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661 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 8 (2015)

handle is hein.cow/anamacp0661 and id is 1 raw text is: Biological
and Racial
The Ideological
Double Helix of

In August 2012, nine months after being arti-
ficially inseminated using a sperm donation
from the Midwest Sperm Bank of Downers
Grove, Illinois, a white Ohio woman named
Jennifer Cramblett gave birth to a racially
mixed and healthy baby girl named Payton.
Despite the triumph, the woman soon filed a
wrongful birth suit in Cook County Circuit
Court, alleging that the sperm bank gave her
sperm vials from an African American donor
instead of a white donor, which in turn caused
personal injuries ... pain, suffering, emotional
distress and other economic and non-economic
losses (Circuit Court 2014, 8). The lawsuit
states that they now live each day with fears,
anxieties and uncertainty about her future and
Payton's future (Circuit Court 2014, 6).
The supposed racial mismatch between par-
ent and child in Cramblett v. Midwest Sperm
Bank reveals the presence of two powerful
belief systems that haunt both the popular
imagination and stalk the scientific landscape:
the notions of biological determinism (that
race is genetically inherited) and racial essen-
tialism (that group-based biology maps to
basic social behaviors). Together, biological
determinism and racial essentialism form the
ideological double helix that intertwines to
shape beliefs about race and inequality and
influence the theoretical approaches, analytic
strategies, and interpretations taken by scholars
W Carson Byrd is an assistant professor of pan-African
studies, associate director of the Center on Racial
Inequality, and affiliate faculti in tl Anne Braden
Institute for Social Justice Researc(h at tLe LUniversity of
Louisville. His research examines race and educational
inequalityi, particularly in relation to black stulents'
experiences in higher education; theoretical and neth-
odological approaches used in the study of racial preju-
dice and racism; and racial health disparities. His work
has appeared in the Du Bois Review, Equity &
Excellence in Education, and Ethnic and Racial
Studies, among other publications.
DOI: 10.1177/0002716215591476

ANNALS, AAPSS, 661, September 2015


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