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1703 Right of Succession to the Kingdom of England... 1703

handle is hein.beal/rsuken0001 and id is 1 raw text is: RIGHT
Kingdom of England,
In Two B 00 K S;
Againft the Sophifins of Parfons the fefuite,
Who affum'd the Counterfeit Name of
D 0 L ,;E M A N;
By which he endeavours to overthrow not only the Rights
of SU CCE SSION             in KINGDOmS, but alfo the
Sacred Authority of K I N G S themfclves.
Written Originally in L A T I N above ico Years fince, by the Eminent-
ly Learned and Judicious Sir THOMAS CRJIG of Riccartoun, the
Celebrated Author of the fas Feudalk, and now athfully Tranflated into
E N G L I S H, with a Large Index of the Contents, and a Pre-
face by the Tranflator, giving an account of the Author and of his Ad-
?lygyuw, &i2 Aopc~*p 7U-7m t3w AeoVu= '   Luk, xix. 34.
Si Genus humanutm & mortalia temnitis arma,
.At fperate duos memores fandi atue neftzndi.
Virgil../Eneidos, lib. j.
London, Printed by M. Bennet, for Dan. Brown without Temple-Bar; Cha,
Brome, at the Gun at the We#I end of St. Paul's Church-Tard; Geo. Sawbridge,
at the 3 Flower de luces in little Britain ; 7. Hartley, in Holborn ; and Geo.
Strahan, at the Golden-Ball over againfi the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill. 1703.

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