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2 First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England, or, a Commentarie upon Littleton 1628

handle is hein.beal/fpot0002 and id is 1 raw text is: Lib.3.
z aTHE
of the firfi part of the In-
fitutes of theL A wE S of

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(E         rete~
font en
teur ma=
nerd, ceitaccauoir,
j~arcenero folonqo f
courfe bet Common
iep', %  rcenero Co=
lonclue cuttomi.Par-
renero folonque te
courfe Del canton lep
(ont Jou Ij6c on fenie
(etae tic certaine tern
reou tenementO en
fee UimpE,ouen taile,
nab dtue foAPt ftie%
et beuie, et WO0 tene=
niento bifcenbont a
to i~tueo,et Ieo ffico
entront en Ieo terreO
ou tenemtnto Uifint

Arceners are of
two forts ( to
wit ) Parce-
ners according to the
courfe of the Com-
mon Law, and Parce-
ners according to the
cuffome.Parceners af-
ter the courfe of the
Common Law are
where a man or wo-
man feifed of cerraine
lands or tenements in
fee fimple or in taile,
hath no ifrue but
daughters & dieth, &
the tenements difcend
to the iflfues,and the
daughters enter into
the lands or tenements

bcoliev, bit of
ctac  fkanbo atib tent
me)utp, anb in 1)iO feconit
broke of Zenurco iubetcbp
the fame 1)aue been; ioirien:
teach bo btuetr0 tit eons~
cerntng both of tbem, do fide,:
titC qualitito of tbeir cfta.
=.3~n itb1at catchtthe vairt' of
taken a¶bap. 3. tEA vane=
lbteo, anb in 5.iat caf o tic
fame map be V3~eucttcb, of a-
!wpbeb. 4. IPoiv a an map
be barrce of bio0 rig1)t foX
ewer, anb in ivb)at cafto t1)o
fame map'be ptcutntcb of aso
u01?beb. f o th)e firt t)c hja=
wing fpo1hen of foie Maltto
beuitb t Isi~eltp of efaeo
into 30ubeutbeb, (t Conbftao.
nail. 31nbeuibcb, into copara
cenarp, iopntenmwcp anb re,
lncp incomnmon. iCopaccc:
Barp into varceiitro b' th1e
com avu



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