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209 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. xi (1940)

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THIS volume is designed to serve pri-
marily the purpose of a handbook in
current  developments in    marketing.
Each author has striven to answer par-
ticular questions raised in his field with
vigorous economic and social analyses.
If the articles answer for the reader
such questions as: Why?   What is it?
How did it come about? perhaps then
a better understanding may be had in
a field which is young in scientific data
but old as man himself in practice.
While marketing may not have had,
at as early a date, its Frederick W.
Taylors with identical contributions to
those of scientific production manage-
ment, or its Henry Fords with technical
developments of mass straight-line pro-
duction, nonetheless   marketing   has
contributed to economies and social
well-being by permitting mass selling
arrangements in advance of mass pro-
duction through efforts of many indi-
viduals and organizations. No large-
scale producer today enters upon a
production schedule without first antici-
pating his sales program with a well-
conceived market analysis and market-
ing plan; the economies of large-scale
production are possible only through
large-scale distribution; lower prices to
consumers are made possible by inte-
grated activities of producer and mar-
keter. Costs of production may be
lowered only through effective market-
ing distribution; the resultant econo-
mies are due to joint costs of economic
activity, too frequently attributed to
lower production costs and accompany-
ing higher marketing costs. These and
other problems have been ably attacked
by contributors in this issue.
Marketing as a young profession may
be said to have had its origin in those
activities which shifted attitudes of ex-
ecutives from production problems to
sales problems within the lifetime of

the average reader of this volume.
Twenty-five years ago teachers in the
academic field recognized the necessity
for joint action by forming an organiza-
tion to study current problems more in-
tensely. The National Association of
Teachers of Advertising, with subse-
quent changes in name and emphasis of
study, is the predecessor of The Ameri-
can Marketing Association which this
year celebrates its silver anniversary.
With this issue The American Academy
of Political and Social Science closes its
fiftieth consecutive year of publication
of THE ANNALS. Twenty-five or fifty
years hence, it is hoped that the solu-
tions to our social and economic prob-
lems may have proceeded at an ac-
celerated pace because of a better
understanding by all classes of people
today. It is with this viewpoint that
the contributors, drawn from members
of The American Marketing Associa-
tion, present some of the recent events
with interpretations in the field of mar-
Perfect agreement in so young a field
as marketing may not be expected in
this volume. Even in so simple a selec-
tion as the title of the volume, there was
disagreement based upon a fundamen-
tal economic approach to the problem of
distribution and a more technical ap-
proach to the field of marketing. Ter-
minology need not concern the average
reader, however. Common usage has a
way of ultimately fixing the meaning of
words. Interchangeable words may not
always have the nicety of shaded mean-
ings in synonyms, but in this volume
two words express similarity of mean-
Marketing ... Marketing includes those
business  activities  in-
volved in the flow of
goods and services from

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