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263 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. vii (1949)

handle is hein.cow/anamacp0263 and id is 1 raw text is: FOREWORD
No question arouses more concern or more controversy today than the problem
of the present and prospective role of the Soviet Union in world affairs. The trends
of Soviet development, the bases of Soviet economic and political power, and the
exercise of this power and influence in many parts of the world, are of more direct
concern than ever before to all peoples, including Americans. Before 1941 rela-
tions between America and Russia were sporadic rather than continuous. Since
then, the problem of their co-operation and rivalry has come to dominate most de-
cisions in world politics. Yet it is difficult to form a coherent picture of Soviet
developments and policies.
The statistical picture of the Soviet economy lacks the refinements and orderly
sequence of similar American reporting, and is influenced by important factors
whose effects can only be estimated. The most important directing factor in
Soviet life, the Communist Party and its highest organs of policy, surrounds its
activities with a considerable measure of secrecy. Information about Soviet ac-
tivities is available to outsiders only in the degree judged necessary for the pur-
pose of exerting control or influence. Students of Russian problems rarely have
an opportunity today to visit the Soviet Union.
In spite of these obstacles, American and other scholars are continuing, with
ingenuity and devotion to factual truth, the effort to inform themselves and the
thoughtful public of the trends of Soviet development. Some of the results of this
continuing effort are presented in this volume of THE ANNALS.
Since Soviet development in all fields is infused with a political purpose and is
guided by a centralized authority, it is logical to begin the survey with a review of
recent trends in Soviet popular feeling, in the evolution of the state and law, in the
Communist Party and the ruling ideology, and in the life of the family, the church,
and the various nationalities. The economic bases of Soviet life and policy have
been treated in studies of postwar reconstruction and prospective development, the
position of labor, and the international economic policies of the Soviet Union.
Cultural life and scientific life are guided and planned by the state party and re-
flect or announce changes in emphases within the dominant ideology. This aspect
of Soviet development has been treated in reports on trends in literature and social
sciences, and in some of the fields of mathematical and natural sciences. The final
section of the volume is devoted to a survey of Soviet foreign policy in various
crucial parts of the world and in the United Nations. Because of the limited space,
it has not been possible to include studies of other important aspects of Soviet de-
velopment, for example, the enlargement of known natural resources through ex-
ploration, development of transportation, new trends in the pictorial arts and music,
trends of research in several other fields of science, and trends in the control of
public and party opinion.
The object of this special issue of THE ANNALS is to present a survey of basic
trends in Soviet development since the war. Naturally, frequent reference has
been made to earlier Russian and Soviet origins of these trends. The contribu-
tions assembled in this issue rest, in each case, upon long research in the Russian
field. Each author, needless to add, has been entirely independent in the de-
velopment of his topic and in the presentation of his conclusions.

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