly oil'
 algaihist your li', and al t'etu 'of equal Value by
 -3Si llg tlhlt i hei kills yu-u he shall lose his lilncrtyL-
 no IUtire';-%-\oulhl you J Ieel sate ? wuldlul you feel ttiat
ju stice W~is diiune )'olut would you not exclaiui, 'Wasit'
h 61u this tlhat I have been suluorting a govermuent by
(bcdict'o, by the lhard-earned fruits of n'lbior, tid
Iy personal services, to be tol by that goverililielit
thlat my e i .is worth no Iore, thuti a f'hul's librty,
arnl1 h(ut iny blood may be sutficietly .-expiated by hhi
imlrisonulenit ?

   -  But you must .take a stronger supposition than .The eveningf before her death i being very much fat- if she understood me. These arc hor woidd as I too]
   this in order to fully understand the scheme of those igd having wodrked late on thatday, as ppearedin them down at ihe tria.
r who would abolish capital punisbmepts. .They •tell udtestimony, I laid myself upon the bed immediately af-  Now take her ownwords, can any believe that
                                           v       t      ter !finished the usual work about -thelhouse without intended from this to ask her to aid meinthe poisoninj
:e thatall punishment should be designed to r'form ihe undressing.  I soon went to sleep, and did-nbt awake of my wife-to murder her-orc'uld she have so iin
       oender; a  that government has no right topunish   until my wife came to the bed and shookine, and said, derstood, nnless we had had previous conversationto
Sexcept so                                                  c to aicomplish thisend.'No kyour- eo   it is time to get to.bed. I up and Lu- goher aht takig her life, which she doent s y
                       g                 xcl~ o s o comlih hs nd Nn ak ou-is   to   t         rose uadsi-aYhraou              ai
                                                         cind a Burbank was standing, if I recollect right, near But she goes on says, she told me she did not under
n- self, how you would feel if this theory were to gain the north cntry door.  As soon as I 'got lip to ulndress stand ine--r.ltat we talked some longer-that I suit
o curroency.? What effect ould it- have upd thlseeu- me, Lucinda Burbank went into ilia buttery, and I Adalino was coming down to eat sugar the next da3
   rity of the good, and the machinations of the bad? -went to bed with my wile. Lucinda.'returned, and -that I should bring ler down myself.-2thmt I thel
   At what price would you value your'life, were it to be either blei'out the light, or carried it out with ler, I said if it could be (lone without violence, votld it bt
                                                          know   not which.                                      any worse than others have donue,,or as some hayt
e the language of the law toaltheevil-disposedaniongst  When Lucinda Burbank lbftthe room, myself and done, or as we intend do-that she could not get thn
  us, Do all the evil you can-commit what crimes you wifeand babe o vre in/bed.  Whether there \as any words precise, but that it was one of these three ex.
d dare, and all the penulty you shall stiller, will becar- conversation between us after we went to bed, I do pressions. _ow I need not, and it might be impropet
   rection for the purp~ose of bringing you to repentance not remember.   I always slept on the front side of to state here the shhject of that conversation.
                                                         the I'Md,, as I day wien Lueinda left the room, and  Suffice it to. say, that she understood me---and at haj
8 and better manners!  Assassinate a most worthy citi- wbhq  I was when I avoket  ie next mormi ir.  I was time would not conseut.  She says further, that she
  Zen, killanaliticoate husband and- tendcr.fiitier ; iil  .,nd  cnt miiiieditely t.o sel.  -     put her hand' . out, and shookher hcad-th at Isai
  and for your atrocious dIced, the comn ity shall'sup-  . ,a1.n not surpri.sed that I (id not awake, whn my  well, that is all, I only thought I would ask 'the
    port youl all the rest of youir life, furnish you with a wifearose anl ,did .the fatal deed.  'lie ns as in lie question to see what you would say.'
                                                         pli it frequently oft tting u1 mlany tines i, the night   Sie then says, that I brought my wife and children
  Seoridirtablc homuse , give you ab n udant and wImulesome f!r the ha be, a'nd s tunis I a woke and  ouetiiis I downi the next day. Now I ask, did she thle next day
  food, py your docter's bills, and by imparting to you   id not,   d      o    fitutl she wouldl tell mc liave amny SUSlieion thatt [ hmd poisoed the sugrrNo
                                                                      miweitil kimowlcdgil and Christtan instruction, imetatuImadthe niornilig al il noerinot
                                                         ufn ol adn ilo ltilenorn anlaughingly chide, fiyrinot lyiu |-hier conduct shews that her-thourhts were as far
  aieu b eteadCh itman   hisrion ,aker Y o u i'e m~,attention to thle babe,            from  t s nii.I never thought of itneither did she
      better and -aIhapplier man ! Ohl !ul,,ckery of justice! niore attntio                                                          thtisbbe.id.. .ake p slae
             -                                              illawoke      ili tli olnin g I. was laying, on thethe'truth .l, that this .conversationi d take place
                 A Ds ER v  ME A5C E-'liC ~~  a  i ~  frontI side o the bed. I turn ed'a itleaimye     -htafrTal made thme proposal to her wvhich I
      iDj-.SPFRATE 3M Als unR.-T'ihepapers Ihave it that                                : '• C1 alit eand lnlyelbo w I~tala  .lied nbf(ethe peropeoltoheae wlitl
  the Rev. Charles Spejar iiteids to pliblish luiii, i the wi. touched tlhe babe. I sploke i toy wihif', anl sai,, Adl-  id , I droppd the subject-afer we both became calm,
  ter, a weekly p.lper to Ile called 'Tihe afigian.' italiie,teringio, answer spoke a'ain, raising myself its preposedby oneofts, Idon't knowwhich,that
  on)ecA doubless will hie to instr c tile l.egislature on C .. o as to look over the babe, not k owin w it i I shotid rng  Adaline atid the children dowin to eat
  ital Punishielt. So every iie lier is to li lirovidel% witl) ie:all, as seio was usually awake Itiire I  as in the sugar-wIlicb I did do.
  a ha(ignma.   We p'edil Iliat Iit flew of thenV will lie muorig, an(I ahvays Woke very easy.  IH:ring tno  She knew whal trewcrc inlending to i , and  whetlcr
  plekasedt with their coniuiny, and if tl e fi'einils of ti it aiiswer, atuldili nig she a'as not in 6ed, I threw miy it would be aty worse for us to go furthcrat that litme
  lmeisire shlli roect w th  success  enou gh  to  sae  theu  .let' ffte t   l it eiiulg to into et il),  t i  ki  g  she]' fll  and  do more  or  not, if it  couldl be done  with safety,
  frin hanging themnselves, it is all ought to Ile expected.-t of t10-hi                                                                   v
  fo listo leI?     I                          e   i   e  gole out ni ti e il bm    hut ii looking about-l and without e\posure this wa all she feared.
        The fuui t11o iliglis the digiifie Citor n t a ry 'of. the Ilit- saw her heada at . the fot of tile-hed.' 1 sprang in-  This is thie trle explanation of the circum,,stances,
                                      h l i ii   i n a of h In  sat ill)  a fid  ra n r tound  t)  tle  fiot  of'  the  bed,  and  fromn  which  the  jury  u -er, -asked,  a  ii i S I I munderstod,
  tidel 1oston Investigator o i the a!inhu apnragrah amid Iiscovered ieher hanging to hle bud post by a hand- 'id conmldiile, that I was prelaring,and intending to
  Ifron the pious Recorder.                                                                                    mix poisemwih the sugar, to niurder ny wife.,0
    'lme Ilangman' will, in our opinion, contain a fund       feeist .hatIwin                                   m     is'wth s/   ti       Ie  ttis cionnmstaneel ut
  oh iteservedt satire ni the lp~eiuiees *of thfat porlin if oi r  My feelings at. tha Inomnt I \\ill tn t attenipt to  It i~lsn \,'l ~  te iuar 'tu d emyw/. .
                           op'descib-iii' t houiglit, as I observed to sime one at it is necessary that it should be understood.
  r e p re s e n t a tiv e s ,  w h o   re fu s e  t o  t ie g o v e r n ed   l i l  n y   p r im lc i -   i l l o s i a m a b o u t io n e  I nst a n  e ,  b t o
  ph' but that of the ol Iulrblirous Mosaic law, such as1 ' an  m.e flew like lighuhimj. I nteithier fie lt nor actl  A iid now, sir, alit abot done. I stan lnt here to
  y ifr a1 a  eye,' &c., which IJelsu Clhrlist aolishei. Th  roltll) l s i othera (i ut, under othrr circu nstanees plendliiy innocence. I am too guilty, though my God,
  Nun-lesitanmts are guiIhy of' soin., abs itlies, billt they  uiigit have acted.  1''blt that ittiherIaty aid di-  in ritow \hose hpresbnce I am so shortlyio appear, knows
  are imuch ncrr tie truthha tlf iajori ty of Christilims. tres. sihe haid dustroyed hers-elt; aii II'fit, too-, that tl aii ininnocent of iitirdvr, of' which 'I have been
  The forer ca.Jry out a Iprinciple too ir ; the Chistians \ '5 nII aeeouit if til ! cimrcnistalice bet te en- iyself foud gilty, amdforwhich your hionior is aboutto
  refuse to act lpomi it atogethecr. I iiaCurionus Fact tit and Sarah Ant A)bott, those stories, to'true, wer prenonce the dread sentence of the'Law.
  C ritions shoul libethe gE ts  p~.es.o  h  ~ tu
                         C r s t i t greatest op esot' (the ist imi- trodr1,  ad  I feared  that  suspicin  wouhlbe  aIt tache I have  hut  little  more  to  do  with this  world. The
  guishing moral doctrinis ii' esus Chiist. They have or-.to ntI, ot having  i.her-)t
                                                icla                                                  01CI  Iet sooveory    utflil wf, aee r th w ti      aythi ord. T e
  got te, his Iteachinlgs, anii gomme' ha ci t tie oel It Mosic haw-, thlrgru. it cir -linC i t, 010h liui t   nod  meoybt m..ewatvr.h.ordma.h.ko
  , vhich  sufits  them  better, as  Ibeing  less  rel l ican  ane vl, a  t (f  mm d aey i)il, i
  wemrtc      Nolttu        ~ich n ifitgl tii  i~t  t in hlovii t trua h sim eatelt ity, Imr u ! f;or ; iy say, antd however far in the iutoxicatioi oh passion, I
  Idcoratic.No'ii            letas ie pilit'        utile O w trlmm             a.               .....     . , waudered,. anrught trouble,_and sorrow; and death
                                       I                aniild hun sitittg tibelre t ie fi e. I said to hi m iton ner, is st lear to   t . -My twolittle daugh ters,
  roten  throu gho t. W e  w ilcrim ThiThe      Ia                         o  c  r  '(atih                 ta   a urerdts                                              i  o  e    r s  r  d   r  t
                  •l                                          e &( o .  h e d o    o ncth.n lieet at, allI .llplnan      nd   o
  hur~olhally a good ilnslrllenit br ahoeisfiinghangmuen. m  tuiedI al wd nt back ti the room as so , I couhl,and heart, anl it is my last piayer that tie world will hot
  Joke o' the RecodeI that follows its con ilielims, above Unc'el1oskillsl'lowed ne. Idourot reiemberwfieti- visit upoln their iiinocent beads,.the silsoftheir father.
  rJuioled, is so extreily trite ant ioolishi, that we sioi hIor I ld lill, whit had hm eied or ot, ut prsn 1  i uLL           sohid    ade
        think~p                                                  ne toarev n thnote s f  u h  b ut s h  R e-l ni M .C ounsel w ho  have   LL been  so kind and  be-
   imk that even time reades of'51  a p aer as time ie- I di,\ as  lie  so  testifies.  luit my  aris  aroumnd  her,  fricuded  moe, and deno  all for  i n initheirlpowe'r, I most
   corder would be asia nied of it.                      ad  'aised er up, amd'felt it t hre ere  amy sit s of' ie'lrly th tiI','a id u1iyhhessimig, which I suppse they
                                                        Phife,bit she was cold. I ,vas shocked dmdill paitly wv!I he ardlyreceive,ytaea v wbsiththm, but their sleep
          Reply  I.  W   in, FNComii irIefor. As 1 raiseulIr il, 1 askedhAr. lis .will not be the less sweet, and their rest tile 'ess easy
  ON JINC AS'KIIWill' S ENTEN CE' Ut 1EATIIkiliso take ot'or tuiioose th autlkfirchief, whVich i eecause they have donle lb ie what they could.
    SIIOULD    NOT    It1.l'IIONOUNCED  UPON   IIIM.  ilid,.)y  running his liauoh hI vtcei the hi;: uIllferch iv 'an  I attach  no  lame  to  tie  ourt, they  are lt the  mili-,
           M~~~~~~~y~~ .r ,:           11TZ I~ ~nA t C o nr icch , le \ a s niu(,h a giiat d, as w ell ,s m sIl - w
           IItNOABL                                     'umc                I Iwa h uiuhb Iiiatd as ellasinysef-e istors of' the law. The jury I hper and believe have
    I am asked'if I have anythino to say' w by seniemceIut er  uore asher oh ' el   ,bt exlmtimmeulto 'see it acted conscientiusly, whether their verdict w , or
                                                        Sthern \'ere any signs of lthbumt shte was emilit amd (]uetd .\as not warranied b) 'the testimony'.
 of, death shul nut lie ias ed (;n m.  1 hlbut it- Luen IJurbm It simm ater, calnie du Wit air into time  The Counsel for th  State; I hope, ant trust, did'
 te, amd the less, beig persuded that-A\hatever Ireum
 ight say\ would notcould not sta  h  rmolw      rl. nlmreh
            'ol li, cu .d u             ay th e at'in oO                    i                                  u-. moreth anduty called oi them to do ; it' il the ex-
  Itw\  ]ilt stanlding as I do oiltovr     eg    f  iyouIi                                      )
      ih                   sy                        hT     itirilmitanceif ife Ir\ rio i\ ,t c  of, t  l ilmd I a  lle - Citelme t of the tri:i, they forgot the rightts of the ac-
 g   la .  I  i amml mis Ito omi thu n  ery';Ill ergn   ohlil y ols  Nilaevvi - o' te  ' m  t, tIm  'hurt-   'I   -do t ,io
 grave-out tu i launche'l1 liy an ign1ui:1Pls dith                                                            .'                7,   t      l  , a1deused. andl sumght ratler for 'success than for justice,,
                                                                            atrtstiituriy,' I, ut eilrse, do niot, niiay Cou forgive them, as I do.
 ito  t  ieern al wJut l , *adur j ,  a dtill app er in t  il  t , rlii  h f ri l Ci   ttn I  'anna, iaill  Iu a1w  ii nure  a!bo umit,,orTaeeo u iim  t  t'or  liette t  tha   '  I  mow   hid  yom   all  a lo , ,  a  last  .farew e ll.  A nd .
 who have h  ulnight to duhu wit Imay trial', thie \vihiss,  ''ere is onoici 'eilust :m liewhhahpeared iffithe -I have
                                                                          l~ft~l.nnl'n.u~d           ,  .   ..  thou h I  i~tO nnued aarinist lfeaveu and afyainst
  ife jury, the colmsul, thie (.ourt , adthl IlIe -uluierous evidnile that I i'ih bfore I rhiuti adluihe to, . o -  -uus of hs tiemm wsnctdawy Saviour in tie
  swiei'ilitus uehmo gat hiereUl Ia uumul,1mvi ew,   ' ,1't le(;i ,tll u , i(iGhuatl I  ill (.dhi ref  t/i  I i .o sti '  /  ,,,' e  .  ''Iis  treds, le   awa y ,ya  sinful inl  gene
  swechuit4h  luetil'e t u In thin hii'S t  t t  eui b  I,'a~o.,           .......      ) ta..o0 o,ulialllwed passion, I know tiat ..l dul
                                                        w cahInn,  A lt.   nit estAii (1 l ohIltsoo-- ' ,' lives-tl t his .  bloodi can wash away  all sin- and
 juilge-Ily earthlly ,jimdige armdiallt huosei'whoiuua rtIll. ~- Sra ltnn ummuAbbolut t estifivd' i  thuat summue time lpr-, t hoti l ilt eritiiig his eternal pu nishmnt., I cast
 lit, I       tIlfly I )Cst  ajI,'al- l ani  lNNO NT ofi'i th' v niom t o I ie'T uhiof lly ily *,ifl  ....i   I -  u lu iijustly  mi riti and'ith.. ind.
 murder of iywil -I ilnow to more of it, tlat youal l ,ho  . ...il.t l ilt  slulI)of6re,ny si f upon ,,llri  amid  l,,ry ,    it m'
                                                                I r-     I  if lda short . 'lve.sa t 'o t  i  htnble , broken,  amd p enitent heart, cry in M Y trouble
   I knew mothing ofhny wife's intenttons of goinig to      i13t I      like-L... .e.a......r it.. wa                           freell.
 Mr. A hut 's, as was stated i testiniomy, thIe iurnilmug u, 'S  lu I   .I. .t  .I.   I t d ihai I   1 wal  mit-ILA    F'. COMN
                                                       or, t o du, h be ulink as 1 dilildi, I]Said solned IteW
 oil whiich shie \was |fund dead..                -                      Ibolcig i,',an anted medicinie, and                        WILLIAM F.      CO•    G

Refilm'd thp,

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