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11 N.H. L. Wkly. 1 (1984-1985)

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Vl. Il, No. 1, Page I
Attorney John B. Ford

Attorney John B. Ford, 68, of Salem
died June 16 at Memorial Hospital, Nashua,
after a long illness.  fie was a practicing
attorney in the town of Salem for 34 years.
Ford was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts
and graduated from Lawrence High School in
1932. le graduated from Harvard College in
1936 and received his law degree from
Harvard Law School in 1940.
The Navy veteran of World War II served as
assistant to the president of Northeast Airlines
for several years. Later, he was the secretary-
treasurer of the National Federation of
Shipping in Washington, D.C.
In  1950, he entered private practice
in Salem. From 1962-64, he served on the
Salem School Board and at a later time, was
a member of the Salem Planning Commission.

Included among the family are a son,
Lincoln, who is a doctor in Chicago; a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Pamela Murphy of Salem; four
brothers, attorney Edmond Ford of Texas,
attorney William Ford of New York, attorney
Paul Ford of Massachusetts, and Robert Ford
of North Carolina; seven grandchildren, and
several nieces and nephews.
In remembrance of the deceased members
of the Bar, the New Hampshire Bar Associ-
ation's Board of Governors makes a contri-
bution to the New Hampshire Bar Founda-
lion. Others wishing to make memorial gifts
may send them to the Foundation at 18
Centre Street, Concord, 03301. The Founda-
tion will notify the family upon receipt of
each gift.

Thirty-two Attorneys, Judges to Preside
Over Bar's Trial Advocacy Course

A number of prominent New Hampshire
attorneys and judges will comprise the faculty
of the Bar's fifth annual Trial Advocacy
course scheduled for August 15 through 18
and the 25th at the Franklin Pierce Law
Center in Concord.
Among the 32 member foculty are William
E. Brennan, Claudia C. Damon, James J.
Kailed, John A. Macoul, Martha R. Crocker,
Dort S. Bigg, Dennis Pizzimenti, Hon. William
F. Batchelder, David Wolowitz, David A.
Garfunkel, Robert A. Shaines, Patricia McKee,
Donald J. Perrault, John T. Broderick, Jr.,
Stephen E. Merrill, Robert L. Chiesa, James C.
Wheat, Philip R. Waystack, Jr., W. Wright
Danenbarger,  Bruce   E.   Kenna,  Paul

Barbadoro, Paul H. Lawrence, Roger B.
Phillips, Richard B. McNamara, Martha V.O.
Gordon, David L. Nixon, Michael P. Hall,
Carol L. Hess, Edward M. Kaplan, James R.
Muirhead, lon. Robert I. Temple, and James
M. Reams.
According to   program  co-chairs Bjorn
R. Lange and Steven M. Gordon, this course
will be a complete departure from the cus-
tomary  lectures and   discussions  format.
It is designed to teach advocacy skills through
an intensive learning-by-doing approach. Each
student will perform daily in the rule of
criminal or civil trial counsel, delivering


page 2

July 10 Hearing
Petition for Rule Providing for
Appeals by State in Criminal Cases
A hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. on     Any lawyer wishing to be heard or
July 10, 1984, on the Attorney General's should file a written request with the Cler]
petition for a rule providing for certain  the Supreme Court on or before July 6, 1-
appeals by the State in criminal cases. The
proposed rule, and an invitation to file written  June 25, 1984
comments by June 15, 1984, was printed in
Law Weekely on May 23, 1984 (10 NHLW                           Ralph H. Wood, CI
617,618).                                              New Hampshire oupreme C(

k of

Domestic Relations
Mediation Special
The New Hampshire Bar Association's
Special Subcommittee on Domestic Rela-
tions Mediation is pleased to announce a
discussion on Court Mediation of Domes-
tic Matters in Maine: A Blueprint for New
Hampshire? It will be presented by
Lincoln Clark, Administrator for the State
of Maine's Court Mediation Service on
Friday, July 13 at 2 p.m. in the Jury
Assembly   Room, Merrimack    County
Superior Court Building, Concord, New
Hampshire. All interested persons, includ-
ing attorneys, court personnel and the
general public, are encouraged to attend
and participate.
Independence Day
In observance of Independence Day, the
New Hampshire Bar Center will be closed
on July 4.
   Morning Mail                 2
* Petition to be
Filed                        2
   Courts Corner
- Administrative
 Pro Bono Notes                 4
* 'Round & About                 5
 Con-Con                        6
* Supreme Court
Summaries                    8


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