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1 Act of Tonnage and Poundage, and Rates of Merchandize 1726

handle is hein.beal/atngpd0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

                  The ACT of

Tonnage and Poundage,

         3ats of *errtant.e,
The   Further  Subfidy;   The  1 and  1 Subfidies;  The  Old Impoft;
   The Additional Impoft ; And all other DUTIES relating to His Majefty's
   Cuftoms, payable upon any Sort of Merchandize IMPORTED or EXPORT ED.
                       Digefted into an Eafie Method,
Whereby   in one View may be found the feveral D U T I E S upon each particular
  Commodity   fpecified in the 0D       ')Bat of Rate, or any other A6 of
  Parliament, and the NETT  DUTIES  Payable thereon at Importation, or to
  be Repaid on Exportation.
                              AS  ALSO
The RU  LES   Annext to the Book of Rates; And the TABLE of Officers FE s
A  Colleiftion of fuch ST'r UTES and part of STATUTES, relating to His Majefty's
     Cuffoms, as paffed fince the At of Tonnage and Poundage iz Car. II.
                            L I K E W ISE,
 An AbridZment of feveral STATUTES now in Force and Ufe, which paffed before
                              the faid Ad.
 Several ACTs and parts of ACTs relating to the Dtutieo on %alt, which were
                      omitted in their proper Places.
                              AS  ALSO
 The PORTS of Great Britain,  the Lawful KEYS in the Port of Lon on: With
   the TA B L E s of Scavage, Package, Balliage, Packers-Porters Duties in the faid
   Port, and the ufual Tares and Draughts.
 Abftraas of the DUTIES on Galt, the D UT I ES of (erile, and 3t1latti DUtiec,
   Drawbacks of Excife and Salt, and Refined Sugar ; Bounty on Exportation of Britb made
   Sail-Cloth, Britijf Manufaaures of Silk, and- Briti/h Corn; and Premium on Naval
   Stores from the Plantations or Scotland 1 and the Duties on Coal, Culm, and Cynders
                    To which is added by way of APPENDIX,
 The feveral A CT S which paffed the laft Seffion relating to the CU S TO M S, with the
   SDnitional 15oot of Eates of 0oo  ant 93reCdatte6   ufuallp Tmpota,
   and not particularly Rated in the Old Book of Rates ; Digefted in the fame Method as the
   faid Old Book, of Rates : With Rules, Orders, and Regulations, Signed by the Right
   Honourable Spencer Compton, Efq; Speaker of the Honourable Houfe of Commons.
                       V         THE
      Several DUTI ES payable upon Rated Drugs Imported after 24 June, 1725
 A LIST  of feveral GOOD S not inferted Alphabetically in the faid Books of Rates: With
                         Direaions where to find them.
                              AS  ALSO
   A C ATA L 0 G U E of the feveral A CT S, when Granted, and how long to Continue.
                               Together with
                   An Alphabetical I N D E X to the Whole.

 LONDON: Printed by JO HN BA SK ET T, Printer to   the King's moft Excel-
   lent Majefty, And by the Affigns of HENRY HILLs deceas'd. M DCC XX11
                        Digitized from Best Copy Available

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