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638 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 6 (2011)

handle is hein.cow/anamacp0638 and id is 1 raw text is: INTRODUCTION
Making a Case
for Workplace

F ifteen years ago, the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation charted a dramatically new
direction by developing a program of research,
practice, and action to explore the disconnect
between the needs of today's families and the
demands of U.S. workplaces. Allocating more
than a hundred million dollars to this initiative,
the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Workplace,
Work Force and Working Families Program
was established to enhance scholarly, busi-
ness, and public understanding of the chal-
lenges facing today's working families and to
identify how the workplace can be restruc-
tured to meet employees' work-family needs, as
well as employers' performance needs (Alfred
P. Sloan Foundation 2010b). This volume of
Kathleen Christensen, previously a professor of psy-
chology at the Graduate Center, City University o f New
York, founded and directs the Workplace, Work Force
and Working Families Program, as well as the Working
Longer Program, at the Alfred P Sloan Foundation in
New York City. Under her leadership, the foundation in
2002 launched the National Workplace Flexibility
Initiative, a collaborative effort designed to make work-
place flexi bility a compelling national issue and a stand-
ard of the American workplace. The initiative grew out
of a decade of Sloan-supported scholarly research on
work-family issues.
Barbara Schneider is the John A. Hannah Distinguishe(d
Professor in the College of Education and Do)ep>artmnt
of Sociology at Michigan State University. H(er r  esarch
focuses primarily on the social context of families and
schools and their relationship to adolescent devel>op-
ment. She codircted the Center on Parents, Children
and Work at the University o f  Chicago, which resulted
in the book Being Together. Working Apart: Dual-
Career Families and the Work-Life Balance (Cambridge
University Press 2005).
NOTE: We gratefully acknowledge the work of the
Focus on Workplace Flexibility conference committee,
Lois Backon, Ellen Galinsky, Chai Feldblum, and Katie
Corrigan; and the support of the Alfred P Sloan
Foundation, especially the president, Paul Joskow. We
thank Leigh Ann Halas for her help in editing and for-
matting all of the articles and Sarah-Kay McDonald for
her excellent critique.
DOI: 10.1177/0002716211417245

ANNALS, AAPSS, 638, November, 2011


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